AIT Laboratories

Only a fool will sign it. It is pure bullying, and who wouldn't expect this from SL. He can't make decisions to keep clients or his sales force, so it's time for him to do the only things he is good at lying, bullying, and firing. The competition is well aware of what's going on, and this is only going to fuel the end.

Classic AIT would be firing the reps who do not sign, then be shocked the clients they covered left. Its been going on for over a year now and they can't seem to figure out 10 billion other labs are asking for the business. And.... its probably close up shop if "one of a few reps" does not sign the new agreement.

Classic AIT would be firing the reps who do not sign, then be shocked the clients they covered left. Its been going on for over a year now and they can't seem to figure out 10 billion other labs are asking for the business. And.... its probably close up shop if "one of a few reps" does not sign the new agreement.

What's in the new agreement?