AIT Laboratories

So let me get this straight....we've lost almost all of our top 15 accounts. Recently big accounts in MA, TX (Austin), and Alabama (last week) yet we are still meeting goal?? SL is one full of sh** vp! I've never heard someone lie as much as he does--can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth. This company can not survive with the amount of samples coming in.....

100% to goal.....that's fluff. what is our revenue? What is our sample volume? Funny he won't share any of that information.

Run folks run.

SL is Full of Sh*^ ! All him and MN care about is making the company look good on paper to sell. If they are telling you otherwise they are lying to you. It's that simple. They have become a regional lab and that is it. From what I understand they can't even keep clients in their region, so one would assume they won't be around much longer.

SL is a terrible VP. he only gives a crap about himself. The RSM's are terrible and they are all brainwashed with SL's BS. Seriously, how else would the Northeast RSM be there? I feel bad for all the leftover employee's there, especially BC.....

If BC wasn't brainwashed, he would be long gone. SL has been caught recording calls, threatening employees, threatening doctors, and no one will say anything. When I find a job, I will let it be known in HR. Until then I have to keep my mouth shut because I need the money. The only downfall is that HR is brainwashed by him too. This is the worst excuse for leadership I have ever seen. What used to be a great company has been ruined by huge egos like SL, TS, ED, BC...yes even BC for you BC lover.
I don't understand how MN hasn't fired SL yet. Losing all of those large accounts is on him. Maybe should do a poll of why those clients left. Ask the clients not SL. I hate this place.

In one week we go from we need a full effort to... lets lay more people off. Spin Spin Spin. Still we hear nothing about the volume... Spin Spin Spin. The big question is how much volume has AIT lost since last year.... Spin Spin Spin. The big losses... Spin Spin Spin. Leadership not taking responsibility for their decisions...Spin Spin Spin. Unfortunately this is about the hit the rinse cycle.

So he wont actually tell us the "volume problem". Just constant lying and SL can't understand why folks just do not believe him anymore. From what I have heard in the lab the volume is half from when he started his way or the highway. Maybe the board will come to their senses and look at a calendar and put it together.

In one week we go from we need a full effort to... lets lay more people off. Spin Spin Spin. Still we hear nothing about the volume... Spin Spin Spin. The big question is how much volume has AIT lost since last year.... Spin Spin Spin. The big losses... Spin Spin Spin. Leadership not taking responsibility for their decisions...Spin Spin Spin. Unfortunately this is about the hit the rinse cycle.

Volume loss has been enough to lay off people from billing. What does that tell you?

Done in 3-4 months? We've been around since the early 90s. Sure sales staff seems to fold quickly...AIT isn't closing doors...geeze.

The above post is in response to a post made in March. I believe the poster said Ait had 3-4 months. It looks like the original poster was off by 3 or 4 months. Ironic. If you are not actively looking, whether you are sales , admin, or lab, you deserve what is coming to you.

The above post is in response to a post made in March. I believe the poster said Ait had 3-4 months. It looks like the original poster was off by 3 or 4 months. Ironic. If you are not actively looking, whether you are sales , admin, or lab, you deserve what is coming to you.

What, does it look like another few months are left before this thing passes on? How many were let go in the latest round?

There is no responsibility placed on leadership. Its carte blanche for SL and his circle. The end is near and it might take them 6 more months after the fact to figure it out.

AIT is no longer a national lab. You can't have 21 reps and be anything other than a small regional lab. Good luck with that concept. The end is very near. It's such a shame because if it hadn't been for BB and SL the company may have been able to turn things around. Those two destroyed all chances. Does SL still believe that the AE is not important to a client? He has LOST over half of the clients AIT had prior to his arrival. You know why? He didn't/ still doesn't understand this industry. This industry is ALL about relationships. You disregard that and you disregard the client. No company will survive in this industry with that attitude. The demise of AIT falls on SL's shoulders.

AIT is no longer a national lab. You can't have 21 reps and be anything other than a small regional lab. Good luck with that concept. The end is very near. It's such a shame because if it hadn't been for BB and SL the company may have been able to turn things around. Those two destroyed all chances. Does SL still believe that the AE is not important to a client? He has LOST over half of the clients AIT had prior to his arrival. You know why? He didn't/ still doesn't understand this industry. This industry is ALL about relationships. You disregard that and you disregard the client. No company will survive in this industry with that attitude. The demise of AIT falls on SL's shoulders.

Lets not forget those who put AIT in this position in the first place!

Talk about SL performance....Since he started the monthly sample count has gone from
25,000 to 8,000............Can AIT even make their monthly loan payment?.. NO....
Everyone knows he doesn't have the skills to match his job description.....that's why
they hired him...just a puppet on their strings..... what he has brought to the table are
a few legal issues....Rumor has it....there are 5 active lawsuits now.....

Lets not forget those who put AIT in this position in the first place!

SL, that is very true but even with those bad decisions the volume was still there. Those previously in charge at least understood and appreciated the AE's and their relationships with THEIR accounts. You don't. You have ran off/fired/laid off HOW many AE's in the past 15 months??? Along with those AE's how much volume/clients have left AIT for one of the hundreds of competitors that we face. You just don't get it. The AE's are what hold the accounts to AIT not AIT itself. You NEVER should have been put in charge of a sales force. You are the WORST mangager/VP of Sales. You do not know how to motivate or encourage. You make everything personal and about yourself. The fact that you spend so much time on here and actually had a NATIONAL sales call about Cafe Pharma shows your poor leadership. You are the final nail in AIT's coffin. My only hope is that you find it tough to recover from this disaster.