SL is cleaning house some more. MOST of midwest regions reps are gone now. I think all tenured reps. They also have lowered the lunch budget again as well. Can't wait to find out what SL's new bonus plan will be for 2014. I'm sure he will promise the world and once again no one will make a cent. I'm wondering when the board and CEO will realize that the problem isn't the field sales reps, but it's the executive management.
SL will devise some stupid scheme to make absolutely sure no one (other than himself) ever earns anything above base salary. I would like to know what his bonus for 2013 was, i'm quite sure he got one but did anyone else, it used to be fun working here but we all are uder the microscope, being peered at by the likes of SL and the other inepts in leadership. The upside of all this is that SL only has about abother 6 months before he moves on his next company saving job, he nevers atays anywhere very long, his incompetence eventually cathces up to him. Maybe there will be something left for us after he is gone.