AIT Laboratories

Actually, you're incorrect on so many levels... More specifically, we aren't tracking mileage by cell phone, we're tracking it by the microchip in your neck and have your car bugged.

Incorrect how? Everything mentioned was spot on except for the microchip in the neck piece. This company is a huge tragedy. Used to be such a great place to work. Thanks a lot Doc. Have you been making your 60 million donation payments......hahahaha.

if you take xanax which is a benzo will valium show in test screen also since it is a benzo?? yes it shoul but how can they say it was pos for valium in metabolite when valium was NEVER taken?? a benzo is a benzo regardless it will test pos esp if your on one, so please explain to me how the dr can say your pos for valium and try and kick you out when you only take what you're prescrbed--i think they do what they want and make you a drug addict and then cut you off for bullshit reasons and ruin your life cuz they make you a junkie and drug addict its sad and i would like the dr to take the meds they prescribe for 10 yrs and go cold turkey they couldnt do it they would commit suicide!!! i've been a nurse for 17 yrs i've done plenty of drug screens and i know the prelimenary can bbe different than the final but they dont go by the final and that is mandatory to use the final these dr need some education about drug testing all they know is pos or neg and dont even know what that means or final means they just throw you out--at a charge of $407 for a 15 min visit and you cant ask ?'wtf???? all they care about is the almighty $$$$ you can have seizures, heart attack and die from going off such medication---so can you PLEASE,PLEASE answer my ? about the valium please? now they said he has a hit on their computer and drug test him every month which is fine he doesnt do anything but his meds and never have! i think their tryin to get rid of him and have no way and they wont give us a copy of his tox screen dont we have that rite?i think they gt his urinemixrd up, i know how they do their gabbin and laughin while their doing it and if it kicks out pos in their batch their like " oh hell which one was that out of" so they just pick and that is bullshit they ruin peoples lives their inexpierienced, not educated to it and shouldnt be able to do screens hell i had to go to new york from indiana to learn how to run the machines i bet they diddnt!!!! please give me some answers!!! what panels do you normally use?? and how many times will medicare pay for these screens i think is medicare fraud also

if you take xanax which is a benzo will valium show in test screen also since it is a benzo?? yes it shoul but how can they say it was pos for valium in metabolite when valium was NEVER taken?? a benzo is a benzo regardless it will test pos esp if your on one, so please explain to me how the dr can say your pos for valium and try and kick you out when you only take what you're prescrbed--i think they do what they want and make you a drug addict and then cut you off for bullshit reasons and ruin your life cuz they make you a junkie and drug addict its sad and i would like the dr to take the meds they prescribe for 10 yrs and go cold turkey they couldnt do it they would commit suicide!!! i've been a nurse for 17 yrs i've done plenty of drug screens and i know the prelimenary can bbe different than the final but they dont go by the final and that is mandatory to use the final these dr need some education about drug testing all they know is pos or neg and dont even know what that means or final means they just throw you out--at a charge of $407 for a 15 min visit and you cant ask ?'wtf???? all they care about is the almighty $$$$ you can have seizures, heart attack and die from going off such medication---so can you PLEASE,PLEASE answer my ? about the valium please? now they said he has a hit on their computer and drug test him every month which is fine he doesnt do anything but his meds and never have! i think their tryin to get rid of him and have no way and they wont give us a copy of his tox screen dont we have that rite?i think they gt his urinemixrd up, i know how they do their gabbin and laughin while their doing it and if it kicks out pos in their batch their like " oh hell which one was that out of" so they just pick and that is bullshit they ruin peoples lives their inexpierienced, not educated to it and shouldnt be able to do screens hell i had to go to new york from indiana to learn how to run the machines i bet they diddnt!!!! please give me some answers!!! what panels do you normally use?? and how many times will medicare pay for these screens i think is medicare fraud also
If you an intelligent answer, please try to type intelligently! What is your question?

Valium is diazepam. It will show up in urine as nordiazepam, temazepam and oxazepam metabolites.

Xanax is alprazolam. It will show up in urine as alprazolam and alphahydroxyalprazolam.

A screening device is a presumptive test that functions off of cross reactivity of other substance for a target substance. Both valium and xanax will be detected on a screening device for benzodiazepines, but it will not identify which specific ones are present.

A confirmatory test is used to "confirm" the presence of specific substances and identify - and sometimes quantitate - the specific benzodiazepines present. This is typically mass spectrometry based.

So let me guess, you post something stupid after 10 and go to bed all smiles and smug with your comedic wit. You then log on first thing in the morning to see what everyone thought of your genius comment. Sadly, you have to respond to your own post. I anticipate your position will be filled shortly by a new hire.

So let me guess, you post something stupid after 10 and go to bed all smiles and smug with your comedic wit. You then log on first thing in the morning to see what everyone thought of your genius comment. Sadly, you have to respond to your own post. I anticipate your position will be filled shortly by a new hire.

Oh, I just love the comments from the people drinking Doc's special Kool-Aid. Have you actually seen the job postings that have been unfilled for so long? ANYONE that still works at AIT is in total denial and potential candidates would be stupid to get involved with this company!!!

So let me guess, you post something stupid after 10 and go to bed all smiles and smug with your comedic wit. You then log on first thing in the morning to see what everyone thought of your genius comment. Sadly, you have to respond to your own post. I anticipate your position will be filled shortly by a new hire.

Are you so in denial that you still think AIT is a viable company? Only a complete idiot would sign on to work at AIT. Do yourself a favor and start looking for a job yourself. AIT is bleeding money faster than a hemophiliac in a room full of knives. Good luck with your new hire.

AIT has new executives that could help company turnaround; what do you guys think about SL? I think he lucks follow through or maybe he is just over burden with politics and lack of production from the sales team.

There are no more tenured AE's or RSM's, Skit Lavender can't wait to get rid of everyone that is smarter than he is. I think the janitor is next to get the ax, he knows too much.

Anyone know who the new lab director is? Heard current "Consulting" director wants out. She holds will the Licenses though !!! They Might shut down if not replaced immediately.