AIT Laboratories

AT is current lab director. AIT is currently actively seeking a new lab director for when AT leaves permanently. There is no danger of shutting down due to this.

A tough sell unless they're willing to pay big bucks. Anyone interviewed ? They've good reputation but are definitely on the slide downwards.

Looks like nothing has changed in the nearly 10 years since I worked there! People were always fired on Fridays when we had pitch-ins, we called them Fire-Fridays. Loved the work, but stressful environment.

History is bound to repeat itself. AIT spent money like they had it before and are doing it again. The one common deniminator of this whole cluster *#ck of a company is LACK of MC coverage. Just wait till OBAMACARE hits and all labs will be funnelled through labcor and Quest.

History is bound to repeat itself. AIT spent money like they had it before and are doing it again. The one common deniminator of this whole cluster *#ck of a company is LACK of MC coverage. Just wait till OBAMACARE hits and all labs will be funnelled through labcor and Quest.

AIT is spending money on what?

SL is Still here, we are losing all the good people out in the field, all for what?? So SL can act like he is saving the company, what an absloute joke, going the wrong way for a long time now, it won't get better until SL is long gone, but it is too late now. Looks like MN does not care either, we all need to be looking for other jobs, or to collect unemployment. This once was a good company, too bad.

SL is cleaning house some more. MOST of midwest regions reps are gone now. I think all tenured reps. They also have lowered the lunch budget again as well. Can't wait to find out what SL's new bonus plan will be for 2014. I'm sure he will promise the world and once again no one will make a cent. I'm wondering when the board and CEO will realize that the problem isn't the field sales reps, but it's the executive management.