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ADC Therapeutics

Dear Sales Team :
I would like to get a post meeting culture poll to better understand how everyone is feeling at the moment:

A. Like Bruce Willis when he had the ball gag in his mouth in Pulp fiction.
B. Like The Exxon Valdes Captain when he finished his second drink in his quarters while navigating the sound.
C. Like Christa McAuliffe when she was 1.5 minutes into the launch of the space shuttle Discovery.
D. Like Ron felt like after turning the reigns over to AM
E. I‘m not feeling anything I’m enjoying watching this place burn to the ground while they are paying me a premium!

If you could please send your response directly to Ron would be much appreciated

Have a great day!


Meeting theme song options: Please select one to represent our current feelings toward ADCT
1. I was in the right place but it must have been the wrong time.
2. We gotta get out of this place if its the last thing we ever do
3. I have friends in low places
4. I hate myself for loving you
5. Fat bottomed girls

OK Boomer. Let's do a song from this millenium:

What goes around comes around by JT

My motivation was getting a little stale but now when the dr asks whats new I can say did you see that Zynlonta killed people in the front line and the trial was halted? Thank you ADCT from your local Monjuvi rep

KHS is so far in over her head
Ameet can smile to the street all he wants but LOtis 9 failure was the last straw
Management and their fake smiley get to know you session put bile in my mouth
Thanks for the paying me while I look.


Company is a disaster - they put their trust in a fake nurse in Northeast that wears cowboy hats to interviews and meetings with customers - the HTS’s will be gone in 3 mths.

What a mess this company is...you can't even figure out the field sales structure. Spoke to KHS about the position and wow...what a let down.

Second line managers managing front line managers, who manage only three reps, yet the managers also call on accounts and for good measure the second line managers are going to have accounts to call on as well. So basically everyone is calling on someone.

Yeah makes senses...no wonder no one is interested in that role. Oh and you don't pay well.

What a mess this company is...you can't even figure out the field sales structure. Spoke to KHS about the position and wow...what a let down.

Second line managers managing front line managers, who manage only three reps, yet the managers also call on accounts and for good measure the second line managers are going to have accounts to call on as well. So basically everyone is calling on someone.

Yeah makes senses...no wonder no one is interested in that role. Oh and you don't pay well.

Nice stock price losers ! $1.35

Ameet 2 years in and you really should resign! You have lost about 90% of the companies value, brought in your own underperforming cronies, and kept the most inept department leaders: Human resources! KP and SL should be shown the door.

Exciting times this week!

We will post undewhelming numbers this week. Things will not get better with the LOTIS 9 failure and the Bites gaining traction in the space. We are looking at another restructure and we pronise to be as disrespectful as in April. Thanks for all you do but please remember you have nothing to look forward to here at ADCT.

AM and KHS

Ameet has his two year anniversary at his previous company on LinkedIn. The diots who wished him well are just kissng ass and have no idea he has left. But in two years he has led two companies right into the biotech graveyard. Congrats Ameet! When Ron Squarer calls dont pick up. You will have a hard time getting a job as a rep with your resume.

How many times can they say that revenue in the 18-19 million range per quarter is growing? The finance people really work hard to try to find a positive spin for this bullshit. "5% growth over the same qrt last year"

How many times can they say that revenue in the 18-19 million range per quarter is growing? The finance people really work hard to try to find a positive spin for this bullshit. "5% growth over the same qrt last year"

I believe the next quarterly announcement will be so bad that another reorg will have to take place. The cuts will be deep and widespread as the goal will be to get to the phase 1 readouts. It was fun while it lasted and good luck!

I believe the next quarterly announcement will be so bad that another reorg will have to take place. The cuts will be deep and widespread as the goal will be to get to the phase 1 readouts. It was fun while it lasted and good luck!

Disagree - AM, and K have this under control, and they have never failed. If Z does not succeed it’s your fault as the revamped strategy is brilliant. Oh shit, wait a minute, the strategy has not changed.

Would have left long ago but where else am I going to get 200k base / 55k in bonus, and as an added bonus they paid off my BMW three years in. It’s like looting a Nordstrom in Cali - free money, and no accountability.