ADC Therapeutics

AD jobs went to kiss asses with bad numbers. What a system to motivate.

Managers took the AD roles away from their HTS. The HTS who got AD jobs had bottom feeder numbers. They failed at their job yet got advanced? KHS is looking at display fees and expense reports as the worlds highest paid bookkeeper beacuse her skill set should not have her interacting with people. Ameet consider this your second big failure. Time to go back to being the Manny. Some people need to stay in big pharma. People will lose jobs this week and it wont be the last round of cuts with the BITES coming.

Managers took the AD roles away from their HTS. The HTS who got AD jobs had bottom feeder numbers. They failed at their job yet got advanced? KHS is looking at display fees and expense reports as the worlds highest paid bookkeeper beacuse her skill set should not have her interacting with people. Ameet consider this your second big failure. Time to go back to being the Manny. Some people need to stay in big pharma. People will lose jobs this week and it wont be the last round of cuts with the BITES coming.

This will be a difficult week for many sales colleagues based on the decisions of Novartis people who have brought very little (KHS has created zero value) value so far. If retained never trust these people and look to jump off this Titanic.

Terrible idea. Place is flaming.

Can we move ADCT to the Lost Civilizations forum?. Leadership is incompetent. Zynlonta stuck in 3L forever, BiTES coming, no money to develop the pipeline. It's a slow-moving train headed straight into turd mountain. If they were not paying me 200K a year plus bonus I would leave, instead I am going into MSL mode and doing absolutely nothing from this point forward.

Can we move ADCT to the Lost Civilizations forum?. Leadership is incompetent. Zynlonta stuck in 3L forever, BiTES coming, no money to develop the pipeline. It's a slow-moving train headed straight into turd mountain. If they were not paying me 200K a year plus bonus I would leave, instead I am going into MSL mode and doing absolutely nothing from this point forward.[/QUOT

from your comment above i dont think that you are “all in”

management surprised people didn't take severance. you leave we give you eight weeks. you interview and dont get the job we give you 8 weeks and the 3 weeks of interviews. They were surprised people didnt leave early? who is the chief dumbass: khs or fat slob sl? Too close to call is the answer.

management surprised people didn't take severance. you leave we give you eight weeks. you interview and dont get the job we give you 8 weeks and the 3 weeks of interviews. They were surprised people didnt leave early? who is the chief dumbass: khs or fat slob sl? Too close to call is the answer.

Their lack of business common sense has me really worried. Along with the lack of pipeline and declining cash. and i almost forgot the bi specifics. and the fact that the sales force is in shambles and we will report bad earnings. But other than that its a great time to join!