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ADC Therapeutics

Seriously. Does anyone know what the starting base salary is? Much appreciated.

They are looking to save money so they are hoping to keep it in the 170-180 range. The bonus will suck balls and the company is going to be lucky to make it until the end of next year with a commercial team. Good luck to you

Dear Ameet:

Why do we have KP and SL in human resources? Since we are shedding people I would think we could get by with one or the other. Neither add value so just pick one and push the other out to save money.

Dear Ameet:

Why do we have KP and SL in human resources? Since we are shedding people I would think we could get by with one or the other. Neither add value so just pick one and push the other out to save money.

Dear Ameet:

As I see Morphosys and several other companies post on LinkedIn and Twitter about their data I am wondering why we are not doing the same? No data? A terrible marketing department? Maybe take another look and hold people accountable. You were quick to can sales and HTS's yet every other department gets a free pass? Maybe you should also look in the mirror.

Under my leadership the stock doubled in the last 2 months! Pay no attention that we are at a 1.35 and we will run out of money in 4 quarters so we will cut this time next year. Enjoy this year and good luck with the job hunt.


Under my leadership the stock doubled in the last 2 months! Pay no attention that we are at a 1.35 and we will run out of money in 4 quarters so we will cut this time next year. Enjoy this year and good luck with the job hunt.


1.59 never looked so good! This is how genetech, celgene, and pharmacyclics all started. Nothing but smooth sailing as far as the eye can see.

1.59 never looked so good! This is how genetech, celgene, and pharmacyclics all started. Nothing but smooth sailing as far as the eye can see.

Except for market access. One year after Ameet and KHS start expanding they cut everyone except for their fellow VP? Why have a VP with one report? I'm sure everyone not in Ameet's inner circle sees the need to leave ASAP.

Except for market access. One year after Ameet and KHS start expanding they cut everyone except for their fellow VP? Why have a VP with one report? I'm sure everyone not in Ameet's inner circle sees the need to leave ASAP.

These people are so far in over their head it’s sad. People getting laid off due to their inability to understand the market and the fact the new sales model is another dud from KHS.

They play hardball with salary since they understand that anyone who is willing to take a job with a company that will out of money soon has limited bargaining power. They have also incentivized the wegovy needing HR woman with donuts to hold down salaries.