ADC Therapeutics

Ameet just tell the street we will sell 250 million next year with the KHS innovative sales model. The analysts fresh out of B school that cover us will be impressed and upgrade the stock.

At what point is the board criminally negligent? The stock is below a dollar. They have sat on Candi for over a year when they have no means to move it forward, reducing it's value. HL patients have died while Ameet and the board sit on their hands. This company has shafted patients and shareholders. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

Dear Ameet:

Since you have taken over we have lost over 90% of our share price. This is after the stock had fallen from 40s to 10 so it is not like you took over an inflated share price. Is there ever a point where you will take some responsibility?

The Board, every employee, and all the share holders.

Dear Ameet:

Since you have taken over we have lost over 90% of our share price. This is after the stock had fallen from 40s to 10 so it is not like you took over an inflated share price. Is there ever a point where you will take some responsibility?

The Board, every employee, and all the share holders.

Maybe Ameet or one of his crony followers could make an open market purchase after 3rd q earnings announcement? If things are trending so well it should be easy money when the stock is < a dollar.

Dear Mr Squarer:

You hired Ameet and he lost 90% of the stock value, 50% of the competent employees, 25% of the quarterly revenue when he said it would grow, and the stock is in the process of getting delisted. Bravo Mr Squarer on a wonderful 2023!

Seeing Ameet and his posse crash and burn is one of the great joys in my life after how he treated many of my friends. PS I still work here.

Hard to understand why… We would crash and burn. Makes total sense to disrupt the sales team / customer interaction when you have the Bi-Specifcs launching. Nice work KTB! Anyone worth a shit is going to Syndax as this place is f’ing horrible. Good luck hanging with a rudderless ship. Was so pumped when Ron came on board, but he is the classic example of blind squirrl/empty suit

Signed your entire sales, marketing, and access team

usually when a stock increases in price over 50% in a week that is great news. Under Ameet's leadership it went from .40 to .70 cents. Ron are you going to do something or are you going to rest on your laurels?