ADC Therapeutics

Ameet and KHS a couple months ago you said the changes were done for the year. You hired people knowing you were going to reorg. Now you want everyone to reapply for jobs at a company that offers no reason to trust leadership. F you!!! I will do the bare minimum while getting another job. Then i will wait until you catch me before giving notice so that I can create a separation package. Signed Everyone

Dear Leaders,

Some transparency would have been fucking appreciated. For those of us who have carried the banner from the beginning, this is a real slap in the face. At the very least you could have warned us this was coming so we could prepare and have time to make some decisions. It’s all about how much money you can cart off at the end of the line, and fuck everyone else. Not saying I dislike you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.

Our CEO should have remained a stay-at-home dad, that way his incompetence and buffoonery would have only impacted his immediate family, instead it looks like we are all the beneficiaries of his unique and utterly worthless skills.

internal person here with a warning: decisions are already made. if your numbers are not consistently top quarter percentile and they view you as looking the part to call on academics, you are going to be cleared out. They view very few people as must keep. They want to save on salary. Godspeed for most of you.

internal person here with a warning: decisions are already made. if your numbers are not consistently top quarter percentile and they view you as looking the part to call on academics, you are going to be cleared out. They view very few people as must keep. They want to save on salary. Godspeed for most of you.

Khs is so in over head and Ameet cant see it because he is too. if i lost 80% of my sales i would be fired but they blame the reps. SMH

i know many of you are concerned about the next few weeks. Some people will be laid off. if you keep a job please realize that we will have more layoffs in the next 3-6 months with the Bites eating our lunch. we will also make it a depressing place to work. So whether you stay or go no one will be happy. Have a great weekend!
Ameet and his Novartis castoffs

This place sounds like a dumpster fire. I was contacted by a recruiter. Why are they hiring so many new reps if they are laying off?

everyone has to reinterview to sell a drug with no new data and limited cash in the bank to try to get to phase 1 data. The KHS sales structure is working so well at immunogen she brought it here. Typical manager, reads a book on sales structure and then she is committed to the same shitty concept forever. what an arse