abbott diabetics

Back in 2008 CGM was not popular at ADC. Once Chip left ADC and Heather took over, she saw potential in the Libre CGM concept. So, it was under her leadership the Libre was created. However, as ADC revenue fell she laid of many workers.....
Layoffs were not the fault of Heather. She was directed by Miles to reduce employee count and I know for a fact that she proposed other means to reduce costs. However, the final decision was Miles White. She paid a career price for her advocacy of her employees. Who knows if she was just a yes person, she could have been CEO of Abbott.

Layoffs were not the fault of Heather. She was directed by Miles to reduce employee count and I know for a fact that she proposed other means to reduce costs. However, the final decision was Miles White. She paid a career price for her advocacy of her employees. Who knows if she was just a yes person, she could have been CEO of Abbott.

Well, I liked her. I thought she was a good leader. The current head of ADC screwed many of the workers who helped create the current sucess of ADC. I was somewhat surprised by his behavior because he seemed like a nice guy. But when it helped him move up, he stepped on those who had worked hard for him.

Well, I liked her. I thought she was a good leader. The current head of ADC screwed many of the workers who helped create the current sucess of ADC. I was somewhat surprised by his behavior because he seemed like a nice guy. But when it helped him move up, he stepped on those who had worked hard for him.

Well Heather learned her craft from the master Duncan Williams.

Well, I liked her. I thought she was a good leader. The current head of ADC screwed many of the workers who helped create the current sucess of ADC. I was somewhat surprised by his behavior because he seemed like a nice guy. But when it helped him move up, he stepped on those who had worked hard for him.

Yes Jared comes across as a "nice guy", I met him a few times and he was 'nice' because I delivered huge successes that he got credit for: but you haven't seen him when he gets held accountable by Miles & Ford for failures - he gets ugly fast and readily throws people under the steam roller - he (like most Abbott execs) steps on others to climb the ladder

Yes Jared comes across as a "nice guy", I met him a few times and he was 'nice' because I delivered huge successes that he got credit for: but you haven't seen him when he gets held accountable by Miles & Ford for failures - he gets ugly fast and readily throws people under the steam roller - he (like most Abbott execs) steps on others to climb the ladder

Not just Abbott execs....true of most in power. I just honed my skills, worked hard, saved a lot , and got good stock options at startups. Abbott was just a way station late in my career. Good retire benefits. The young generation understands that there is no honor from employers anymore, that's why they work somewhere for a year or two then move on. Too bad about Jared, I guess the nice guy BS was just a facade.

Not just Abbott execs....true of most in power. I just honed my skills, worked hard, saved a lot , and got good stock options at startups. Abbott was just a way station late in my career. Good retire benefits. The young generation understands that there is no honor from employers anymore, that's why they work somewhere for a year or two then move on. Too bad about Jared, I guess the nice guy BS was just a facade.

honestly anybody who spends more than a few years at ADC is just milking the system on a gravy train ride. The good ones put in their time and move to greener pasture. The others are the problem at ADC. The drain the system and don’t bring any innovation

Not just Abbott execs....true of most in power. I just honed my skills, worked hard, saved a lot , and got good stock options at startups. Abbott was just a way station late in my career. Good retire benefits. The young generation understands that there is no honor from employers anymore, that's why they work somewhere for a year or two then move on. Too bad about Jared, I guess the nice guy BS was just a facade.
Important to note thatJared is a Welshie and he is not English. The Welsh are known to carousers and scalywags. How he was promoted to run ADC is a mystery to everyone. Libre was not his idea but he takes full credit for it.

Important to note thatJared is a Welshie and he is not English. The Welsh are known to carousers and scalywags. How he was promoted to run ADC is a mystery to everyone. Libre was not his idea but he takes full credit for it.

It was not his idea. The CGM team was mostly comprised of Therasense engineers and chemists with a few folks hired after the acquisition. However, he was all onboard for CGM systems development (including Libre) and was a good leader. Abbott was not happy with Therasense management because they had over sold the progress of the Navigator 1. In many ways CGM was a bad word too upper Abbott management. JW was always dealing with this BS from MW and those immediately below him, but JW held firm.

So, once Navigator 2 was done and much progress was made on proving out Glucose On Demand JW disbanded the CGM team and gave the work to his buddy in another group. Thus no more talk about CGM or Navigator.....the politically correct thing to do. He screwed all those who worked on the project. He did not invent Libre but it would not have moved forward without him (or HM). But when it was to his advantage he did not hesitate to screw over those who had done all the real work.

Thoughts on Eversense? Getting bored here.

I don't think Eversense can compete with the FSL3 or the G7. It's invasive and the radio transceiver is much larger than the ADC and DexCom on-body sensors. It will have a place in the market because the sensor lasts a lot longer than the FSL3 and G7.....some patients/doctors may prefer this approach.

It was not his idea. The CGM team was mostly comprised of Therasense engineers and chemists with a few folks hired after the acquisition. However, he was all onboard for CGM systems development (including Libre) and was a good leader. Abbott was not happy with Therasense management because they had over sold the progress of the Navigator 1. In many ways CGM was a bad word too upper Abbott management. JW was always dealing with this BS from MW and those immediately below him, but JW held firm.

So, once Navigator 2 was done and much progress was made on proving out Glucose On Demand JW disbanded the CGM team and gave the work to his buddy in another group. Thus no more talk about CGM or Navigator.....the politically correct thing to do. He screwed all those who worked on the project. He did not invent Libre but it would not have moved forward without him (or HM). But when it was to his advantage he did not hesitate to screw over those who had done all the real work.
Pretty accurate history but really it was Heather that championed and fought for the development of Libre. Wish she would come back.

Pretty accurate history but really it was Heather that championed and fought for the development of Libre. Wish she would come back.

Accurate because I was there and knew many of the R&D employees. Yes, Heather was all in for the Libre product. In July of 2009 she cancelled the Titan project, kicked out the very stupid Dekka pump project (it wasted many millions), and several more. At this point in time Navigator 2 was working and the Glucose on Demand product looked very doable. Heather let both CGM projects to continue forward. Without her leadership ADC would just be another meter division that was sold to an Asian company.

I am still curious why FSL3 is not in general release.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.
None of your beeswax. Mind your own business.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.

The vaccine is required and they test once a week.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.

Looking at the LA DSS job in ADC. First off, is the covid-19 vaccine required, or is it just testing, or none? Also, what is the DSS median (mid-point) base salary, and what is the 100% OTE (On Target Earnings) budgeted at per year? Thanks, serious replies only appreciated.

Pal those are all question for your interview. Good luck.