West just keeps having openings Wonder why? ….
how many?
West just keeps having openings Wonder why? ….
One billon-please share
Not really. You’re just a loser manager on this board getting sensitive. Maybe you’re paranoid.
Management out west is atrocious at best. Leadership is more concerned with hitting metrics than they are about growing the business. But wait, if we hit the metrics we will grow the business.
If I had know leadership at ADC was going to take this turn into pharma micromanagement i would have never applied and I would definitely not accepted the job over 5 years ago. Now, I'm going to keep my pention, let the paychecks hit the bank until I retire doing as little as possible and lying my ass off so that leadership can see I am hitting all my metrics. LMAO!
This place is a horrible place to work.
Ok son calm yourself and there is nobody to blame but yourself that you were placed on a pip.
so you admit to being a loser manager here to see how many people he’s running out of the company? Nice one, everybody’s looking to leave by the way.
You all should just go work for a good tech startup. I worked at laid off from two and made millions on options on the other two. So when I ended up at Abbott I was already financially set...did not have to worry about the bull crap.
why in the world would you go work for Abbott if you were “financially set”???
I can think of thousands of jobs I’d rather do if I didn’t need the money
It was a very good job and I was too young to retire. Once I qualified for the retirement benefits I quit. Those years allowed me to save more which is always good. Abbott was not a bad place...problem is Abbott allows too many Trumpian managers to rule.
You are delusional troll. ADC has always been a bad place to work with under paying its reps and having horrible managers.
Not the person you’re jarring with on here but tell me did you really believe ADC was this great company to come rep at when you signed up?
The openings are because 1) The base pay they offer is much less than an experienced rep can get elsewhere. 2) They can't get out of their own way to make offers. Other companies make offers in a couple weeks vs several months.