Aw come on ADC has great sales leadership.
Point on…
the only thing you missed is the recent crazy micromanagement! I recently left due to the crazy micromanagement in the west!!!
yeppers don’t underestimate dexcom. They at least look out for their reps.
Well, maybe DexCom is better for the sales folks but I question the status of their technology. Libre 2 does most of what the G6 does at 1/3 the cost. The Abbott Libre 3 has been used in Germany and some parts of France for almost a year to work out the bugs and up the production of good sensors. ADC does not want to repeat its mistakes of 2014 and 2015 with low yield crappy sensors. Libre 3 also has EU approval and FDA submission was early 2021. So ADC is at least one year ahead of DexCom in new CGM. Also the chemistry of the Libre sensor is very mature. As a CGM sensor it has been in use for 16 years whereas the G7 sensor is a whole new technology....there will be problems.
Who’s the kindergarten cop?Ah go easy on the kindergarten cop out there.
Who’s the kindergarten cop?
come on man stop being stupid. Lol
Talking about the Libre with docs after a couple of calls becomes mind-numbingly monotonous, and boring..This product does not require in-depth conversations..
How many dss were hired in 2020? How much did that expansion cost Abbott? How much did the recent expansion cost the company. How much in training? How much does it cost the company when a specialty rep does not stay longer than 2 years? This is more than a pharma job and includes account support and management. This is something that cannot be replaced every 1-2 years. This takes more trust and a relationship which requires time.
73% payout is not acceptable. People are already leaving due to this issue…in fact I would say the more talented people will leave faster. There are good paying jobs out there right now…with a good base and bonus and people cannot afford to make less than they did at their last job. Good bye Abbott.
unfortunately ADC low pay has been going on since the very beginning many years ago. Nothing new about that. Most jobs in the industry from consumer sales like meters, device and yes even pharma ALL pay much better than ADC.
why do people stay?
Uh cuz it’s viewed as a Cush job where you can lay low until finding a real sales job.
Uh cuz it’s viewed as a Cush job where you can lay low until finding a real sales job.
100% ADC comp is comparable to a primary care pharma job and that’s sad.Oh stop ya mindless meter maid. ADC pays less than all other forms of healthcare sales. End of story.