abbott diabetics

Very few will get it for $40; most will pay between $60 - $75.

So I wonder what's Abbott's take is on the sensors. If they make and distribute them for about $15 and the pharmacies sell for $60...say $15 profit per sensor for ADC. With 4M users and two sensors per month this works out to $1.44B/yr. Just speculation...but sounds in the ballpark.

There were three hiring waves this year. The last wave was in June. The rep opening you see is for one of the reps who have already left.
The culture is toxic and the management is all new and has no idea what is going on.
ADC chooses your targets and you don’t know who they are until two months into the trimester. The incentive compensation plan is bad. The system for expense reporting is bad.
They force out tons of samples and you are expected to get them out. Be prepared to spend majority of your time pushing samples and being an IT help person.

Why shouldn’t I accept a job here? Was told it’s the best CGM on market.

They expanded their sales force this yr to rep freestyle 2. Half way through the quarter they made reps start selling the 14day, forcing out samples that were about to expire. The 14day can’t compete with dexcom period.

The 2 can but does not have the capability to pair with Omni pod which is a big negative.

Dexcom has the managed care advantage in most areas, Medicaid.

All that aside freestyle could be the best ever but the IC structure is working against you. Bonus is paid 70% target and 30% all HCPs in your geography. ADC gives 160 targets, in 3 months you they give you another target list. If you get a provider writing but the scripts are filled 3 days into the next Q that only goes towards your 30%. With that you are also chasing your tail canceling lunches because they aren’t your target anymore and the office still expects service and IT support from you.
In addition, Medicare and Medicaid is DME. If your target uses a DME that’s not on your list, you only get paid 30%.

They expanded their sales force this yr to rep freestyle 2. Half way through the quarter they made reps start selling the 14day, forcing out samples that were about to expire. The 14day can’t compete with dexcom period.

The 2 can but does not have the capability to pair with Omni pod which is a big negative.

Dexcom has the managed care advantage in most areas, Medicaid.

All that aside freestyle could be the best ever but the IC structure is working against you. Bonus is paid 70% target and 30% all HCPs in your geography. ADC gives 160 targets, in 3 months you they give you another target list. If you get a provider writing but the scripts are filled 3 days into the next Q that only goes towards your 30%. With that you are also chasing your tail canceling lunches because they aren’t your target anymore and the office still expects service and IT support from you.
In addition, Medicare and Medicaid is DME. If your target uses a DME that’s not on your list, you only get paid 30%.

Gee, glad I stayed in R&D. Salary, bonus, options and much less political drama .

They expanded their sales force this yr to rep freestyle 2. Half way through the quarter they made reps start selling the 14day, forcing out samples that were about to expire. The 14day can’t compete with dexcom period.

The 2 can but does not have the capability to pair with Omni pod which is a big negative.

Dexcom has the managed care advantage in most areas, Medicaid.

All that aside freestyle could be the best ever but the IC structure is working against you. Bonus is paid 70% target and 30% all HCPs in your geography. ADC gives 160 targets, in 3 months you they give you another target list. If you get a provider writing but the scripts are filled 3 days into the next Q that only goes towards your 30%. With that you are also chasing your tail canceling lunches because they aren’t your target anymore and the office still expects service and IT support from you.
In addition, Medicare and Medicaid is DME. If your target uses a DME that’s not on your list, you only get paid 30%.

They expanded their sales force this yr to rep freestyle 2. Half way through the quarter they made reps start selling the 14day, forcing out samples that were about to expire. The 14day can’t compete with dexcom period.

The 2 can but does not have the capability to pair with Omni pod which is a big negative.

Dexcom has the managed care advantage in most areas, Medicaid.

All that aside freestyle could be the best ever but the IC structure is working against you. Bonus is paid 70% target and 30% all HCPs in your geography. ADC gives 160 targets, in 3 months you they give you another target list. If you get a provider writing but the scripts are filled 3 days into the next Q that only goes towards your 30%. With that you are also chasing your tail canceling lunches because they aren’t your target anymore and the office still expects service and IT support from you.
In addition, Medicare and Medicaid is DME. If your target uses a DME that’s not on your list, you only get paid 30%.

Point on…

the only thing you missed is the recent crazy micromanagement! I recently left due to the crazy micromanagement in the west!!!

They expanded their sales force this yr to rep freestyle 2. Half way through the quarter they made reps start selling the 14day, forcing out samples that were about to expire. The 14day can’t compete with dexcom period.

The 2 can but does not have the capability to pair with Omni pod which is a big negative.

Dexcom has the managed care advantage in most areas, Medicaid.

All that aside freestyle could be the best ever but the IC structure is working against you. Bonus is paid 70% target and 30% all HCPs in your geography. ADC gives 160 targets, in 3 months you they give you another target list. If you get a provider writing but the scripts are filled 3 days into the next Q that only goes towards your 30%. With that you are also chasing your tail canceling lunches because they aren’t your target anymore and the office still expects service and IT support from you.
In addition, Medicare and Medicaid is DME. If your target uses a DME that’s not on your list, you only get paid 30%.