Pure bullshit.
MT did helped with the Navigator work and some of the Libre feasibility studies ( it was called Project Mercury then renamed Apollo). As I have posted before the trail blazers for Libre came from the Navigator team (Therasense folks). Navigator 2 was Libre's dad. Then the device development group ran with it after all the conceptual work. Again, CGM/Libre was an ADC skunk works project until about 2010 when management realized what they had and turned on the after burners. A true team effort by all involved. So if any individual member of ADC takes credit for "inventing Libre" they are talking crap.
Nevertheless, Marc T got promoted to DVP R & D on the basis of unfairly taking credit for 'inventing Libre' - he is even more unapproachable and crabby and mistreats lower-level employees now that he is an exec