abbott diabetics

Typical behavior of the dishonorable. He does this often enough prospective employees read about it, as on this board, and they will not hire in..

Agreed total ADC loser troll manager posting BS on here. Reality is ADC comp package is at bottom of industry. Reps leave ADC all the time due to being under paid. Save the BS about ADC superior technology. Who gives AF.

Well all this fanfare about ADC superior technology does not mean jack sh.t to anybody. It’s a horse and pony show for executive leadership to use as propaganda to the shareholders to extend their job leases.

Not in cash; Dx gives out more RSUs across the board than ADC; however, there is a catch - Dx fires many employees before their RSUs can fully vest in 3-4 years. That's the Dx-CFO (QB's) way of luring in hig-performers without parting with hard cash.

As a fomer ADC & former Dexcom employee, I can say that Dexcom has a much harder time attracting good employees to join in because Dx's benefits are way below standard (life insurance & 401k match (introduced last year) are very low, no retirement benefits to speak of and, moat concerning, a very high turnover rate all the way up to EVP level. All they can do is keep doling out high RSUs as "golden handcuffs" to high performers - but even so, high perfomers keep running away from Dx after 12-18 months.

As a fomer ADC & former Dexcom employee, I can say that Dexcom has a much harder time attracting good employees to join in because Dx's benefits are way below standard (life insurance & 401k match (introduced last year) are very low, no retirement benefits to speak of and, moat concerning, a very high turnover rate all the way up to EVP level. All they can do is keep doling out high RSUs as "golden handcuffs" to high performers - but even so, high perfomers keep running away from Dx after 12-18 months.

Dexcom is not as bad as Theranos - there are real revenues and profits at Dexcom; just not what is being reproted by QB; numbers are being inflated 3-fold. Also, Dexcom is suing Abbott for IP Theft - but Dexcom is no match for Abbott's corporate legal might

To hear Research VP Marc T tell it 'he ran the team that created Libre' he even paid for a mini-article about himself in Forbes mag in which he claimed he felt humbled by the privilege of creating teh worlds best CGM etc

Pure bullshit.

MT did helped with the Navigator work and some of the Libre feasibility studies ( it was called Project Mercury then renamed Apollo). As I have posted before the trail blazers for Libre came from the Navigator team (Therasense folks). Navigator 2 was Libre's dad. Then the device development group ran with it after all the conceptual work. Again, CGM/Libre was an ADC skunk works project until about 2010 when management realized what they had and turned on the after burners. A true team effort by all involved. So if any individual member of ADC takes credit for "inventing Libre" they are talking crap.

Pure bullshit.

MT did helped with the Navigator work and some of the Libre feasibility studies ( it was called Project Mercury then renamed Apollo). As I have posted before the trail blazers for Libre came from the Navigator team (Therasense folks). Navigator 2 was Libre's dad. Then the device development group ran with it after all the conceptual work. Again, CGM/Libre was an ADC skunk works project until about 2010 when management realized what they had and turned on the after burners. A true team effort by all involved. So if any individual member of ADC takes credit for "inventing Libre" they are talking crap.

Theresense? Get real buddy, they were all dumb entitled lazy bums.

Theresense? Get real buddy, they were all dumb entitled lazy bums.

Interesting. You either where not there or are completely ignorant. It was Thereasense chemists (some still at ADC) who came up with the sensor chemistry for the meter strips. It was this chemistry which later allowed for an inexpensive CGM system. It was mostly Thereasense technologists who lead the way to a good CGM product (Libre). I suppose facts don't mean much to you. I was in R&D at Thereasense/ADC for 13 years.....I know what happened.

Interesting. You either where not there or are completely ignorant. It was Thereasense chemists (some still at ADC) who came up with the sensor chemistry for the meter strips. It was this chemistry which later allowed for an inexpensive CGM system. It was mostly Thereasense technologists who lead the way to a good CGM product (Libre). I suppose facts don't mean much to you. I was in R&D at Thereasense/ADC for 13 years.....I know what happened.

Haha you can’t even name the so called famous t-sense technology buddy. It was photometric. Lmao

You are a clueless blowhard. Dunky would have a field day with you. Useless whack!

Dunky sat by the old cafeteria in 1420. Seemed like a nice guy. He and his team asked us to do something new back in 2008 and we came up with the "Glucose on Demand" and had shown, with Nav 2 and our meters, we could do the job. You would not have shit if it weren't for the Therasense guys and the other ADC talent in R&D. Dunky would agree....

Dunky sat by the old cafeteria in 1420. Seemed like a nice guy. He and his team asked us to do something new back in 2008 and we came up with the "Glucose on Demand" and had shown, with Nav 2 and our meters, we could do the job. You would not have shit if it weren't for the Therasense guys and the other ADC talent in R&D. Dunky would agree....

ADC sucks and so did therasense. Both bush league operations as far as sales and marketing. As far as you research drones, nothing happens until a sale is made Clem. Without a sales force, you don’t have a job. ADC sales compensation is an industry embarrassment so save the BS ya tool.