I have heard may who were called about not getting the job. But few, if any, real offers. If the start date is 9-19, 8-19 is a little to soon, 30 days out, to start offers. I interviewed this week, and have heard from others that interviewed at the same place, that they got calls saying they were out. I have not. It is past 5:00 on Fri. With no call yet, I am taking that as a good sign.

I have heard may who were called about not getting the job. But few, if any, real offers. If the start date is 9-19, 8-19 is a little to soon, 30 days out, to start offers. I interviewed this week, and have heard from others that interviewed at the same place, that they got calls saying they were out. I have not. It is past 5:00 on Fri. With no call yet, I am taking that as a good sign.

Heres to hoping we get good news next week!!!

I'm curious about the same area. I interviewed for NH. No word yet.

i am in new york....i called quintiles recruiter i interviewed with before the final because i had not heard by 4:30pm. he indicated they had gone in a different direction.
i hope that those who have not heard do get good news however untill i actually took the initiative to call them they still had not contacted me by friday afternoon.
i went through the two janssen and rd interview but received no feedback. good luck to all of you.
i am disappointed i did not get picked but it sounds like the competition is fierce with alot of good reps interviwing. For a contract position this was the most involved interview process i could have expected. It was not to be for me. Good Luck!

They told you by phone or at the end of the day?

I was told by phone. Interesting how this all has played out. At the all day interviewing their where 2 of us sent though and neither one of us got the job. Found out that they had offered it to someone else but that person had already accepted another position. So they are interviewing others. Im just really irritated by this whole process. I now feel like they just interviewed us to go through the motions with Quintiles.

They told you by phone or at the end of the day?

They told us on the spot at the end of the day. It was a little strange but at least we knew and we were not going to be strung along... Quintiles management was very professional and positive even though we weren't offered jobs. They were genuinely concerned and encouraging to all the candidates.

On a contract this big, q normally has offers going out to the whole sales force one the same day. They would not make offers one and two at a time. I am thinking offer day might be Fri. the 26?

I had my f2f with the janssen dsm and regional on Tuesday. Came home to a voice mail on friday from the quintiles manager I interviewed with the week before. He used the wrong name twice before correcting himself to tell me that he didn't have good news...I was not getting the job. They wanted top 10-25% performers, which I was, they wanted outgoing positive upbeat, which I am, they wanted someone who knows or is in the current territory, which I do...only one draw back, I am a part time employed female that was up against an unemployed male....guess you can figure out who got the job....

After the interviews with Jansen..they are way too intense for a contract job. This is crazy. Good luck to all that gets an offer and accepts it. It is a tough world out there but this one I dont know about????

I had my f2f with the janssen dsm and regional on Tuesday. Came home to a voice mail on friday from the quintiles manager I interviewed with the week before. He used the wrong name twice before correcting himself to tell me that he didn't have good news...I was not getting the job. They wanted top 10-25% performers, which I was, they wanted outgoing positive upbeat, which I am, they wanted someone who knows or is in the current territory, which I do...only one draw back, I am a part time employed female that was up against an unemployed male....guess you can figure out who got the job....

I understand the disappointment but I'm curious where you got the information on some of the criteria they used to select a candidate and how you know who your competition was, haven't heard anyone say what you have and it's interesting.

I had my f2f with the janssen dsm and regional on Tuesday. Came home to a voice mail on friday from the quintiles manager I interviewed with the week before. He used the wrong name twice before correcting himself to tell me that he didn't have good news...I was not getting the job. They wanted top 10-25% performers, which I was, they wanted outgoing positive upbeat, which I am, they wanted someone who knows or is in the current territory, which I do...only one draw back, I am a part time employed female that was up against an unemployed male....guess you can figure out who got the job....

Please tell me your not playing the "I didn't get the job because I am a female" card in the pharma industry. Seriously? Truly laughable.

How do you know the "male" wasn't more qualified than yourself?

This industry has been dominated by females for the last 10+ years and to claim some sort of bias in your not getting hard is a joke.