That's a good point - yes, I am speculating to be positive since the word has been positive, albeit a delay.

You mentioned Nov 5th. Do you speculate that offers would go out sooner for that start date as often they are many weeks prior to the start date?

Where has your insight come from? I understand there may be a meeting early Nov and felt that offers soon so that training is done by that time.

I do like positive speculation. :)

Your speculation is also based on everything we've been told since the start of this process-4 weeks home training, a week away training. Janssen has clearly done this before, there's no way they'd wait to hire until November and lose 5 weeks or more of promotion. The negative nellies aren't getting hired and want the rest of us to fell bad for it. I don't wish unemployment on anyone but I'm also tired of the negative speculatory crap created by those who aren't getting what they want.

If this decision is due to approval of the afib indication, was there an expectation that it would be approved before November? I believe Nov was the original date, not earlier. Is this true or were they expected an earlier approval, thus justifying the need to hire asap. Or, if not, and not til Nov, then... that would not be the hold up, would it?

If this decision is due to approval of the afib indication, was there an expectation that it would be approved before November? I believe Nov was the original date, not earlier. Is this true or were they expected an earlier approval, thus justifying the need to hire asap. Or, if not, and not til Nov, then... that would not be the hold up, would it?

I agree! They were hiring for this Nov date from the beginning. Nothing was guarenteed then, just like it's not guarenteed now.

I agree! They were hiring for this Nov date from the beginning. Nothing was guarenteed then, just like it's not guarenteed now.

Per my Q manager yesterday: Everything is still a go with maybe some adjustments to certain territories. Janssen is understaffed and needs Q bodies for share of voice. Janssen RM's are currently conducting Q interviews to fill the many holes in their coverage. Xarelto has approved indications and nu er also needs promotion. He told me start date would be 9/26 and launch still scheduled for 11/7. His manager said anytime and be ready when they get the word which would have to be by tomorrow for that start date. That being said, Janssen people are the only ones that know what is happening for sure. He said to sit tight and per Q this is still happening. But as we all know that can change.

Thank you for posting this information since not all the Q managers are keeping us that well informed. I have had a couple of e-mails but they were last week. I guess time will tell for all of us.

If this decision is due to approval of the afib indication, was there an expectation that it would be approved before November? I believe Nov was the original date, not earlier. Is this true or were they expected an earlier approval, thus justifying the need to hire asap. Or, if not, and not til Nov, then... that would not be the hold up, would it?

Does no one read the reports from the commitee?...They brought up points that J&J did not expect, they assumed clear sailing when came out 3-2 against the hired the best to argue and got it passed to the full vote...If it had been 5-0 and 12-0 then they would have had no problem hiring right away...

Companies have to be positive that everything is fine, they have to hold the stock price. I promoted a drug that killed people and on they day it was pulled we had a conference call saying there was no way it was getting pulled evderything is fine and then boom pulled...

Does no one read the reports from the commitee?...They brought up points that J&J did not expect, they assumed clear sailing when came out 3-2 against the hired the best to argue and got it passed to the full vote...If it had been 5-0 and 12-0 then they would have had no problem hiring right away...

Companies have to be positive that everything is fine, they have to hold the stock price. I promoted a drug that killed people and on they day it was pulled we had a conference call saying there was no way it was getting pulled evderything is fine and then boom pulled...

Actually, they weren't blind-sided. If you read the editorials and other commentaries on The Rocket study, these exact concerns were brought up a month ago after it's release in NEJM. Nothing is smooth sailing these days with FDA approvals and companies are very aware of this. Yep, companies will always remain positive, even when the ship is sinking. If you've been in pharma for any lenghth of time, you know this.

I have no idea if I this contract is gonna fly, but I guess I tend to see things as glass half-full, rather than half-empty. It also helps to take control of the things you can, applying for jobs, networking, etc sure helps.

Actually, they weren't blind-sided. If you read the editorials and other commentaries on The Rocket study, these exact concerns were brought up a month ago after it's release in NEJM. Nothing is smooth sailing these days with FDA approvals and companies are very aware of this. Yep, companies will always remain positive, even when the ship is sinking. If you've been in pharma for any lenghth of time, you know this.

I have no idea if I this contract is gonna fly, but I guess I tend to see things as glass half-full, rather than half-empty. It also helps to take control of the things you can, applying for jobs, networking, etc sure helps.

I like this positivity! Finally a half-full post on cafepharma.

Just got another email from Quintiles contact stated nothing
new to report, still moving forward and have a good
weekend. Another week gone and the chances of this
contract happening look less likely to me.

Just got another email from Quintiles contact stated nothing
new to report, still moving forward and have a good
weekend. Another week gone and the chances of this
contract happening look less likely to me.

Then why doesn't Janssen just pull the pin. Do they think they can delay this process for another 7 weeks until FDA ruling? Really?

Got same e-mail. You are right, another week gone by with nothing. They need to just pull the plug and tell us. I do believe that Quintiles managers are just telling us what they are being told though. Seems like they do not know anything different.

Then why doesn't Janssen just pull the pin. Do they think they can delay this process for another 7 weeks until FDA ruling? Really?

This contract is not just about afib and Xarelto, we will each have at least 3 products, some may have 5. There's a lot of meaningless speculation here, I'm as frustrated as everyone else but I'm also getting tired of all the whiny comments that are based on no concrete knowledge whatsoever. I haven't put my career on hold for this, I would love to be on this contract, and I trust my QFSM, my recruiter and the Janssen manager who have been keeping my area updated, they have all said we are moving forward and are all surprised the green light has not been given to hire (this also includes a direct hire by Janssen in a neighboring territory). Bottom line-if you're tired of waiting move on, I know two who have, but stop the endless, mindless what-if games. Remember, if Ifs and Buts were Candy and Nuts we'd all have a great afternoon!