I asked what the main reason for hiring, wasn't given the specific drug that should get it's approval in November. No specific reason, except general need for help promoting drugs, given all 5 names.

There is a delay.... everything has to go through the chain-of-command, which takes time. I believe there will either be an offer or another letter about the delay.

Just got another long email from Quintiles manger. Said that Janssen is "continuing to engage in its final analysis of their territory footprint across the country" and so on and so forth about Xarelto getting its additional indication and also the launch of Nucynta ER and because of this "territory targeted universes must be properly aligned"

I then scrolled down to bottom and found out I will now be contacted no later than Monday September 19th.

More waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting.............

I was also told that Janssen is looking at the territories. However, I was told that contracts would go out today or tomorrow. Home study beginning on Sept 26 or Oct 3, depending on the notice one would have to give and training in Cali Nov 7. Anyone else heard this?

i sincerely feel everyones pain....i interviewed for a northeast position and made it to the top candidates but did did not get the job. i was extremely disappointed but i held on to the belief that everything happens for a reason. Thankfully i had other interviews that just happened to fall a week after the quintiles interview and i was offerred a position with another company with the same original start date as the quintiles contract.....sept 19th.

im grateful but feel everyones agitation. i truly hope it all works out and the contract does follow thru with those who made it to the final spot.

I really thought this was going to work out.....i hope it does, but after hearing nothing today...you really need wonder. I wish JJ would keep us more informed on the situation...keep us all up to speed and not in the dark! Best of luck to everyone....this door closes, another door always opens.

so tired of the lack of communication!!!!!!!! thumbs up or down is all we are looking for!!!

If the contract was dead we would of already been made aware. Received the AF indication and nu er is approved. They have known this since last Thursday. They are still working on logistics of hire. It has been a painfully long process.

I really thought this was going to work out.....i hope it does, but after hearing nothing today...you really need wonder. I wish JJ would keep us more informed on the situation...keep us all up to speed and not in the dark! Best of luck to everyone....this door closes, another door always opens.

I was contacted by email on Friday by a Quintiles person and the email stated that the contract is moving forward, just taking longer than expected. We should be contacted with offers very soon and have a nice weekend which let me know that nothing was going to happen until sometime this week of next. My advice would be to get off this board and relax!

I am back in the market again, I am not waiting for this to happen. If I am still availible I will take it but not holding my breath. I could see them giving us the next week thing for months.... If I do take it willl still be in the market and leave at the first opportunity..

I am back in the market again, I am not waiting for this to happen. If I am still availible I will take it but not holding my breath. I could see them giving us the next week thing for months.... If I do take it willl still be in the market and leave at the first opportunity..

Thanks for letting us know, we were wondering what you were doing..........

Here is part of email I received yesterday:

I wanted to provide you with an update regarding my candidate selection process for the Quintiles' Project 6517 partnering with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

This week Janssen is continuing to engage in its final analysis of their territory footprint across the country. Because Janssen remains confident that they will get FDA approval for XARELTO's second indication in just a few weeks, and because NUCYNTA ER was formally launched the week of August 29th, territory targeted universes must be properly aligned. This will serve to support the field representative team's sales objectives for two very different disease state categories. A same period, two product launch success will be greatly enhanced by the due diligence that is taking place this week to assure the most optimum alignments are finalized.

Janssen leadership has confirmed that the XARELTO National Launch Meeting is targeted for the week of November 7th.

All Quintiles recruiting activities continue across the nation, with the objective to offer employment allowing for a two week background screening process to be completed. Quintiles appreciates the professional courtesy that many of you expressed a desire to provide regarding a formal two week resignation notice.

We are gearing up for two very aggressive launch partnership strategies with Janssen.

I bet they have a long list of these emails that will be sent over the next couple of weeks. each one crafted to let you know offers are right around the corner. Then on Nov 5 we will find out if the contract goes through. I was not hired to help them launch the pain med. The current sales force can do that.

They hired most of the reps for the cardio relationships. No or limited cardio means less money which means less reps....

remember what these companies are about...how they don't give a fuck about the good reps that sell their soul to make the company millions in revenue...then if you get another pharma job....rape the shit out of the expense account....it will make you feel like you are worth something...the contract is over...fuck janssen and most of all quintiles....don't interview me and tell me about training and hire dates if it's a maybe fucking contract....this is a case of corporate mother fuckers using their power to not be transparent, but rather opaque about the offer

remember what these companies are about...how they don't give a fuck about the good reps that sell their soul to make the company millions in revenue...then if you get another pharma job....rape the shit out of the expense account....it will make you feel like you are worth something...the contract is over...fuck janssen and most of all quintiles....don't interview me and tell me about training and hire dates if it's a maybe fucking contract....this is a case of corporate mother fuckers using their power to not be transparent, but rather opaque about the offer[/QUO

You seem like a keeper......how could janssen NOT see your talent???

so drink more tecate and count on an unemployment extension...for those of you who will expire your tier 2 benefits before jan. 1, you can receive another 14 weeks allowing 60 weeks all total...lets hop for a tier 3 extension and the unemployment rate to drop....that's more likely than getting on this bullshit fucking smoke up my ass contract from fuck comapnies that make there money by stepping on the little guy and doing illegal shit but lobbying enough money to get away with it