60 Minutes

A paper? Try reading The Constitution you stupid fuck. Try reading a book moron, like The Wealth of Nations or Leviathan or The Republic or Democracy in America. All written by people I suspect you have never heard of. You morons have absolutely no idea of history or knowledge of anything other than the drivel of the day. You think history began the day you were born. If you people were even half as well-read, half as smart as you think you are.... There might actually be hope for you. Unfortunately, you are all as smart as Al Franken.

i bet you haven't read -

Beneath the Surface: Critical Essays in the Philosophy of Deep Ecology

The philosophy of deep ecology originated in the 1970s... Its basic premises are a belief in the intrinsic value of nonhuman nature, a belief that ecological principles should dictate human actions and moral evaluations, an emphasis on noninterference into natural processes, and a critique of materialism and technological progress. This book approaches deep ecology as a philosophy, not as a political, social, or environmental movement. In part I, the authors compare deep ecology's philosophical ideas with other positions and debates in environmental philosophy and to other schools of thought such as social ecology, ecofeminism, and moral pluralism. In part II, they investigate the connections between deep ecology and other contemporary world views, such as continental philosophy, postmodernism, and non-Western philosophical traditions. The first anthology on deep ecology that is not primarily the work of the movement's followers, Beneath the Surface offers a rigorous assessment of deep ecology's strengths and weaknesses as a philosophical position...

He's still in a catatonic state. I bought cheeto's into his basement room
He may resume a fast food career soon. Canada is still laughing at him.
Bjorn's Mom

may i respectfully ask how old you are?

who is Bjorn?

why is Canada still laughing at him?

how is it relevant to the discussion thread?

or, am i missing some inside joke?

i bet you haven't read -

Beneath the Surface: Critical Essays in the Philosophy of Deep Ecology

The philosophy of deep ecology originated in the 1970s... Its basic premises are a belief in the intrinsic value of nonhuman nature, a belief that ecological principles should dictate human actions and moral evaluations, an emphasis on noninterference into natural processes, and a critique of materialism and technological progress. This book approaches deep ecology as a philosophy, not as a political, social, or environmental movement. In part I, the authors compare deep ecology's philosophical ideas with other positions and debates in environmental philosophy and to other schools of thought such as social ecology, ecofeminism, and moral pluralism. In part II, they investigate the connections between deep ecology and other contemporary world views, such as continental philosophy, postmodernism, and non-Western philosophical traditions. The first anthology on deep ecology that is not primarily the work of the movement's followers, Beneath the Surface offers a rigorous assessment of deep ecology's strengths and weaknesses as a philosophical position...

As I said before... you morons think history began on the day you were born. This pseudo-intellectual has NOTHING to do with the founding of America and is TOTALLY irrelevant to this discussion.

As I said before... you morons think history began on the day you were born. This pseudo-intellectual has NOTHING to do with the founding of America and is TOTALLY irrelevant to this discussion.

how are you qualified to say that when you haven't even read it?

all the recommended reads you listed are equivalently pseudo-intellectual.

what isn't?

oh, here's some more pseudo-intellectualism:
we are all one. - bill hicks


how are you qualified to say that when you haven't even read it?

all the recommended reads you listed are equivalently pseudo-intellectual.

what isn't?

oh, here's some more pseudo-intellectualism:
we are all one. - bill hicks


Ok, so let me try to understand you... you think that Plato, Thomas Hobbes, Alexis de Tocqueville and Adam Smith are pseudo-intellectuals? Wow... in the future please follow the old axiom which states that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

how are you qualified to say that when you haven't even read it?

all the recommended reads you listed are equivalently pseudo-intellectual.

what isn't?

oh, here's some more pseudo-intellectualism:
we are all one. - bill hicks


Oh the things that pass for intellectualism in the lib world... what's next, the musings of Jack Handey?

Sometimes I think the world has gone completely mad. And then I think, 'Aw, who cares' And then I think, 'Hey, what's for supper'

2/3s of Americans didn't vote! Next election, we will mobilize our base and kick out the lousy tea baggers! The US is the only developed country that does not have pharma price controls and that is going to change in 2016!!

Ok, so let me try to understand you... you think that Plato, Thomas Hobbes, Alexis de Tocqueville and Adam Smith are pseudo-intellectuals? Wow... in the future please follow the old axiom which states that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

that was funny.
thanks for the laugh, but .. .

Wow. Just wanted to say that this rant is the most stupid thing I have ever read. Your rant has made everyone who reads this a little bit dumber. I am sure that when you enter a room everyone in the room becomes a little bit dumber because of your moronic statements.

Wow. Just wanted to say that this rant is the most stupid thing I have ever read. Your rant has made everyone who reads this a little bit dumber. I am sure that when you enter a room everyone in the room becomes a little bit dumber because of your moronic statements.

Yes, because educating you in western philosophy makes you dumb.
Hmmm.... that makes sense.

2/3s of Americans didn't vote! Next election, we will mobilize our base and kick out the lousy tea baggers! The US is the only developed country that does not have pharma price controls and that is going to change in 2016!!

Need to start handing out Obama-phones, government cheese and cigarettes. That will get your uneducated base mobilized.

And as far as being "the only developed country that does not have pharma price controls"... the free-market controls the price of everything. BTW we are also the only developed country with LONE SUPER POWER STATUS. Suck on that Libs!