60 Minutes

Quit watching the right-wing drivel of Fox TV!! There are far more Progressives in this country than haters and the women-hating, rich people-loving, and global climate damaging Republican party will NOT win the Senate. After the election, price controls on cancer drugs will be a reality! Making absorbent profits off of cancer patients is morally and legally corrupt!! I can't wait for the Fox announcers and you right wingers to start crying tomorrow night!!

So again I ask... What progressive, highly intelligent, elite source is predicting the Republicans NOT winning the senate?

It will be so awesome when Republicans win.... we will deny cancer drugs to the sick, we will pollute the water, we will do whatever we can to stop the early winter weather in the NorthEast, we might even stop the wonderful act of killing unborn babies. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (evil laugh)

why do people still take elections seriously?

it's all an illusion of choice with only two parties, because both are captured by corporate and other special interests.

Yes, we will all have interests... some think and might refer to them as "special". We vote for candidates that we believe will represent those interests. Both establishment Republicans and Democrats have blurred those lines, but differences still exist. Obamacare is a prime example. Mainstream Dems have gone almost full-on socialist while many Republicans have abandoned their conservative roots, but they are still our best hope.

At least Progressives want to change our country so that EVERYONE can benefit from its riches and opportunities. The conservatives (tea baggers) want to return to the 1950s where minorities experienced segregation and poverty! THE USA IS NOW A COUNTRY OF COLOR and the old white men republicans better understand to get out of the way for PROGRESS! Price Controls are coming soon!!!

At least Progressives want to change our country so that EVERYONE can benefit from its riches and opportunities. The conservatives (tea baggers) want to return to the 1950s where minorities experienced segregation and poverty! THE USA IS NOW A COUNTRY OF COLOR and the old white men republicans better understand to get out of the way for PROGRESS! Price Controls are coming soon!!!

bjorn you are a clueless moron, no wonder you were laughed out of canada ..........eom

At least Progressives want to change our country so that EVERYONE can benefit from its riches and opportunities. The conservatives (tea baggers) want to return to the 1950s where minorities experienced segregation and poverty! THE USA IS NOW A COUNTRY OF COLOR and the old white men republicans better understand to get out of the way for PROGRESS! Price Controls are coming soon!!!

Price controls are coming.... price controls on the cost of government. Hard-working Americans will pay more to the government than they will pay for anything else in their lifetimes. Only to have government waste it. So bring on the price controls and reduce the cost of wasteful government.

Yes, we will all have interests... some think and might refer to them as "special". We vote for candidates that we believe will represent those interests. Both establishment Republicans and Democrats have blurred those lines, but differences still exist. Obamacare is a prime example. Mainstream Dems have gone almost full-on socialist while many Republicans have abandoned their conservative roots, but they are still our best hope.

Obamacare = Romneycare
Romney = Republican

Vote today for Progressives who will rein in big corporations like Novartis! We must take out country back from the multi-national firms that rip off sick people!! Please VOTE!!!!!!!!!

Obamacare = Romneycare
Romney = Republican

Romneycare = States Rights
Obamacare = Unconstitutional National mandate to buy healthcare.

Romney = Romney has forcefully defended the Massachusetts law he signed, but says he is adamantly against a “one-size-fits-all national health-care system” imposed on all 50 states. “I will repeal Obamacare,” he has said. “And on day one of my administration, I will grant a waiver from Obamacare to all 50 states.”

No Republican voted for Obamacare. Clear differences my misguided friend.

Vote today for Progressives who will rein in big corporations like Novartis! We must take out country back from the multi-national firms that rip off sick people!! Please VOTE!!!!!!!!!

Vote for conservatives who are ready to reduce the size and scope of government and return power back to the people. We must take our country back from government that rip off sick people, healthy people, black people, white people, ALL PEOPLE. Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.

Vote for conservatives who are ready to reduce the size and scope of government and return power back to the people. We must take our country back from government that rip off sick people, healthy people, black people, white people, ALL PEOPLE. Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.

You must not have graduated from high school! You probably own firearms and live in a trailer park! Your front license plate is the Confederate Flag!

Last post funny!! I agree, they do not seem to look at the true economic factors, only pushed by the rhetoric they hear on their favorite radio station, and doubt they have ever read a paper

Last post funny!! I agree, they do not seem to look at the true economic factors, only pushed by the rhetoric they hear on their favorite radio station, and doubt they have ever read a paper

Agree they listen to every word coming from their false savior, Rush Limbaugh! The USA needs an infusion of intelligence!

Last post funny!! I agree, they do not seem to look at the true economic factors, only pushed by the rhetoric they hear on their favorite radio station, and doubt they have ever read a paper

A paper? Try reading The Constitution you stupid fuck. Try reading a book moron, like The Wealth of Nations or Leviathan or The Republic or Democracy in America. All written by people I suspect you have never heard of. You morons have absolutely no idea of history or knowledge of anything other than the drivel of the day. You think history began the day you were born. If you people were even half as well-read, half as smart as you think you are.... There might actually be hope for you. Unfortunately, you are all as smart as Al Franken.

A paper? Try reading The Constitution you stupid fuck. Try reading a book moron, like The Wealth of Nations or Leviathan or The Republic or Democracy in America. All written by people I suspect you have never heard of. You morons have absolutely no idea of history or knowledge of anything other than the drivel of the day. You think history began the day you were born. If you people were even half as well-read, half as smart as you think you are.... There might actually be hope for you. Unfortunately, you are all as smart as Al Franken.

Global Millionaires Increase By Most Since Dot Com Bubble, Control Record $52 Trillion In Wealth.
Child poverty rates soar in world's richest countries.
Number of minors living in poverty in the 41 most affluent countries has increased to 76.5 million, says UNICEF.

Global Millionaires Increase By Most Since Dot Com Bubble, Control Record $52 Trillion In Wealth.
Child poverty rates soar in world's richest countries.
Number of minors living in poverty in the 41 most affluent countries has increased to 76.5 million, says UNICEF.

So fucking stupid.... UNICEF obviously defines poverty differently for America. If you are poor, there is no better place to live than America. To be poor in America means only having one car, last years iPhone, only a 42' flat screen and morbid obesity.

So fucking stupid.... UNICEF obviously defines poverty differently for America. If you are poor, there is no better place to live than America. To be poor in America means only having one car, last years iPhone, only a 42' flat screen and morbid obesity.

Your Mom is so lucky she can get some quick extra cash when she needs it.