60 Minutes

I think there is something called patent protection in the US. I believe a role of a legitimate government is to enforce laws. When patent infringement happens, corporations, individuals, whatever "like the government" to enforce existing laws. This is relatively basic and fundamental. If you need further explanation, go read a book on US patents.

BTW.... Why would you buy Gleevec from India and make a dying patient anything? You sound heartless. You must be a greedy person who only thinks of profit.

There are also laws on the book for price fixing, the false claim act, discrimination, environmental, patent EXPIRATION ..........should those be enforced too? Or do they dent the pharma profit model too much for your tastes?

There are also laws on the book for price fixing, the false claim act, discrimination, environmental, patent EXPIRATION ..........should those be enforced too? Or do they dent the pharma profit model too much for your tastes?

Prove price fixing moron and then I will agree. Environmental??? Patent expiration??? Who's patent expired??? What the fuck are you talking about?

What about your profits??? I thought you were going to buy Gleevec and sell it to cancer patients at a profit. Why aren't you giving it away?

Is it immoral when a sick person loses their house because government demands that people pay their taxes? You fucking libs are so retarded.

The ONLY things worth a shit in this world are FOR-PROFIT. With few exceptions, Government run anything is shit. Government destroys anything and everything it touches. It will bankrupt it. It will create a shortage. Then it will ration it. Whatever it is. It is like you morons are COMPLETELY oblivious to the lessons of history.

More examples of government compassion and morality...

-Noam Chomsky

"He begins as a preacher to the world and ends as an intellectual crook.” – Arthur Schlesinger
(Commentary, December 1969)
“Noam Chomsky skittles and skithers all over the political landscape to distract the reader’s attention from the plain truth.”
– Sidney Hook
(The Humanist, March-April 1971)
“In his ideological fanaticism he constantly shifts his arguments and bends references, quotations and facts, while declaring his ‘commitment to find the truth.’”
– Leopold Labedz (Encounter, July 1980)
“Even on the rare occasions when Mr. Chomsky is dealing with facts and not with fantasies, he exaggerates by a factor of, plus or minus, four or five.”
– Walter Laqueur
(The New Republic, March 24, 1982)
“After many years, I came to the conclusion that everything he says is false. He will lie just for the fun of it. Every one of his arguments was tinged and coded with falseness and pretense. It was like playing chess with extra pieces. It was all fake.”
– Paul Postal
(The New Yorker, March 31, 2003)


anyone known for something has his/her detractors.

and, we know you don't understand chomsky or any of his ideas.

next time, share what YOU really think.

you're a human being, not a bot right?

Seriously.... What the fuck are you talking about???
Your video link was an absolute waste of time. 20 min. of my life that I will never get back. It wasn't even US troops.

You are a product of a failed education system. Sorry..

Let me distill the key points with some additional follow-up material (which you probably won't even read/watch):

- the us govt. amongst many others, many multi-national corps, and too big to fail financial institutions are not your friends


- an estimated 1/4 of the american population suffer from mental illness; many don't receive any or an appropriate level of mental health care. why is that some patients who are receiving treatment for mental illnesses end up offing a bunch of us in movie theaters, schools, etc.?


- one of the under-reported tragedies of the 20th century was the evolution of a consumer culture predicated on the fulfillment of irrational, primitive impulses devoid of an interest in the commons (instead the pure, self-destructive self)


- we're all in this together, and what we do "here" has a measurable impact "there", because everything comes back full circle. if we focus on a society that is inclusive rather than exclusive and listen to our environment, then we can evolve rather than self-destruct.

here's an evangelical christian who actually gets it:


there's hope after all...


if you actually watched and understood the entire VICE video, then you would have picked up on the part where american military officers train their afghan counterparts who knowingly molest/kidnap/rape children. apparently, they cannot do anything about it, because, ya know, just following orders...


a couple trillion dollars spent against the taliban / al qaeda, on nation-building, and it's the same as it ever was:


The lovely corporations

Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
GMO's in baby food & water for the 1%
Another swiss corporate hero !


Do all libs suffer from AD-HD as much as you? You read the most obscure, ridiculous sources for information. My favorite part of that website was the area known as "global meditation". It is so laughable the amount of total BS that exists on the internet and the r*****s who follow it.

You are a product of a failed education system. Sorry..

Let me distill the key points with some additional follow-up material (which you probably won't even read/watch):

- the us govt. amongst many others, many multi-national corps, and too big to fail financial institutions are not your friends


- an estimated 1/4 of the american population suffer from mental illness; many don't receive any or an appropriate level of mental health care. why is that some patients who are receiving treatment for mental illnesses end up offing a bunch of us in movie theaters, schools, etc.?


- one of the under-reported tragedies of the 20th century was the evolution of a consumer culture predicated on the fulfillment of irrational, primitive impulses devoid of an interest in the commons (instead the pure, self-destructive self)


- we're all in this together, and what we do "here" has a measurable impact "there", because everything comes back full circle. if we focus on a society that is inclusive rather than exclusive and listen to our environment, then we can evolve rather than self-destruct.

here's an evangelical christian who actually gets it:


there's hope after all...


if you actually watched and understood the entire VICE video, then you would have picked up on the part where american military officers train their afghan counterparts who knowingly molest/kidnap/rape children. apparently, they cannot do anything about it, because, ya know, just following orders...


a couple trillion dollars spent against the taliban / al qaeda, on nation-building, and it's the same as it ever was:


You are obviously a brain dead nihilist. Your links prove nothing. I mean seriously.... An "unreported tragedy" is consumer culture? I am sure you are so above these "primitive impulses". You must be a real self-actualized elite. What a complete hypocritical moron, talking about the evils of consumer culture, as you use the internet and type messages from your iPhone. Quit wasting my time.... don't you have some street to "Occupy"?

You are a product of a failed education system. Sorry..

Let me distill the key points with some additional follow-up material (which you probably won't even read/watch):

- the us govt. amongst many others, many multi-national corps, and too big to fail financial institutions are not your friends


- an estimated 1/4 of the american population suffer from mental illness; many don't receive any or an appropriate level of mental health care. why is that some patients who are receiving treatment for mental illnesses end up offing a bunch of us in movie theaters, schools, etc.?


- one of the under-reported tragedies of the 20th century was the evolution of a consumer culture predicated on the fulfillment of irrational, primitive impulses devoid of an interest in the commons (instead the pure, self-destructive self)


- we're all in this together, and what we do "here" has a measurable impact "there", because everything comes back full circle. if we focus on a society that is inclusive rather than exclusive and listen to our environment, then we can evolve rather than self-destruct.

here's an evangelical christian who actually gets it:


there's hope after all...


if you actually watched and understood the entire VICE video, then you would have picked up on the part where american military officers train their afghan counterparts who knowingly molest/kidnap/rape children. apparently, they cannot do anything about it, because, ya know, just following orders...


a couple trillion dollars spent against the taliban / al qaeda, on nation-building, and it's the same as it ever was:


It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

You are obviously a brain dead nihilist. Your links prove nothing. I mean seriously.... An "unreported tragedy" is consumer culture? I am sure you are so above these "primitive impulses". You must be a real self-actualized elite. What a complete hypocritical moron, talking about the evils of consumer culture, as you use the internet and type messages from your iPhone. Quit wasting my time.... don't you have some street to "Occupy"?

when you can't refute commentary through reasoned debate, just go with an ad hominem attack, try to be funny, and act like there are more important things to do with your time than humoring me back with a very dull post ;-)

i love your kind. i really do. it makes the "job" all the more pleasurable.

by the way, my post hasn't been live for the last 2 hours, since it had to be reviewed by the moderator(s). so, how can you make a an informed judgement that the "links prove nothing", when you would have had to take at least 2 hours to watch at least two of them?

how do i know this?

well, i'm watching the board here very closely on sundays. and no, not from an iPhone. the screen is too small for what i need to do, and i prefer a keyboard.

"self actualization describes the natural tendency of humans to strive to fulfill their potential."

riddle me this.
how do you go from making the implication that i'm an aspiring elitist to a few words later inferring that my proper place is on the streets with the occupy crowd, who happen to be the ones protesting against the elites and wealth inequality?

you have absolutely no ambition to use logic to your advantage.
try it some time.

The lovely corporations

Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
GMO's in baby food & water for the 1%
Another swiss corporate hero !


This is not a new concept.... It's an alternative to government failure.

Privatization of water supplies may be an opportunity to promote the decentralization of government. A private sector supply of water can be more efficient and cost effective. According to the World Bank, it is estimated that in the United States each dollar of public funds raised for utilities has an opportunity cost of $1.30 of private consumption, and the average opportunity cost for each dollar of tax revenue raised is $1.17 for 38 African countries. More than 2,000 facilities from New York to California are operated in public-private partnership contract arrangements.

A study on solutions to appropriating renewable fresh water suggested that water is often wasted because it is under-priced and therefore under-appreciated. Direct and indirect subsidies (especially for agricultural use) are still common in both developed and developing countries. Removing such subsidies and letting water prices rise can provide incentives for conservation and for the investments needed to spread more efficient technologies. Lending support to the findings of the University of Michigan study, a survey conducted in 2004 by Global Water Intelligence found that the under-pricing of water is widespread. The study analyzed the prices charged by water utilities in 132 major cities worldwide and found that 39 percent of water utilities had average tariffs that are set too low to cover basic operation and maintenance costs. Some 30 percent had tariffs that are set below the level required to make any contribution toward the recovery of capital costs.

Libertarians have often argued a position similar to this, "Privately owned utilities also make significant economic contributions to the communities they serve by paying local, state, and federal taxes. So in addition to providing top quality water service, a privately owned utility also helps fund schools, police and fire departments, etc. Today, private firms operate more than 2,400 publicly owned water and wastewater facilities for nearly 2,000 municipalities." The industry has been growing an average of about 19 percent per year over the last seven years, which is great considering the recession. In addition, a whopping 97 percent of municipalities that had existing water-management contracts come up for renewal in 2002 and 2003 elected to remain in a public-private partnership. Since 1998, an average of 92.5 percent have been renewed. These statistics are clear signs that municipalities are very satisfied with the results of the partnerships they have set up.

Check out New Zealand's Q of L!!! Sick people don't have to decide between medicines or food!!

I have been to New Zealand and it is a beautiful country! Its citizens are very satisfied with their government programs. A friend of mine needed a hip replacement and the cost in the US was over $36,000! The cost in New Zealand for a non-citizen was $8,000 and $0 for a citizen! The US healthcare system is broken and its due to corporations and their conduct of GREED! For Profit should not be a component of a person's right to HEALTH! Look at the salaries of Novartis management team and you will be literally sick in the stomach based on their predatory pricing of medicine! Sorry for all of your reps that work for this corrupt and amoral industry.

"how do you go from making the implication that i'm an aspiring elitist to a few words later inferring that my proper place is on the streets with the occupy crowd, who happen to be the ones protesting against the elites and wealth inequality?"

Did you not also read, I called you a hypocrite? See, that's how hypocrisy works. You preach about the evils of something while being guilty of this so-called evil.

If you want to quit playing the victim of society and start taking responsibility to your lot in life, then I will be more than happy to debate you in a rational, thoughtful way. As it stands now, you just come off as an educated fool.

Raise your game.

I have been to New Zealand and it is a beautiful country! Its citizens are very satisfied with their government programs. A friend of mine needed a hip replacement and the cost in the US was over $36,000! The cost in New Zealand for a non-citizen was $8,000 and $0 for a citizen! The US healthcare system is broken and its due to corporations and their conduct of GREED! For Profit should not be a component of a person's right to HEALTH! Look at the salaries of Novartis management team and you will be literally sick in the stomach based on their predatory pricing of medicine! Sorry for all of your reps that work for this corrupt and amoral industry.

I live in America and everyone I know are very satisfied with their freedom and their ability to participate in competitive free markets.

Your anecdotal stories about New Zealand are amazingly informative and not only doesn't the salaries of Novartis management sicken me, I am quite inspired to earn that types of FAT CASH!

This is not a new concept.... It's an alternative to government failure.

Privatization of water supplies may be an opportunity to promote the decentralization of government. A private sector supply of water can be more efficient and cost effective. According to the World Bank, it is estimated that in the United States each dollar of public funds raised for utilities has an opportunity cost of $1.30 of private consumption, and the average opportunity cost for each dollar of tax revenue raised is $1.17 for 38 African countries. More than 2,000 facilities from New York to California are operated in public-private partnership contract arrangements.

A study on solutions to appropriating renewable fresh water suggested that water is often wasted because it is under-priced and therefore under-appreciated. Direct and indirect subsidies (especially for agricultural use) are still common in both developed and developing countries. Removing such subsidies and letting water prices rise can provide incentives for conservation and for the investments needed to spread more efficient technologies. Lending support to the findings of the University of Michigan study, a survey conducted in 2004 by Global Water Intelligence found that the under-pricing of water is widespread. The study analyzed the prices charged by water utilities in 132 major cities worldwide and found that 39 percent of water utilities had average tariffs that are set too low to cover basic operation and maintenance costs. Some 30 percent had tariffs that are set below the level required to make any contribution toward the recovery of capital costs.

Libertarians have often argued a position similar to this, "Privately owned utilities also make significant economic contributions to the communities they serve by paying local, state, and federal taxes. So in addition to providing top quality water service, a privately owned utility also helps fund schools, police and fire departments, etc. Today, private firms operate more than 2,400 publicly owned water and wastewater facilities for nearly 2,000 municipalities." The industry has been growing an average of about 19 percent per year over the last seven years, which is great considering the recession. In addition, a whopping 97 percent of municipalities that had existing water-management contracts come up for renewal in 2002 and 2003 elected to remain in a public-private partnership. Since 1998, an average of 92.5 percent have been renewed. These statistics are clear signs that municipalities are very satisfied with the results of the partnerships they have set up.

Looking at you, France, for the model that screwed the world.

Suez and Vivendi have close ties to the French government; the water companies appear to be crucial sources of income for the political parties, particularly Chirac's Rassemblement pour la République (RPR). In 2000, in fact, Monod, 69, left Suez and moved into the Elysée Palace, becoming a senior adviser to Chirac.


Looks and tastes like Congress to me. Same old boring revolving door policy.

Australia - In 1998, the water in Sydney, was contaminated with high levels of giardia and cryptosporidium shortly after its water was overtaken by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux.

Canada - At least seven people died as a result of E. coli bacteria in Walkerton, Ontario, after water testing had been privatized by A&L Labs. The company treated the test results as "confidential intellectual property" and did not make them public.

Morocco - Consumers saw the price of water increase threefold after the water service was privatized in Casablanca.

Argentina - When a Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux subsidiary purchased the state-run water company Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion, water rates doubled but water quality deteriorated. The company was forced to leave the country when residents refused to pay their bills.

Britain - Water and sewage bills increased 67 percent between 1989 and 1995. The rate at which people's services were disconnected rose by 177 percent.

New Zealand - Citizens took to the streets to protest the commercialization of water.

South Africa - Water became inaccessible, unaffordable, and unsafe after the water supply was privatized by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in Johannesburg. Cholera infections became widespread and thousands of people were disconnected from their supply of water.


Here's a better solution: if you're running a business, try to run it like a professional outfit, and not some kind of comedy corner-cutting farce.