60 Minutes

The American Revolution (1775-1783).

I'm glad you mention this one...

Anyone remember from US history class the Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence?


DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. For imposing taxes on us without our consent.

HUTCHINSON. How often has your Lordship heard it said that the Americans are willing to submit to the authority of Parliament in all cases except that of taxes? Here we have a declaration made to the world of the causes which have impelled separation. . . That of taxes seems to have been in danger of being forgot. It comes in late [in the Declaration] and in as slight a manner as is possible. And I know, my Lord, that these men, in the early days of their opposition to Parliament, have acknowledged that they pitched upon this subject of taxes because it was most alarming to the people, every man perceiving immediately that he is personally affected by it . . .

The hypocrisy runs deep:


Do not get me wrong, a revolution can be a good thing to shake up a tyrannical status quo.
But, based on false pretenses?
(Hmmmm, where and when have we seen that tactic used?)

Is it truly worth the price in blood when the outcome results in trading one set of power masters for another?
(Oh, F''' it. Let's chalk this up to evolution and consider it a lesson learned to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over and over...)

Pharma's outrageous pricing practices warrant our government to take an active role in placing price controls on medicine! Pharma has demonstrated it cannot be trusted in serving all patients. Rich people don't deserve better healthcare than poor people! Read any holy book and the answer is we are all created equal!!!!

Pharma's outrageous pricing practices warrant our government to take an active role in placing price controls on medicine! Pharma has demonstrated it cannot be trusted in serving all patients. Rich people don't deserve better healthcare than poor people! Read any holy book and the answer is we are all created equal!!!!

We are all created equal, we are all guaranteed equal protection under the law, but nobody has a right to equal outcomes in America. Your life is what you make of it. It is called personal responsibility. If you want equality, move to North Korea. Nowhere will you find greater equality. They are all equally miserable. So take your misguided notions of the benefits of equality and beat it.... get lost.... hit the road jack.

yet, you continue to respond.

regarding the videos,

a) you don't watch them
b) you don't bother challenging the underlying sources of information/knowledge

so, what's your purpose?

to play the role of the pre-pubescent teen who discovered the art of the anonymous taunt over the internet?

i know it can be fun, but seriously, try to improve your craft.

You're correct.... I won't bother to respond to youtube videos in which you cut-n-paste.

I'm glad you mention this one...

Anyone remember from US history class the Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence?


DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. For imposing taxes on us without our consent.

HUTCHINSON. How often has your Lordship heard it said that the Americans are willing to submit to the authority of Parliament in all cases except that of taxes? Here we have a declaration made to the world of the causes which have impelled separation. . . That of taxes seems to have been in danger of being forgot. It comes in late [in the Declaration] and in as slight a manner as is possible. And I know, my Lord, that these men, in the early days of their opposition to Parliament, have acknowledged that they pitched upon this subject of taxes because it was most alarming to the people, every man perceiving immediately that he is personally affected by it . . .

The hypocrisy runs deep:


Do not get me wrong, a revolution can be a good thing to shake up a tyrannical status quo.
But, based on false pretenses?
(Hmmmm, where and when have we seen that tactic used?)

Is it truly worth the price in blood when the outcome results in trading one set of power masters for another?
(Oh, F''' it. Let's chalk this up to evolution and consider it a lesson learned to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over and over...)

Honest to God, you people are so ignorant of history, it is absolutely impossible to make up for your lack of education and knowledge of history. Put simply, The US Revolution was not about trading one set of masters for another. It was about creating a society that had never existed before or since. It was not perfect and is not perfect. But perfection should not be the standard to which America is compared. No other society has come closer to perfection than America. America has a Constitution which allows for and compels the journey towards a more perfect union. Now go read a history book instead of some quack website of fools.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions

On 8 November 2002, the Security Council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous 15–0 vote; Russia, China, France, and Arab states such as Syria voted in favor, giving Resolution 1441 wider support than even the 1990 Gulf War resolution.

At the Azores conference of 16 March, Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Spanish prime minister José María Aznar as well as Portuguese prime minister José Manuel Barroso who hosted the meeting, announced the imminent deadline of 17 March for complete Iraqi compliance, with statements such as "Tomorrow is a moment of truth for the world". On the 17th, speeches by Bush and UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw explicitly declared the period of diplomacy to be over, as declared by Resolution 1441's prohibition on giving Iraq new opportunities for compliance, and that no further authorization from the UN would be sought.

Hopefully you can digest all this history that somehow you missed.

Unlike the UN Resolution authorizing force in the First Gulf War this one did not.

And, you fucking moron, there were no WMDs found.

You Faux Knews fucks are ignorant.

It is very difficult to criticize one particular side for starting the Korean and Vietnam Wars. All involved sides share responsibility.

However, US involvement was an essential ingredient in prolonging both wars, contributing to the increased loss of lives, limbs, and minds.

This is idiocy.

The Korean War was a Civil War. We forced the UN to authorize force there. Then we forced our Cold War allies to send troops that WE mostly paid for.

So was the Vietnam War and the Gulf of Token incident was faked by the US Govt as an excuse to send more forces.

And we lost Vietnam just as decisively as we lost Iraq.

We spent $6T in Iraq. We basically installed a Shia Dictator who was just forced to resign after the Iraqi Army that we built with $100's of billions of dollars vanished when confronted by a few hundred terrorists.

If we hadn't spent these TRILLIONS we might now be able to afford to do more.

Because of Iraq we are the laughing stock of the world.

BTW - the VAST majority of the US military supported the initial invasion to oust Saddam but the same VAST majority opposed the subsequent failed attempt at nation building.

We didn't nation build in post war South Korea and they had military dictatorships until the 80's.

Honest to God, you people are so ignorant of history, it is absolutely impossible to make up for your lack of education and knowledge of history. Put simply, The US Revolution was not about trading one set of masters for another. It was about creating a society that had never existed before or since. It was not perfect and is not perfect. But perfection should not be the standard to which America is compared. No other society has come closer to perfection than America. America has a Constitution which allows for and compels the journey towards a more perfect union. Now go read a history book instead of some quack website of fools.

If it wasn't about "trading one set of masters for another" why did the Southern Politicians who were involved in writing the Constitution insist upon condemning Africans to slavery in that Constitution? Because of this, the number of slaves in the South grew 17 fold by the Civil War and in that War ~ 600,000 Americans died. Then after the War when the North no longer occupy the South the Reinstituted Slavery and called in Jim Crow. That started to change in the 60's when the Civil Rights movement through the Supreme Court forced the racists in the South to conform the the Amendments to the Constitution passed after the Civil War.

You morons complain about what we don't know about history when you POV can only be supported by willfully ignoring many inconvenient facts.

The Grey Old Party is a legacy of this - as long as govt is used to advantage whites it ok.

We are all created equal, we are all guaranteed equal protection under the law, but nobody has a right to equal outcomes in America. Your life is what you make of it. It is called personal responsibility. If you want equality, move to North Korea. Nowhere will you find greater equality. They are all equally miserable. So take your misguided notions of the benefits of equality and beat it.... get lost.... hit the road jack.

Did you have a childhood?
Who took care of you?

Let me guess, you grew up without any parents?

You were so personally responsible for your own development that you're pissed off at the rest of God's children.

You, Sir, are a bitter man.

But, I love you still :)

You're correct.... I won't bother to respond to youtube videos in which you cut-n-paste.

And there you go again. Responding without offering anything of value to discuss.

I've watched all those youtube videos already, so I have nothing new to learn from them.

You definitely do. But, it's not about you. It's about the other lurkers on this board who will watch them.

Honest to God, you people are so ignorant of history, it is absolutely impossible to make up for your lack of education and knowledge of history. Put simply, The US Revolution was not about trading one set of masters for another. It was about creating a society that had never existed before or since. It was not perfect and is not perfect. But perfection should not be the standard to which America is compared. No other society has come closer to perfection than America. America has a Constitution which allows for and compels the journey towards a more perfect union. Now go read a history book instead of some quack website of fools.

Instead of reading a quack message board full of fools? Why are you continuing to contribute to the foolishness?

Which history books do you recommend?
Just any history book?
You know what they say about the victors?

The US revolution was very much about trading one set of masters for another, especially if you were a common man.

No one is saying America is perfect, except for some silly poster in this forum.

This is idiocy.

The Korean War was a Civil War. We forced the UN to authorize force there. Then we forced our Cold War allies to send troops that WE mostly paid for.

So was the Vietnam War and the Gulf of Token incident was faked by the US Govt as an excuse to send more forces.

And we lost Vietnam just as decisively as we lost Iraq.

We spent $6T in Iraq. We basically installed a Shia Dictator who was just forced to resign after the Iraqi Army that we built with $100's of billions of dollars vanished when confronted by a few hundred terrorists.

If we hadn't spent these TRILLIONS we might now be able to afford to do more.

Because of Iraq we are the laughing stock of the world.

BTW - the VAST majority of the US military supported the initial invasion to oust Saddam but the same VAST majority opposed the subsequent failed attempt at nation building.

We didn't nation build in post war South Korea and they had military dictatorships until the 80's.

Thanks for making my idiotic point by adding a lot more details.

What you described is business as usual for the American military industrial complex since the end of WWII.

Thanks for making my idiotic point by adding a lot more details.

What you described is business as usual for the American military industrial complex since the end of WWII.

A few other points.

The Neo-Fraud above tried to justify the Iraq War by citing the vote in the UN Security Council. The problem is, as I pointed out, it EXPLICITLY left out the authorization of the use of force as that was THE ONLY WAY, that anyone other than the US would vote for it. This is a HISTORICAL fact and openly communicated by EVERY other Security Council member who voted for it. And when the US used it to justify starting the War all members of of the UN security council who voted for it, except GB, said that it didn't legally justify the US invasion. And, no other UN Security Council member who voted for it, save GB, joined us in the invasion. And after the War, GB's equivalent to our US Supreme Court ruled that the invasion and war was illegal a not authorized by the UN Security Council vote.

Korea - under pressure from the US, the UN Security Council not on voted to EXPLICITLY authorize the war but obligated all members to participate. Once again, because the US wanted to join the already on-going civil war there. This makes the above claim that the UN resolution on Iraq authorized our invasion ridiculous.

In Vietnam - we didn't even go to the UN. We just made up the attack at Tonkin Gulf and went for it. We joined the civil war and invaded. Just like in Iraq, we manipulated the "democratic" process in South Vietnam to ensure that we had an "elected" president that would welcome us. We staged the coup that ousted his predecessor.

In Afganistan, Karzai was living in LA California running a chain of convenience stores until we had him installed as the President of Afghanistan. He, his brother and entire family are the largest drug cartel in the country.

We fought to a draw in Korea.

We lost horribly in Vietnam.

We spent $6T in Iraq / Afghanistan and lost more that 4,000 of our military with at least 40,000 maimed and wounded. We have, while we stay there and spend about $25B a year there, fought in Afghanistan to a draw. In Iraq, we have absolutely and totally lost.

We are all created equal, we are all guaranteed equal protection under the law, but nobody has a right to equal outcomes in America. Your life is what you make of it. It is called personal responsibility. If you want equality, move to North Korea. Nowhere will you find greater equality. They are all equally miserable. So take your misguided notions of the benefits of equality and beat it.... get lost.... hit the road jack.

Then give up your middle class govt subsidies for your mortgage or your employer provided healthcare insurance. ALL economists agree that these are as large as all the govt wellfare combined.

If there were no govt subsidies for mortgages it is estimated that US home values would be cut by 20-30%. Home ownership would be cut in half and the mostly all white neighborhoods where US whites enclave themselves and educate their kids would disappear and the govt subsidized public education in those school districts would disappear.

These conservatives are all about talking about equal outcomes until the facts about their own snout in the trough are brought up.

oink, oink, little white pigs.

Then give up your middle class govt subsidies for your mortgage or your employer provided healthcare insurance. ALL economists agree that these are as large as all the govt wellfare combined.

If there were no govt subsidies for mortgages it is estimated that US home values would be cut by 20-30%. Home ownership would be cut in half and the mostly all white neighborhoods where US whites enclave themselves and educate their kids would disappear and the govt subsidized public education in those school districts would disappear.

These conservatives are all about talking about equal outcomes until the facts about their own snout in the trough are brought up.

oink, oink, little white pigs.


We are all created equal, we are all guaranteed equal protection under the law, but nobody has a right to equal outcomes in America. Your life is what you make of it. It is called personal responsibility. If you want equality, move to North Korea. Nowhere will you find greater equality. They are all equally miserable. So take your misguided notions of the benefits of equality and beat it.... get lost.... hit the road jack.

ACTS 2:44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

Yeah.... Swiss and strong military, see the thing about that is, it is a conflict of terms. The Swiss are a bunch of irrelevant, inconsequential nothings militarily speaking.

the $wi$$ have $ome $hitty $torie$ about their pa$t:


Thousands of people in Switzerland who were forced into child labour are demanding compensation for their stolen childhoods. Since the 1850s hundreds of thousands of Swiss children were taken from their parents and sent to farms to work - a practice that continued well into the 20th Century.

David Gogniat heard a loud knock on the door. There were two policemen.

"I heard them shouting and realised something was wrong. I looked out and saw that my mother had pushed the policemen down the stairs," he says.

"She then came back in and slammed the door. The next day three policemen came. One held my mother and the other took me with them."

At the age of eight, he was in effect kidnapped and taken away to a farm. To this day he has no idea why.

For the first years of his life, he and his older brother and sisters lived alone with their mother. They were poor, but his childhood was happy until one day in 1946, when he came home from school to find his siblings had disappeared.

A year later it was his turn.


Jean-François Bergier was a respected Swiss historian who exposed his country's dark deeds during the Second World War. He led the Independent Commission of Experts (ICE), which was set up in December 1996 by the Swiss parliament and given a wide range of powers to examine neutral Switzerland's relationship with Nazi Germany during the war. The investigation came about following a scandal involving dormant Swiss bank accounts belonging to victims of the Holocaust. There was much criticism from Jewish groups, particularly in America, that Swiss banks had made it difficult for heirs of Holocaust victims to claim assets deposited by their relatives. The saga became a huge national embarrassment and received worldwide coverage, much to the annoyance of the Swiss authorities.

ACTS 2:44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

Don't try and preach that holy crap to the GOP. They like receiving all their govt subsidies while telling everyone else that they are takers!

Don't try and preach that holy crap to the GOP. They like receiving all their govt subsidies while telling everyone else that they are takers!

There are those who contribute to society and those who take. People who work and pay taxes' contribute to society. They provide for the leeches or takers. It is because of us tax payers that government has money to steal and redistribute to the leeches. Occasionally, government gives us a break for our contributions to society. If you want a tax break on a house, then buy a house and pay taxes you leech.

Can you fucks really be this dumb?