60 Minutes

Wow... America is not the greatest because of a TV clip? Come on MAN! I thought you were better than that. Wait... no I didn't.
What happened with Native Americans was unfortunate. I never said America was perfect. What I did say is.... No country has ever been greater in the history of the world. And it all happened in less than 250 year. It is absolutely REMARKABLE!!!

Now PLEASE... quit embarrassing yourself.

you obviously didn't grasp the meta-commentary, meta-humor

that's ok.

let me put it bluntly:

the greatest country in the world could not prevent ebola outbreaks in dallas and new york city.

the greatest country in the world could not prevent cavemen with box cutters from hijacking planes and flying them into the world trade center and the pentagaon.


do you want me to go further?

Go look it up - the happiest time of American history (if you're white) was the 1950's. The future was sparkly, you were definitely the good guys, and prosperity, dominion over nature and progress was assured.


The main founder of contemporary IR [international relations] theory, Hans Morgenthau, was really quite a decent person, one of the very few political scientists and international affairs specialists to criticize the Vietnam War on moral, not tactical, grounds. Very rare. He wrote a book called The Purpose of American Politics. You already know what’s coming. Other countries don’t have purposes. The purpose of America, on the other hand, is “transcendent”: to bring freedom and justice to the rest of the world. But he’s a good scholar, like Carothers. So he went through the record. He said, when you study the record, it looks as if the United States hasn’t lived up to its transcendent purpose. But then he says, to criticize our transcendent purpose “is to fall into the error of atheism, which denies the validity of religion on similar grounds” -- which is a good comparison. It’s a deeply entrenched religious belief. It’s so deep that it’s going to be hard to disentangle it. And if anyone questions that, it leads to near hysteria and often to charges of anti-Americanism or “hating America” -- interesting concepts that don’t exist in democratic societies, only in totalitarian societies and here, where they’re just taken for granted.

i also gave facts with sources.

if you want to challenge that, then be my guest.

but, you are not. you simply state it's wrong.

why is it wrong?

I gave you cold, hard FACTS.
Here is what you referenced... "What’s the right number? Nobody knows for sure. There’s never been an actual count of how many patients experience preventable harm. So we’re left with approximations, which are imperfect in part because of inaccuracies in medical records and the reluctance of some providers to report mistakes."
Plus, ProPublica, is largely pure liberal quackery.

NOBODY can offer "Health" to anyone. MORON. Who does not get healthcare? Shit... we give that shit away to even illegal aliens. There has never been a more compassionate, giving, tolerant society EVER than America. Anything else you have to say is absolutely a denial of facts and reality. NOT PERFECT, but NONE BETTER EVER.

I feel sorry for your ultra right tea baggers! If confronted with facts and logic, y'all start calling people disparaging names and show your racist attitudes! I believe it is time for Novartis to screen their employees for IQ!!!

Let me get this right. Anything you disagree is because it is "liberal". Someone cuts you off in traffic--liberal. You have to wait in line at the store--liberal. Your shoe lace breaks--damn liberals. You sound like the 4th grader crying because someone picked on you. For heavens sake, grow up and take some personal responsibility

I feel sorry for your ultra right tea baggers! If confronted with facts and logic, y'all start calling people disparaging names and show your racist attitudes! I believe it is time for Novartis to screen their employees for IQ!!!

Calling you a MORON is confronting you with a FACT... and I feel sorry for you. Believing you can "offer health" to everyone is just a straight-up LIE. It is neither logical nor a fact, but quite the opposite. And how anything that I have said could ever be interpreted as racist will forever be a mystery.
It is a typical tactic of the left.... when you have no argument, just blindly accuse someone of racism. It is a lazy and misguided tactic. Grow the fuck up!

you obviously didn't grasp the meta-commentary, meta-humor

that's ok.

let me put it bluntly:

the greatest country in the world could not prevent ebola outbreaks in dallas and new york city.

the greatest country in the world could not prevent cavemen with box cutters from hijacking planes and flying them into the world trade center and the pentagaon.


do you want me to go further?

Go look it up - the happiest time of American history (if you're white) was the 1950's. The future was sparkly, you were definitely the good guys, and prosperity, dominion over nature and progress was assured.


The main founder of contemporary IR [international relations] theory, Hans Morgenthau, was really quite a decent person, one of the very few political scientists and international affairs specialists to criticize the Vietnam War on moral, not tactical, grounds. Very rare. He wrote a book called The Purpose of American Politics. You already know what’s coming. Other countries don’t have purposes. The purpose of America, on the other hand, is “transcendent”: to bring freedom and justice to the rest of the world. But he’s a good scholar, like Carothers. So he went through the record. He said, when you study the record, it looks as if the United States hasn’t lived up to its transcendent purpose. But then he says, to criticize our transcendent purpose “is to fall into the error of atheism, which denies the validity of religion on similar grounds” -- which is a good comparison. It’s a deeply entrenched religious belief. It’s so deep that it’s going to be hard to disentangle it. And if anyone questions that, it leads to near hysteria and often to charges of anti-Americanism or “hating America” -- interesting concepts that don’t exist in democratic societies, only in totalitarian societies and here, where they’re just taken for granted.

After digesting your hilarious attempt at "meta-humor", I can see no point to anything you state at all. To pretend that The U.S. is not the greatest, most consequential country in the history of the world is to deny OBVIOUS REALITY. And to use, 9/11 and the Ebola situation as proof, is absolutely laughable. The U.S. is not perfect. You can point-out flaws and missteps throughout our history. But, what you can't do, is find a greater country EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

Let me get this right. Anything you disagree is because it is "liberal". Someone cuts you off in traffic--liberal. You have to wait in line at the store--liberal. Your shoe lace breaks--damn liberals. You sound like the 4th grader crying because someone picked on you. For heavens sake, grow up and take some personal responsibility

You start off by saying, "let me get this right".... Well, you got it completely wrong. NOBODY has ever said that everything wrong is a "liberal" thing. NOBODY. But if liberal policies and liberal ideology have lead to disastrous results, then it is noteworthy to point that out. So quit mischaracterizing and start debating facts.

Calling you a MORON is confronting you with a FACT... and I feel sorry for you. Believing you can "offer health" to everyone is just a straight-up LIE. It is neither logical nor a fact, but quite the opposite. And how anything that I have said could ever be interpreted as racist will forever be a mystery.
It is a typical tactic of the left.... when you have no argument, just blindly accuse someone of racism. It is a lazy and misguided tactic. Grow the fuck up!

Absolutely hilarious and idiotic post! Grow up and be a man of faith and principles! We are charged to help the less fortunate in life! God must be ashamed of you!

Any and all governments (and for that matter, Corporations and other financial entities) should benefit the society they function in. No-one cares if the power elite take a cut, as long as the society in general improves, because we live in your own $hit. If we operate in a society, we should benefit it, otherwise we'll spend more in repressive $ holding onto it, and killing off people.

This is the Golden Mean of Empire. And guess what? We all went full r***** and broke it, yo. Not only have we drawn forth the worst possible in the species (Branding = fundamental changing of the mind, it's easily proven, and you know it), we've poisoned the world and won't admit it, and don't have the balls to clean it up. It's called M.A.D. for a reason. We've also managed to pervert the entire point of being human into some kind of twisted acting self-reflexive pattern where the "public" and "private" are both twisted into a conformist hierarchal power based Munch scream, peppered with self-policing language and Corporate Blinkers and where 25% of our population is mentally broken. And we add an oppressive form of "G-O-D" on the top as a cherry! Genius!

People think the current Empire is crap. That's our real issue. And we sit here and train people who admit to child pedophilia, kidnapping and raping young boys and suck it up in the name of "politics" in the "military" [http://www.vice.com/vice-news/inside-afghanistan-1-of-2 : watch it and weep, our tax dollars at work].

After digesting your hilarious attempt at "meta-humor", I can see no point to anything you state at all. To pretend that The U.S. is not the greatest, most consequential country in the history of the world is to deny OBVIOUS REALITY. And to use, 9/11 and the Ebola situation as proof, is absolutely laughable. The U.S. is not perfect. You can point-out flaws and missteps throughout our history. But, what you can't do, is find a greater country EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

vietnam, korean war, dropping nuclear bombs on civilians, no universal healthcare, spying on own citizens, ...

i will keep going if you want to still play.

keep believing that american dream, tiger.

stay obedient, faithful, patriotic.

the greatest country ever in the history of the world is the one that doesn't exist.

and if there is such a thing as a greatest country, it's the one that is an inter-connected network of self-governed, sustainable communities.

but, it's all subjective anyway. and you won't give a $hit and will simply reinforce your vapid views. after all, this is just an exercise in mental masturbation. right?

vietnam, korean war, dropping nuclear bombs on civilians, no universal healthcare, spying on own citizens, ...

i will keep going if you want to still play.

keep believing that american dream, tiger.

stay obedient, faithful, patriotic.

the greatest country ever in the history of the world is the one that doesn't exist.

and if there is such a thing as a greatest country, it's the one that is an inter-connected network of self-governed, sustainable communities.

but, it's all subjective anyway. and you won't give a $hit and will simply reinforce your vapid views. after all, this is just an exercise in mental masturbation. right?

Ok Noam.

Chomsky only re-hashed known knowns for the late 20th and early 21st centuries:

THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons — a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty [now 320] million — who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
It is the purpose of this book to explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the same time to find the due place in the modern democratic scheme for this new propaganda and to suggest its gradually evolving code of ethics and practice.

-Edwared Bernays, Propaganda, 1928

-Noam Chomsky

"He begins as a preacher to the world and ends as an intellectual crook.” – Arthur Schlesinger
(Commentary, December 1969)
“Noam Chomsky skittles and skithers all over the political landscape to distract the reader’s attention from the plain truth.”
– Sidney Hook
(The Humanist, March-April 1971)
“In his ideological fanaticism he constantly shifts his arguments and bends references, quotations and facts, while declaring his ‘commitment to find the truth.’”
– Leopold Labedz (Encounter, July 1980)
“Even on the rare occasions when Mr. Chomsky is dealing with facts and not with fantasies, he exaggerates by a factor of, plus or minus, four or five.”
– Walter Laqueur
(The New Republic, March 24, 1982)
“After many years, I came to the conclusion that everything he says is false. He will lie just for the fun of it. Every one of his arguments was tinged and coded with falseness and pretense. It was like playing chess with extra pieces. It was all fake.”
– Paul Postal
(The New Yorker, March 31, 2003)

Can I import Gleevec from India & sell to dying cancer patients for 2500 annually so they don't lose their homes?
Novartis doesn't seem to like this idea hence running to the big bad govt to stop dr reddy from selling their generic version of this 12 year old medicine invented by someone else with a minimal 10% investment by novartis.
Why is it the corporatists only like the govt when they sue the little guy?
BTW - what justified Novartis jacking the price up nearly 500% after a decade since
economies of scale lower production costs as time goes on?
Was it to fund things like Vasella's attempted embezzlement of nearly $80Million walk away hush money?
Or the Maya Lin , Ghery inspired monuments to greed & narrcissism ?
You political morons stay on point. The thread was about why NVS is jacking patients for 100K for 12 year old gleevec

Can I import Gleevec from India & sell to dying cancer patients for 2500 annually so they don't lose their homes?
Novartis doesn't seem to like this idea hence running to the big bad govt to stop dr reddy from selling their generic version of this 12 year old medicine invented by someone else with a minimal 10% investment by novartis.
Why is it the corporatists only like the govt when they sue the little guy?
BTW - what justified Novartis jacking the price up nearly 500% after a decade since
economies of scale lower production costs as time goes on?
Was it to fund things like Vasella's attempted embezzlement of nearly $80Million walk away hush money?
Or the Maya Lin , Ghery inspired monuments to greed & narrcissism ?
You political morons stay on point. The thread was about why NVS is jacking patients for 100K for 12 year old gleevec

I think there is something called patent protection in the US. I believe a role of a legitimate government is to enforce laws. When patent infringement happens, corporations, individuals, whatever "like the government" to enforce existing laws. This is relatively basic and fundamental. If you need further explanation, go read a book on US patents.

BTW.... Why would you buy Gleevec from India and make a dying patient anything? You sound heartless. You must be a greedy person who only thinks of profit.

Any and all governments (and for that matter, Corporations and other financial entities) should benefit the society they function in. No-one cares if the power elite take a cut, as long as the society in general improves, because we live in your own $hit. If we operate in a society, we should benefit it, otherwise we'll spend more in repressive $ holding onto it, and killing off people.

This is the Golden Mean of Empire. And guess what? We all went full r***** and broke it, yo. Not only have we drawn forth the worst possible in the species (Branding = fundamental changing of the mind, it's easily proven, and you know it), we've poisoned the world and won't admit it, and don't have the balls to clean it up. It's called M.A.D. for a reason. We've also managed to pervert the entire point of being human into some kind of twisted acting self-reflexive pattern where the "public" and "private" are both twisted into a conformist hierarchal power based Munch scream, peppered with self-policing language and Corporate Blinkers and where 25% of our population is mentally broken. And we add an oppressive form of "G-O-D" on the top as a cherry! Genius!

People think the current Empire is crap. That's our real issue. And we sit here and train people who admit to child pedophilia, kidnapping and raping young boys and suck it up in the name of "politics" in the "military" [http://www.vice.com/vice-news/inside-afghanistan-1-of-2 : watch it and weep, our tax dollars at work].

Seriously.... What the fuck are you talking about???
Your video link was an absolute waste of time. 20 min. of my life that I will never get back. It wasn't even US troops.