40% employees Will be layoff from IT, Finance and commercial

To: Abbott IT


Over the past two years, our worldwide IT organization has made significant strides to standardize technologies and services to allow us to more easily support business operations. As part of our business planning process, Abbott IT business application organizations have assessed and evaluated how our operating model must further adapt to meet the evolving needs of our worldwide businesses. To put it simply, our organization must find ways to be much more operationally efficient. With this in mind, we are now proposing to implement two key initiatives.

First, we are we moving to a new operating model that will enable us to provide more efficient business support. Under this new model, divisional IT will focus on IT strategy, demand management, and business process requirements, while a new centralized shared services organization will manage solution delivery to the divisions. Staff in corporate and divisional IT organizations will be realigned to support this shared services model.

Second, we are transitioning a number of standardized activities to two leading industry suppliers. We have recently entered into agreements with two leading IT service providers to streamline, simplify, and standardize our operations and solutions. Working with these suppliers will enable us to increase operational efficiency, lower costs and increase overall service flexibility.

This transformation is a major step in our worldwide IT evolution and will change how our IT Business Systems organization will operate within Abbott. As a result of these expected changes, there will be an impact to some of our staff members, including some position eliminations and, over the coming weeks, changes in job roles, functions, and/or reporting relationships across our worldwide organization. While I recognize this is a journey, it is our intent to address as much of our transformation impact up front and with as much transparency as possible so that we can quickly focus on driving greater strategic business capabilities.

In the coming days and weeks, we will share more details about what is changing and what these changes mean for you. As decisions are made, we will communicate them openly while taking steps to minimize disruptions, both within our organization and for the businesses we serve.

I thank you in advance for your continued support and focus on serving the business.


Nancy Berce
VP, Business Process and Finance Operations

I remember Mr. Miles during the all employee meeting last January 2014. During the Q&A portion, one question came from the Affiliate asking if there was any lay-off coming soon. He paused a little bit for may be 5 seconds and replied NO. There's no future lay-off (big lie). By the end of January Abbott made a very huge lay-off. It's up to you folks if you TRUST your leader.

A few years ago, Miles was asked during an AEM, why was Abbott, as a US company sending so many jobs overseas and not keeping US employees employed? Miles was clearly angry at the question, bristled, and responded, "We are a global company, not a US company". Guess what Mr. White, Abbott is a US company doing business globally. Abbott is not a business operating on some etherial plain where you can define your own legal status. Some people have no problem modifying reality in their own mind to justify their behavior. Just read that Abbott is buying a pharma manufacturing company in Russia even though the US Government is advising businesses not invest in Russia at this time due to Russia's aggression toward Ukraine. Again....Abbott, way to support your country and it's people.

Here in AVD, 18 IT folks were cut. Rumor has it a lot more will be cut in September of this year when consolidation of other AV sites are complete. People are saying ~300-500 will be cut. Jobs going to Costa Rica.

13 of us in IT apps team advised here in Canada we are losing our jobs and going to IBM outsourcing. We must stay on and train these scabs until Aug 29th if we want to see a package. Pure salary dump. Will cost Abbott more in the long run and some VP will get a hefty bonus. Government should cease all tax breaks they get. Closed down Brockville AN plant and now will close our 2 warehouses in August. Nothing left here in Canada except sales marketing yet we generate one of the highest per capita returns for Abbott as far as sales go for a country.

13 of us in IT apps team advised here in Canada we are losing our jobs and going to IBM outsourcing. We must stay on and train these scabs until Aug 29th if we want to see a package. Pure salary dump. Will cost Abbott more in the long run and some VP will get a hefty bonus. Government should cease all tax breaks they get. Closed down Brockville AN plant and now will close our 2 warehouses in August. Nothing left here in Canada except sales marketing yet we generate one of the highest per capita returns for Abbott as far as sales go for a country.

You've road the gravy train too long and it's finally caught up to you. Abbott is doing the right thing by eliminating all the bottom feeders like you. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You've road the gravy train too long and it's finally caught up to you. Abbott is doing the right thing by eliminating all the bottom feeders like you. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You are an asshole and a jerk. If you worked half as hard as these poor folks who got canned in the last few days you would not say this stuff. You are the moral bottom feeder and with this attitude your day will come.

You are an asshole and a jerk. If you worked half as hard as these poor folks who got canned in the last few days you would not say this stuff. You are the moral bottom feeder and with this attitude your day will come.

I'm retired after 35 years of faithful, hard working service to Abbott and enjoying every minute of my retirement for the past five years. You whack job!!!

I'm retired after 35 years of faithful, hard working service to Abbott and enjoying every minute of my retirement for the past five years. You whack job!!!

Right, and when you hired into Abbott it was a top notch company to work for...what you fail to see is that under Mr. White it has become a pile of shit.