I guess you don't get it. Nobody is looking for your sympathy. We're asking you learn the business. Learn where the process is broken and come up with solutions to fix it. Marshall and Jamie just made a trip to Cali to understand why reps were leaving and why nobody wanted to interview for the open positions. Their solution, lower the quotas to try and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately the guys in Georgia get wind and all hell is breaking lose! There are so many areas where reimbursement and corporate policies are hindering the ability to grow business. The solution is to either make some noise and risk being fired or just leave this mess. Most are leaving. Lowering quotas is a short term reprieve. 6 months at best. Forget it. Time to leave this sinking mismanaged ship. Good luck with the pharm model!
I wouldn't even compare this mess to pharma. At least pharma has structure, defined marketing, support, operations, supply chain, contracting, quality med-ed. I feel like doctors are shooting at a craps table hoping to continue scoring without busting.