120 Days At Zoll/ Please read if considering

Gambro Healthcare Agrees to Pay More Than $500 Million in Medicare Fraud Case

The relator in the case received more than $45 million for helping the government to uncover allegations that Gambro Healthcare:

45 million should help your severance pay!! LOL

WELLLLLL Since Zoll fired me on false HIPAA allegations :( I've applied for every job in this small town and I don't have anything better to do at 3:00am except worry about money and be pissed off!!! SHIT I cant even go to the DR. to get sleeping pills because I don't have insurance, THANKS ASSHOLES i'm sure your sleeping good :( I'LL do my best to keep you up and worry about your dam jobs!!!!! ITS COMING all for falsely accusing me and firing me on HIPAA violation. YOU KNOW YOU WERE wrong to fire me on bullshit allegations!!!! I busted my ass getting the BAA and doctors to sign a paper saying I have access to all there patients... Sleep good while you can.[/QUOTE

Ok, let's just look at your post, your use of curse words are totally unprofessional, as are your accusations. Zoll does not tell employees to hire RN's to get business. We train everyone to look for patients at risk for SCD, we don't write the orders for LV, the healthcare providers write the order and they have to meet the qualifications or criteria or they do not get a vest! You are mad, you are scared, but you are ruining all possibilities of gaining another position as no company likes to be threatened by someone who they were forced to let go. Never have I been told to look for patients in office charts, NEVER! You are upset and mad, spend your energy on you 4 kids, not on blowing up social media for your own cause. Look in the mirror, pray, and find peace. Another job awaits you.

WELLLLLL Since Zoll fired me on false HIPAA allegations :( I've applied for every job in this small town and I don't have anything better to do at 3:00am except worry about money and be pissed off!!! SHIT I cant even go to the DR. to get sleeping pills because I don't have insurance, THANKS ASSHOLES i'm sure your sleeping good :( I'LL do my best to keep you up and worry about your dam jobs!!!!! ITS COMING all for falsely accusing me and firing me on HIPAA violation. YOU KNOW YOU WERE wrong to fire me on bullshit allegations!!!! I busted my ass getting the BAA and doctors to sign a paper saying I have access to all there patients... Sleep good while you can.[/QUOTE

Ok, let's just look at your post, your use of curse words are totally unprofessional, as are your accusations. Zoll does not tell employees to hire RN's to get business. We train everyone to look for patients at risk for SCD, we don't write the orders for LV, the healthcare providers write the order and they have to meet the qualifications or criteria or they do not get a vest! You are mad, you are scared, but you are ruining all possibilities of gaining another position as no company likes to be threatened by someone who they were forced to let go. Never have I been told to look for patients in office charts, NEVER! You are upset and mad, spend your energy on you 4 kids, not on blowing up social media for your own cause. Look in the mirror, pray, and find peace. Another job awaits you.

OK SMARTY!! How do you get MO"S?? ALL my Physicians say they believe in the lifevest and order it on all patients that meet requirements.. I think they are telling the truth. Why was Zoll telling me they are lying and I need to find the other patients or I get fired....What was Zoll WANTING ME TO DO ???? Talk about the CADILLAC , MADIT II trials ,NCDR Registry? I shouldn't be in the hospital finding PT if doctors are saying they are giving me all pt. We are calling them a liar and going behind there back and finding or having help finding patients. WHAT hospitals do you go to? I'll call and see if they agree to having there RN look for PT for you.. IF NOT wait till next year when your quota is out of reach and you will have to find more patients or loose your job.. Tell your family that and see what you do..
NOW The cardiologist in my territory like and believe in the vest and order it, just not in a 50% increase Zoll puts on our quota. YA I am FUCKING mad. I want to fire you on bull shit and false allegations and see what your family and kids say at Christmas??

WELLLLLL Since Zoll fired me on false HIPAA allegations :( I've applied for every job in this small town and I don't have anything better to do at 3:00am except worry about money and be pissed off!!! SHIT I cant even go to the DR. to get sleeping pills because I don't have insurance, THANKS ASSHOLES i'm sure your sleeping good :( I'LL do my best to keep you up and worry about your dam jobs!!!!! ITS COMING all for falsely accusing me and firing me on HIPAA violation. YOU KNOW YOU WERE wrong to fire me on bullshit allegations!!!! I busted my ass getting the BAA and doctors to sign a paper saying I have access to all there patients... Sleep good while you can.[/QUOTE

Ok, let's just look at your post, your use of curse words are totally unprofessional, as are your accusations. Zoll does not tell employees to hire RN's to get business. We train everyone to look for patients at risk for SCD, we don't write the orders for LV, the healthcare providers write the order and they have to meet the qualifications or criteria or they do not get a vest! You are mad, you are scared, but you are ruining all possibilities of gaining another position as no company likes to be threatened by someone who they were forced to let go. Never have I been told to look for patients in office charts, NEVER! You are upset and mad, spend your energy on you 4 kids, not on blowing up social media for your own cause. Look in the mirror, pray, and find peace. Another job awaits you.

You mentioned in your reply "no company likes to be threatened by someone who they were forced to let go" why was the person forced to let him go?

WELLLLLL Since Zoll fired me on false HIPAA allegations :( I've applied for every job in this small town and I don't have anything better to do at 3:00am except worry about money and be pissed off!!! SHIT I cant even go to the DR. to get sleeping pills because I don't have insurance, THANKS ASSHOLES i'm sure your sleeping good :( I'LL do my best to keep you up and worry about your dam jobs!!!!! ITS COMING all for falsely accusing me and firing me on HIPAA violation. YOU KNOW YOU WERE wrong to fire me on bullshit allegations!!!! I busted my ass getting the BAA and doctors to sign a paper saying I have access to all there patients... Sleep good while you can.[/QUOTE

Ok, let's just look at your post, your use of curse words are totally unprofessional, as are your accusations. Zoll does not tell employees to hire RN's to get business. We train everyone to look for patients at risk for SCD, we don't write the orders for LV, the healthcare providers write the order and they have to meet the qualifications or criteria or they do not get a vest! You are mad, you are scared, but you are ruining all possibilities of gaining another position as no company likes to be threatened by someone who they were forced to let go. Never have I been told to look for patients in office charts, NEVER! You are upset and mad, spend your energy on you 4 kids, not on blowing up social media for your own cause. Look in the mirror, pray, and find peace. Another job awaits you.

Lets put a little perspective on the venoms source. 2009/2010 "Rick Packer wants us to hire NP/PA's as PSRs. Get it done, no excuses." Anyone remember the "mid-level trackers" heck, we were even spiffed. I suppose a provider has never been "coached" to restate a consult note either, "uh Dr. you can't put EF%35-40 or EF% 36, it has to be EF%35 or less for the company and carriers to authorize.....uh dr. can you put sustained VT. Wait how about Dr. can you just check off 6 months so we don't have to bother you with reorders. I know the patient may not need the vest but we will only bill for the time in the vest. Oh wait how about, "hi unit secretary this is ding-dong from Zoll and I know I am the 40th person to call but can you refax the cath report and everything else again......um "we didn't receive"....maybe you faxed them to a pizzeria (might has well have as Zoll is not HL-7 compliant nor fax secure to handle high volume medical faxes.

Sounds like you pissed off to many people corporate. They are willing to spill there guts. Time to pay the price for your lies, devil deeds and the unethical things you have your TM preform, and HIPAA violations you put on the hospitals rurses. Just so yall roll in the money and claim to be such a big bad ass, ethical, better than everybody else company. Ya right

Lets put a little perspective on the venoms source. 2009/2010 "Rick Packer wants us to hire NP/PA's as PSRs. Get it done, no excuses." Anyone remember the "mid-level trackers" heck, we were even spiffed. I suppose a provider has never been "coached" to restate a consult note either, "uh Dr. you can't put EF%35-40 or EF% 36, it has to be EF%35 or less for the company and carriers to authorize.....uh dr. can you put sustained VT. Wait how about Dr. can you just check off 6 months so we don't have to bother you with reorders. I know the patient may not need the vest but we will only bill for the time in the vest. Oh wait how about, "hi unit secretary this is ding-dong from Zoll and I know I am the 40th person to call but can you refax the cath report and everything else again......um "we didn't receive"....maybe you faxed them to a pizzeria (might has well have as Zoll is not HL-7 compliant nor fax secure to handle high volume medical faxes.

I have seen and heard good reps tell physicians that the EF needs to be under 35 so they may want to restate the cath report and/or coached in the writing of consult notes. I can't tell you have many reps tell everyone to just check the 6 months, as this has been a directive from many of the directors. Oh how deep the unethical winds go!

I have seen and heard good reps tell physicians that the EF needs to be under 35 so they may want to restate the cath report and/or coached in the writing of consult notes. I can't tell you have many reps tell everyone to just check the 6 months, as this has been a directive from many of the directors. Oh how deep the unethical wounds go!

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

From some of the initials that has been mentioned and looking through the RM's. He or she must be from the Texas area. My guess. Also mentioned was recording conversations are not illegal in Texas so you can do the math.

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

Reps do not hang out not his board and we do work very hard. We want to share our experiences here so more people see what this job really is before they come here and sell their soul to the devil. I didn't look and read before I accepted and it's the worst mistake I ever made.

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

I don't even work for your company anymore... It will be my mission to show you why it's like to screw your reps and ONLY tell the truth. Zoll was the WORST decision I have ever made and I was successful and I never missed my number and still left. Every rep in the company wants to leave PERIOD!

I've been with Zoll just a very short time and I already regret my decision. I thought that this would be a good stepping stone out of pharma, but I can not even describe how disappointed I am that I came here. This is not a career move I should made. I read the boards here and thought that this probably was a few bad apples, boy was I wrong.

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

Why is it that Zoll management persists with lying and continually tries to stop the truth from being told about their product, their abilities, and how they treat their employees? Could you take a look at the mirror and ask how you live with yourself please? Understand others have ethics and hold them as a role model. Trying to silence how bad of a product and management is will get you no traction, especially from the general community.

Zoll has the worst reputation for turning and burning Reps, I swear I've been called 4-6 different times regarding these positions and it's always the same story from a new recruiter expansion territories because the product is doing so well. Strange how the Manager always seems to be new. This is the kind of crap that's destroying device and it's pathetic a sad.

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

My god, colonel klink! I thought you had died, so happy to hear you're still running the show.

I've been with Zoll just a very short time and I already regret my decision. I thought that this would be a good stepping stone out of pharma, but I can not even describe how disappointed I am that I came here. This is not a career move I should made. I read the boards here and thought that this probably was a few bad apples, boy was I wrong.

Ditto. Hard to believe it unless you've lived through it. This place is terrible.

Reps do not hang out not his board and we do work very hard. We want to share our experiences here so more people see what this job really is before they come here and sell their soul to the devil. I didn't look and read before I accepted and it's the worst mistake I ever made.

Awesome to see how nerved out mgmt is getting over the truth. Zoll has serious problems and people should know before they make poor career choices.

Why is it that our reps hang out on this board? It's shameful and pathetic. Please get out and work. Try to sell something, please? Service your customers and thank them for their business. Complaining on here will get you no sympathy, especially from management

I guess you don't get it. Nobody is looking for your sympathy. We're asking you learn the business. Learn where the process is broken and come up with solutions to fix it. Marshall and Jamie just made a trip to Cali to understand why reps were leaving and why nobody wanted to interview for the open positions. Their solution, lower the quotas to try and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately the guys in Georgia get wind and all hell is breaking lose! There are so many areas where reimbursement and corporate policies are hindering the ability to grow business. The solution is to either make some noise and risk being fired or just leave this mess. Most are leaving. Lowering quotas is a short term reprieve. 6 months at best. Forget it. Time to leave this sinking mismanaged ship. Good luck with the pharm model!