120 Days At Zoll/ Please read if considering

I agree with many of the points about the leadership team specifically mentioned. I have not seen any mention of D.R., who I believe is in charge of some semblance of operations/ACs/PSRs, etc. I have never heard someone with his amount of authority speak so ignorantly and incoherently. I am in disbelief that he can continue to make the harmful decisions that he does with no consequences. Makes me very concerned that the leadership up there doesn't realize (a) what we really do day to day or (b) how these decisions are harmful. And the icing on the cake is that they are never communicated to us ... we just get to find out when something goes horribly wrong and then get blamed for it. I am losing faith daily ... I really was hoping this would be a good place to work.

You obviously don't read any of the other medical device boards. They all sound like the same few disgruntled employees complaining about the same thing.

You sir/ma'am, are a complete idiot! I have been in the industry a long time, and with a number of device companies. ZOLL is nothing like any of them in the most negative of ways! I am glad to be out of this catastrophe of a "company"...

I do feel sorry for you though. You are obviously a manager and you constantly have positions to fill, and that can't be easy with the amount of people sharing the truth on here!

I agree with many of the points about the leadership team specifically mentioned. I have not seen any mention of D.R., who I believe is in charge of some semblance of operations/ACs/PSRs, etc. I have never heard someone with his amount of authority speak so ignorantly and incoherently. I am in disbelief that he can continue to make the harmful decisions that he does with no consequences. Makes me very concerned that the leadership up there doesn't realize (a) what we really do day to day or (b) how these decisions are harmful. And the icing on the cake is that they are never communicated to us ... we just get to find out when something goes horribly wrong and then get blamed for it. I am losing faith daily ... I really was hoping this would be a good place to work.

Did you not read the shit on here before you joined???

You obviously don't read any of the other medical device boards. They all sound like the same few disgruntled employees complaining about the same thing.

Sorry but did you say you own the company? You don't...hmm so I guess your in the same boat we are (salaried/bonus). You keep playing your song while the ship sinks. When your day comes and your left with your pants around your ankles and your arrogance to keep you warm and fuzzy turn around because the crowd watching will be mouthing "told you so, dumbass"

You obviously don't read any of the other medical device boards. They all sound like the same few disgruntled employees complaining about the same thing.

Here we go again. Soooo 7 years and thousands of threads (comments) about Zoll and it's the "same people" ? When you log into cafe pharma take a look at when the threads began! Considering the turn over here is unbelievable why don't you stop your bullshit and call it for what it is!!! A shit management team hiring pharm reps to spread managements propaganda all the while flying under the flag of false pretense of saving lives! The only lives we are saving is the management team. Without this gig many of them would be looking for government cheese. The end.

Is Aldo still the manager in the east? I got a call from recruiter, but reading these posts, he seems like a horror story. Only reason I'm considering, I am trying to break into med device

Is Aldo still the manager in the east? I got a call from recruiter, but reading these posts, he seems like a horror story. Only reason I'm considering, I am trying to break into med device

Hate to burst your bubble, but this gig isn't device and it won't get you in to device either. It's DME and at the worst nightmare of a company than you can imagine. Please use the learnings and experience from the many who have come here and left or have come here and are still here but tying to get out. This will be your worst career move you could ever make.

Is Aldo still the manager in the east? I got a call from recruiter, but reading these posts, he seems like a horror story. Only reason I'm considering, I am trying to break into med device

Let us enlighten you on how Aldo covers his ass. He interviewed a rep that worked for Medtronic back in the 90s to mid 2000. Guy knows and is respected by everyone. He retired. Decided he wanted to do something after years of sitting on a beach. Figured he could sell this product in his sleep as he is still connected to the customer base. Aldo decided to hire a pharm rep with no cardiac experience. Why you ask? Because Aldo has no clue about cardiology, the procedures, the verbiage, and conceptually doesn't understand how a patient moves through the health care system. He also had a rep who was a previous manager in cardiology who called him out on his mistakes and bad decisions. So he decides to hire someone who knows less than he does (which is difficult to find) so he can hide and not be exposed. What a moron. This is the guy who says he can give a man a fish but instead wants to teach a man to fish. Problem is he doesn't know fishing poles exist, he noodles! Another fine example of a guy one step away from being an insurance agent.

That's the kind of manager that Zoll likes, dumb. This way they can have the corporate idiots keep doing the idiotic things that they do and their managers and directors won't call them on it.

Let us enlighten you on how Aldo covers his ass. He interviewed a rep that worked for Medtronic back in the 90s to mid 2000. Guy knows and is respected by everyone. He retired. Decided he wanted to do something after years of sitting on a beach. Figured he could sell this product in his sleep as he is still connected to the customer base. Aldo decided to hire a pharm rep with no cardiac experience. Why you ask? Because Aldo has no clue about cardiology, the procedures, the verbiage, and conceptually doesn't understand how a patient moves through the health care system. He also had a rep who was a previous manager in cardiology who called him out on his mistakes and bad decisions. So he decides to hire someone who knows less than he does (which is difficult to find) so he can hide and not be exposed. What a moron. This is the guy who says he can give a man a fish but instead wants to teach a man to fish. Problem is he doesn't know fishing poles exist, he noodles! Another fine example of a guy one step away from being an insurance agent.

Thanks for your insight. I spoke to someone at Covidien, and they said they heard the same thing from his reps when he worked there.

WELLLLLL Since Zoll fired me on false HIPAA allegations :( I've applied for every job in this small town and I don't have anything better to do at 3:00am except worry about money and be pissed off!!! SHIT I cant even go to the DR. to get sleeping pills because I don't have insurance, THANKS ASSHOLES i'm sure your sleeping good :( I'LL do my best to keep you up and worry about your dam jobs!!!!! ITS COMING all for falsely accusing me and firing me on HIPAA violation. YOU KNOW YOU WERE wrong to fire me on bullshit allegations!!!! I busted my ass getting the BAA and doctors to sign a paper saying I have access to all there patients... Sleep good while you can.

Dude, I feel bad for you... really. But karma's a bitch. You would do yourself a lot of good to spend your energy going about this in a more methodical way. By the way, check your grammar and spelling. You're really making yourself look like an ass. And I'm telling you this to help you, really. Your kids need their father to step up and make something happen. You are wasting your angst and energy. Take this as friendly advice. I don't know you but I could find out easily enough who you are. All this spewing on CP is just weakening your argument. Hope this helps.

THANK YOU!!! It's hard to put the frustration into words on a iPhone keypad :( My emotions are so scattered... I'm getting 2-3 hours of sleep at a time then I wake with the anxiety and stress kicking in like a shot of adrenaline ;( I cant help it !!!!!!!!!I'm just so angry and don't know what to do BUT I KNOW they did me wrong!! I'm having to look at moving my kids to a bigger city to find a job. I feel I need to stay with my parents and help them as they are in there 70's. GOD will lead me in the right direction and take care of the others. Its just hard to sit back and let it happen. Just saw that email address on post ,,WOW!!!