$100 million class action suit

Women don't "choose" to have babies you moron--that's just the way it biologically is and it's a family choice. Even if you miss 4 months of work it isn't a big deal. A lot of time it actually makes people more productive. It's very easy to get in rut or develop bad habits by only calling on half the doctors on your call plan because you like them, so taking a break gives you a fresh set of eyes and a new start if you will in your territory. And don't give me some BS that you're some stellar rep and see every dr you should blah blah blah because any rep who's had their territory long enough will eventually get into a rhythm and not branch out to new people. I've won 4 gold cups and have had 2 kids while at dsi so stop being so judgemental when you clearly don't have a fucking clue.

I feel bad for the dude who comes home to this beast

It's not ignorant to state that working mothers should be able to take maternity leave and take time in work hours to pump. It's actually company policy.

I was speaking more about the fact you view POAs as useless exercises. You get out of them what you put into them. I thought we were all on the same team striving to be the best sales team we could be to help maximize our company's future. You'd rather support lame arguments that will cost the company $100 million and jeopardize that future?

It's not a woman's fault that she's the one who has to get pregnant. Trust me--if we could make men give birth instead I'm sure there's not one woman who wouldn't prefer this. Being pregnant and giving birth totally destroys your body and depending on how you gave birth can be really painful to recover from. I'd like to see a man who gets ripped from his penis to his butthole go back to work immediately. Point being, women shouldn't get penalized for taking a maternity leave because in no way is it a vacation. It's weeks of sleep deprivation so the MAN can continue to work as well as time to recover physically. So all you sexist men out there, instead of criticizing women for having to be pregnant why not just be grateful you don't have to do it yourselves. And maybe if you made enough money to support your own families, those "lazy women" wouldn't have to go to work too only to be discriminated against and underpaid.

Well said!

Hey why didn't they add the fact that pregnant reps were forced to pump their own gas in the lawsuit? They should have been allowed to drive to Oregon or maybe even Jersey to have it pumped for them so as not to be exposed "to harmful vapors". I think that is just as dumb of an arguement as "smoke filled casino" exposure. It's not like you are walking through a blackjack pit at 2 am. More like skirting the perimeter of the vacant casino floor to walk to the meeting rooms in a completely different wing of the building. Weak case me thinks.

I agree with this poster. I have to walk through patients standing outside smoking everyday at every office bldg! Well they should sue in case they get the flu from being in a germ ridden environment. There are just some absolutely ridiculous claims as part of the lawsuit. The harassment is one thing, but smoke....really?

I just did an Internet search and all the baby BF websites say you can easily bounce back from skipping a few feedings. Maybe a bit uncomfy for the day but manageable. But hey! Lets put it to the jury and milk the suit for all it's worth!

How the hell are you even employed, ANYWHERE! You have NO idea what you are talking about so please go back to your trailer.

Women don't "choose" to have babies you moron--that's just the way it biologically is and it's a family choice. Even if you miss 4 months of work it isn't a big deal. A lot of time it actually makes people more productive. It's very easy to get in rut or develop bad habits by only calling on half the doctors on your call plan because you like them, so taking a break gives you a fresh set of eyes and a new start if you will in your territory. And don't give me some BS that you're some stellar rep and see every dr you should blah blah blah because any rep who's had their territory long enough will eventually get into a rhythm and not branch out to new people. I've won 4 gold cups and have had 2 kids while at dsi so stop being so judgemental when you clearly don't have a fucking clue.

This may be the dumbest comment I've ever read on CP. It has to be a joke, right? Then again, someone else posted comments about how POA meetings are useless. It's this type of self entitlement mentality that ruined this once proud profession and turned it into a position worthy of the typical Bachelor reality show candidates.

I just read an article where a woman sued J&J for complications she suffered after getting a vaginal mesh implant. The jury awarded a total of $11 million for the pain and suffering from the 18 surgeries she had to endure after the implant.

At the same time 6 women are seeking $100 million for:

Not getting promoted quick enough for their liking
Not being able to transfer territories when they want to
Deciding that mid 60k salaries aren't enough after they agreed to them
Having to dine with male doctors, even though it is expected ALL reps should dine with ALL doctors
Having to pay back money that was overpaid to them while on leave
Having the company assign product responsibilities to other reps instead of leaving the product unsupported for 4 months
Having to skip a breast pumping schedule due to the logistics of being on a boat cruise
Hearing second hand information about two males making locker room type comments about them

Did I miss any of the other "serious" claims that add up to $100 million?


Totally Agree and I am a female.

I am female too. We want to be treated equal to men but that doesn't mean taking this course of action. This is why any male manager wouldn't want to have a female on their team in the first place. If you want to play with the men, be ready for the truths about your performance and not all rainbows and butterflies. Sales numbers are not the only piece of being promotable, you have to be like as well.

I suggest all these ladies take a look in the mirror.

I have to say I don't know if lawsuit is the right way to go about this, however I will say HR has not done what they need to do with the complaints. JG is too concerned what RDs think of her so she drops the ball on a lot of complaints. I will say I have sat in meetings when male managers will make comments about their reps taking maternity leave and breastfeeding, wondering how long of leave they will take because it will impact the DMs performance, who should be on the Regional Talent Plan, and they did not hesitate to say well she should but she's gonna have a kid, (I am a male DM and I heard these conversations, but I guess I am at fault to because I did not say anything). The RD was in there too and did not stop the conversations or try to redirect them.
I am just saying there is a lot that is said here at DSI that should not be. If this gets some of the managers out that are in the good boys club- good bye!

You know, this job is pretty cool. Easy work, flexible hours, salary and benefits averaging $100K, not the toughest job, and a free car to boot. It really makes a nice job for working women to balance their work/life responsibilities. It's a shame that some greedy people decide to bite the hand that feeds them. SHAME!

Completely agree. I've worked all over the world and DSI is THE most male chauvinistic company I have worked for. I have never seen so few women in top positions, much less in Senior Management. And the few who did make it and tried to break up the old boys club were pushed away (Natasha Nelson) or let go/demoted 2 weeks ago. In all my years in pharma companies, i had never heard women referred to in such derrogatory and disrespectful terms, even in traditional countries where professional women are few and far between. I am so glad I'm outta there and at a company where women are not only held in high esteem, but are in senior management. Such a shame, DSI had the potential to be a really great company. RIP.

The list of strong-willed senior level women who, like Natasha, actually stood up to the injustices of the "boys club" goes on, and on, and on....brilliant individuals like Ann Dayton &
Susan Romanus, plus most recently Linda Harrell & Crystal Walter all have been released from this mess. It will stop now, but only because of the suit. Their day of reckoning will come....

In reading the suit I see one of the plantiff's highlighting their sales rankings and then being upset that Welchol was shifted to another rep while she was out for four months on maternity leave.

Would it make sense to leave a key product with a lower share of voice during this period? Does that make sense? No. Is that discriminatory? No.

Upon returning from leave, she was upset that she no longer had Welchol and her bonus suffered because of it.

So were her initial rankings a sign of her being a good rep or did she just have a good drug to sell? If it were her skills driving the business, why would it matter what drug she sold?

I just read an article where a woman sued J&J for complications she suffered after getting a vaginal mesh implant. The jury awarded a total of $11 million for the pain and suffering from the 18 surgeries she had to endure after the implant.

At the same time 6 women are seeking $100 million for:

Not getting promoted quick enough for their liking
Not being able to transfer territories when they want to
Deciding that mid 60k salaries aren't enough after they agreed to them
Having to dine with male doctors, even though it is expected ALL reps should dine with ALL doctors
Having to pay back money that was overpaid to them while on leave
Having the company assign product responsibilities to other reps instead of leaving the product unsupported for 4 months
Having to skip a breast pumping schedule due to the logistics of being on a boat cruise
Hearing second hand information about two males making locker room type comments about them

Did I miss any of the other "serious" claims that add up to $100 million?


How could the horrible discriminatory practice of an RSD walking into a meeting and greeting some, but not all reps, not be included on this list? It's SOOO offensive! Maybe it should be $120 million?

The list of strong-willed senior level women who, like Natasha, actually stood up to the injustices of the "boys club" goes on, and on, and on....brilliant individuals like Ann Dayton &
Susan Romanus, plus most recently Linda Harrell & Crystal Walter all have been released from this mess. It will stop now, but only because of the suit. Their day of reckoning will come....

You honestly think those woman were released because of their gender? If you do, you are delusional. All this suit will do if anything is keep less qualified woman on or promote less qualified woman simply because they need to balance the scale. Not because they are the best person for the job. Now does this sound like the best way to run any company and get the best results? I think not.

I have to say I don't know if lawsuit is the right way to go about this, however I will say HR has not done what they need to do with the complaints. JG is too concerned what RDs think of her so she drops the ball on a lot of complaints. I will say I have sat in meetings when male managers will make comments about their reps taking maternity leave and breastfeeding, wondering how long of leave they will take because it will impact the DMs performance, who should be on the Regional Talent Plan, and they did not hesitate to say well she should but she's gonna have a kid, (I am a male DM and I heard these conversations, but I guess I am at fault to because I did not say anything). The RD was in there too and did not stop the conversations or try to redirect them.
I am just saying there is a lot that is said here at DSI that should not be. If this gets some of the managers out that are in the good boys club- good bye!

What is a regional talent plan. Because I work my butt off and look back and should have a min of two gold cups but the way they play with numbers I always loose out. I feel like if your not chosen your out and yes I just let management know I was prego for the last one.