$100 million class action suit

I know both the rep accusing the promoted rep, and the rep that got the job is going to Gold Cup this year and the rep that didn't get the job has very low numbers year after year. The funny thing is, the Rep that got the promotion is the best friend of the rep that is making the accusations. I have worked closely with two of the plaintiffs over the last 4 years and I can guarantee that they are not telling the truth. I do not know any of the others and will not speculate on them or their situations but two of them are absolutely full of it. Every accusation is blown way out of proportion.

Thank you.......vindication!

Anyone else have issues with people not mentioned in the suit??? I can't believe Jamie P is mentioned! Great person! WP is another story. He says integrity is important, what about his? He is also another one that focuses on the boys club. He favors them completely and it's obvious. When he goes down another female will be promoted to ABD! Or maybe Jamie P will get it and a female promoted to CV RD!

I know both the rep accusing the promoted rep, and the rep that got the job is going to Gold Cup this year and the rep that didn't get the job has very low numbers year after year. The funny thing is, the Rep that got the promotion is the best friend of the rep that is making the accusations. I have worked closely with two of the plaintiffs over the last 4 years and I can guarantee that they are not telling the truth. I do not know any of the others and will not speculate on them or their situations but two of them are absolutely full of it. Every accusation is blown way out of proportion.

Yup, I work out there and this is so true. But we can all thank KJ for trying to hurt the company we all work for because her ego was hurt. Same with the other two. They were always a laughing stock and now years later they want to try to take 100 mill?? The world we live in is messed up...

I love how there a people commenting on breastfeeding that have no idea what they are talking about. Until you've tried to go back to work while nursing a newborn do not comment!

Yet somehow millions of women all over the world for years have found a way to do it without suing their employers.

BTW - The suit discusses the inability to breast feed during a Seattle boat ride. Aren't these reps from California? So my guess would be they'd be inconvenienced for one feeding at a company function? That's what merits a 100 Million lawsuit?

Yet somehow millions of women all over the world for years have found a way to do it without suing their employers.

BTW - The suit discusses the inability to breast feed during a Seattle boat ride. Aren't these reps from California? So my guess would be they'd be inconvenienced for one feeding at a company function? That's what merits a 100 Million lawsuit?

Well said.

I just have to say, that as a WOMAN who has worked for the organization for 14 years, I have had three wonderful children as a DSI employee and have had nothing but support from the company. It saddens me that just because a few woman did not get the promotions (probably because they were not the best fit for the job) they act this way. I as a female do not support this type of behavior and shame on you.

I just have to say, that as a WOMAN who has worked for the organization for 14 years, I have had three wonderful children as a DSI employee and have had nothing but support from the company. It saddens me that just because a few woman did not get the promotions (probably because they were not the best fit for the job) they act this way. I as a female do not support this type of behavior and shame on you.

Thank you for a dose of sensibility. I wish others would take a look in the mirror and see the real reason for their problems.

SW has had these same problems before DS. Funny how this seems to follow him.

All I know is DSI has been trying to get rid of Kelly Jenson for years ever since she was released from the safety of RM who was the least respected manager in the area. Kelly falls under a manager that actually holds her accountable to do something and she plays this card. Why dont we ask the long list of reps who SW got promoted (mostly female fyi) over the years and see if the issue is his or if its hers.

And if that doesnt suffice, maybe ask her current counterparts and district mates. There you will find the truth. Not on CF.

I am not a psychiatrist, but I have sold CNS products and here's my thoughts. This lawsuit was brought on by postpartum depression. I suspect the plaintiffs are suffering from misplaced guilt of returning back to work. All of the sudden things are not fair at work and they view every action as a hostile move against them. They are angry at the world that they can't have it all and they lash out at Daiichi. They should seek professional psychiatric counseling instead of legal advice. But that's just my opinion.

Yet somehow millions of women all over the world for years have found a way to do it without suing their employers.

BTW - The suit discusses the inability to breast feed during a Seattle boat ride. Aren't these reps from California? So my guess would be they'd be inconvenienced for one feeding at a company function? That's what merits a 100 Million lawsuit?

I would never sue, but I don't understand how people can be so ignorant to what a new mom goes through. Yes, it can be very uncomfortable to skip one feeding...not to mention embarrassing. It is possible not to compromise what you want to provide your baby and be productive at work...but your employer does need to be accommodating. And until you've experienced that its ignorant to comment negatively.

All I know is DSI has been trying to get rid of Kelly Jenson for years ever since she was released from the safety of RM who was the least respected manager in the area. Kelly falls under a manager that actually holds her accountable to do something and she plays this card. Why dont we ask the long list of reps who SW got promoted (mostly female fyi) over the years and see if the issue is his or if its hers.

And if that doesnt suffice, maybe ask her current counterparts and district mates. There you will find the truth. Not on CF.

Such a true statement that I will cut you some slack on the CF point. We know what you meant :)

I would never sue, but I don't understand how people can be so ignorant to what a new mom goes through. Yes, it can be very uncomfortable to skip one feeding...not to mention embarrassing. It is possible not to compromise what you want to provide your baby and be productive at work...but your employer does need to be accommodating. And until you've experienced that its ignorant to comment negatively.

Accommodating how? Add 1 hr. pumping breaks every 4 hours at the district meeting? Wouldn't that make a 3 day meeting run into 4 days? So now the rest of the team has to be away from their families for another day? Don't they all deserve to be accommodated as well?

Either you are "back to work" or you're not "back to work". Just make the choice!

Accommodating how? Add 1 hr. pumping breaks every 4 hours at the district meeting? Wouldn't that make a 3 day meeting run into 4 days? So now the rest of the team has to be away from their families for another day? Don't they all deserve to be accommodated as well?

Either you are "back to work" or you're not "back to work". Just make the choice!

This is absolutely ridiculous. First of all, it doesn't take time away from anyone else to pump. It takes a half hour at the most, as often as necessary (usually every 3/4 hours) and you excuse yourself and then catch up on whatever you missed. And since we are selling drugs that have been on the market for 10+ years, guess what? You aren't missing much, other than possibly role playing Benicar for the millionth time.

The point is that no one should ever tell you that you can't. End of story. And you can come back to work, breastfeed and be successful. That kind of thinking is why companies get in trouble over this!

This is absolutely ridiculous. First of all, it doesn't take time away from anyone else to pump. It takes a half hour at the most, as often as necessary (usually every 3/4 hours) and you excuse yourself and then catch up on whatever you missed. And since we are selling drugs that have been on the market for 10+ years, guess what? You aren't missing much, other than possibly role playing Benicar for the millionth time.

The point is that no one should ever tell you that you can't. End of story. And you can come back to work, breastfeed and be successful. That kind of thinking is why companies get in trouble over this!

Really? So it's ok to miss a total of 1 1/2 hrs of each day of meetings? you don't think you'll be at a disadvantage? I guess then by the same logic you can take 3 maternity leaves over 5 years at 4 months a clip and expect to be at the same experienced level as someone who worked the full five years? Sorry. it doesn't work that way. There is no substitute for time served ON the job. It allows you more experiences, to make more connections, and to showcase your skills. Why does anyone think they deserve some sort of special exclusion status from time in the trenches?

Really? So it's ok to miss a total of 1 1/2 hrs of each day of meetings? you don't think you'll be at a disadvantage? I guess then by the same logic you can take 3 maternity leaves over 5 years at 4 months a clip and expect to be at the same experienced level as someone who worked the full five years? Sorry. it doesn't work that way. There is no substitute for time served ON the job. It allows you more experiences, to make more connections, and to showcase your skills. Why does anyone think they deserve some sort of special exclusion status from time in the trenches?[/

Then I guess you're arguing that mothers shouldn't work. And all of those laws passed to protect women in the workplace are just crazy talk. You just can't argue with ignorance. But I can laugh that you call this job the "trenches" and you learn so much at a POA!

Women don't "choose" to have babies you moron--that's just the way it biologically is and it's a family choice. Even if you miss 4 months of work it isn't a big deal. A lot of time it actually makes people more productive. It's very easy to get in rut or develop bad habits by only calling on half the doctors on your call plan because you like them, so taking a break gives you a fresh set of eyes and a new start if you will in your territory. And don't give me some BS that you're some stellar rep and see every dr you should blah blah blah because any rep who's had their territory long enough will eventually get into a rhythm and not branch out to new people. I've won 4 gold cups and have had 2 kids while at dsi so stop being so judgemental when you clearly don't have a fucking clue.