$100 million class action suit

I am very confident in stating that the above woman hating poster probably didn't graduate college based on the moronic comments. And if so, I will venture to say it was most likely from a bottom tier public university. Get lost!

If only the thread can answer the age-old question of "how does a Regional Director not saying Hi at a meeting wind up as a $100 million dollar offense?"

Please offer a rational defense without childlike insults and maybe I'll stop trying to defend honest truth.

Hmm. No comments from the "RD"?

When will I get your rational defense?

Crickets crickets

Anonymous;5231834 And...I'm uninformed? Again said:
So you personally know a few of the ladies? The ones you describe as "ethical"? Well then, tell me this:

if a company accidentally overpays you while you're on maternity leave......what's the "ETHICAL" thing to do?

A: pay it back

B: add it to the list for your $100 mil lawsuit?

Hmmmm. I think you better go sit your uniformed self down. next!

Seriously, why do you care so much???

Because there are real victims out there that suffer because of the negative connotations that arise from bogus lawsuits like this one.

Honesty, integrity, and ETHICS!! isn't that what it's supposed to be about?

Smoky casino floors......really?

You should be embarrassed

There are SEVERAL claims in this lawsuit (not just the one you listed). Duh. Google the lawsuit to read them. Oh..I'm sorry. Doing actual research might be too hard for you. Especially for something that doesn't affect you.

And...I'm uninformed? Again, showing your ignorance. I personally know a few of the ladies that filed the lawsuit. They are smart, driven AND ethical.

Oh...and they'll win. So, any boo-hoo-ing about injustice on this board is a waste of time.

Hmmm...based on your personal knowledge, you describe them as:

"smart, driven, AND ethical"

In my opinion, I wouldn't describe someone who wants to transfer out of their territory for something closer as "driven", I'd describe them as not wanting to DRIVE!

There are SEVERAL claims in this lawsuit (not just the one you listed). Duh. Google the lawsuit to read them. Oh..I'm sorry. Doing actual research might be too hard for you. Especially for something that doesn't affect you.

And...I'm uninformed? Again, showing your ignorance. I personally know a few of the ladies that filed the lawsuit. They are smart, driven AND ethical.

Oh...and they'll win. So, any boo-hoo-ing about injustice on this board is a waste of time.

There was a question posted in regards to the above rant.

If a company had accidentally overpaid an employee while on maternity leave, what is the ETHICAL thing to do?

A. Return it

B. File it as part of a "discrimination" lawsuit

Funny how the poster doesn't want to answer the obvious answer.

No, hater. I've been WORKING and haven't made time to read this incredibly negative board.

Boy, the focus on one part of the suit seems to be predominant. Oh, I don't know. Maybe look at EVERY part of the lawsuit. I'm certain these ladies AND their attorneys had reasonable cause to file...or it wouldn't have gone this far. Regardless, the courts will dissect it all and the justice system will decide if wrongs have been done. It's not up to YOU. So, get on with your own lives and your own business.

No, hater. I've been WORKING and haven't made time to read this incredibly negative board.

Boy, the focus on one part of the suit seems to be predominant. Oh, I don't know. Maybe look at EVERY part of the lawsuit. I'm certain these ladies AND their attorneys had reasonable cause to file...or it wouldn't have gone this far. Regardless, the courts will dissect it all and the justice system will decide if wrongs have been done. It's not up to YOU. So, get on with your own lives and your own business.

Please educate yourself and review the many, many questionable aspects of this case. If you look back on this thread you will see numerous bogus charges listed and debunked rather quickly. I have begged for an educated defense of their position....yet no one seems to be able to provide one. All I've seen is childish insults and blind devotion to the notion that big pharma is bad. They count on uneducated, uninformed, mindless sheep like yourself who will blindly support their sistas because they're fighting the big bad pharma companies. That's the sad part.

I believe in truth and hard work. that's what makes you successful. I have a hard time understanding someone's "suffering" because they need to pay back money overpaid to them, that they agreed to salaries and territories and then later decide they deserve better, that they do not get properly greeted at meetings, that they are forced to walk near smokey casino floors...do I need to go on?

They should be embarassed, but they just see the quick $$$ that blinds them. I can at least take some satisfaction knowing that over 75,000 views has provided me the forum to point out the frauds and let the people judge for themselves.

Please educate yourself and review the many, many questionable aspects of this case. If you look back on this thread you will see numerous bogus charges listed and debunked rather quickly. I have begged for an educated defense of their position....yet no one seems to be able to provide one. All I've seen is childish insults and blind devotion to the notion that big pharma is bad. They count on uneducated, uninformed, mindless sheep like yourself who will blindly support their sistas because they're fighting the big bad pharma companies. That's the sad part.

I believe in truth and hard work. that's what makes you successful. I have a hard time understanding someone's "suffering" because they need to pay back money overpaid to them, that they agreed to salaries and territories and then later decide they deserve better, that they do not get properly greeted at meetings, that they are forced to walk near smokey casino floors...do I need to go on?

They should be embarassed, but they just see the quick $$$ that blinds them. I can at least take some satisfaction knowing that over 75,000 views has provided me the forum to point out the frauds and let the people judge for themselves.

Well said!

There was a question posted in regards to the above rant.

If a company had accidentally overpaid an employee while on maternity leave, what is the ETHICAL thing to do?

A. Return it

B. File it as part of a "discrimination" lawsuit

Funny how the poster doesn't want to answer the obvious answer.

Dude....... you REALLY need to get a life. Let me enlighten you about a few things: At this point, you are NOT going to get an answer to any of the questions you keep asking to have clarified/justified. It aint gonna happen! Yet you repeatedly ask for some sort of justification as to why the lawsuit was filed and an explanation for things that nobody is going to answer!!! Time to move on! Seriously. I'm trying to help you out! NOBODY is going to take the time to rationalize the crap in the lawsuit - you asking for it over and over is making you look pathetic, and desperate, at best. I'm not making a childish insult toward you, I'm simply stating the reality - which is seeking answers to things that nobody is going to answer. Right or wrong? Doesn't matter. The court will decide. I agree with you that this is a frivolous lawsuit filed by some women who were treated very well by our company but it is what it is, my friend. This stuff happens whether we like it or not OR agree with it. So...... do yourself a favor and take a deep breath, let this go and move on toward something more productive. For the record, I'm a female at this company who is not part of the lawsuit nor agrees with it, but, I really do think its in your best interest to stop this crusade your on. Its getting you nowhere and that can't be a good feeling.