There are SEVERAL claims in this lawsuit (not just the one you listed). Duh. Google the lawsuit to read them. Oh..I'm sorry. Doing actual research might be too hard for you. Especially for something that doesn't affect you.
And...I'm uninformed? Again, showing your ignorance. I personally know a few of the ladies that filed the lawsuit. They are smart, driven AND ethical.
Oh...and they'll win. So, any boo-hoo-ing about injustice on this board is a waste of time.
Anytime you'd like to provide an example of an injustice, please feel free to post it. I have read the lawsuit and i'll be happy to poke holes through it.
Since you know some of the ladies, maybe you can explain why being asked to pay back extra money paid while on maternity leave is grounds for a $100 lawsuit? Did you ever hear of a bank making an incorrect deposit? Does the bank get sued for that?
Get a clue