$100 million class action suit

Of course, the great "Go Dodgers!" rebuttal of 2014! That could be the turning point in the case, way to go! Please inform the 7 lawyers Daiichi has on payroll for this specific case, they probably didn't think of that yet. And if that rebuttal does not work, there's always the tried and true "well Your Honor, I think those plaintiffs are just being childish" defense. You have real promise, have you heard from Merck's legal team? Bayer's? I'm sure they would love to have you finding these loopholes for their cases as well!

Just explain to me how that adds up to $100 million in damages?

While you're at it please explain to me how plaintiffs can be so sure they are making less money than their counterparts, yet they don't notice when DS OVERpays them on maternity leave? Then they get upset because they have to pay it back? Does that add up to $100 million? It seems if they paid more attention to their own salaries versus other people's, we wouldn't have this issue.

Just explain to me how that adds up to $100 million in damages?

Look, it's a ridiculous, frivolous lawsuit. I'm sure everyone on both sides of it know that, too, but those who are filing it know there's an outside chance that they might get a little money if DSI decides the legal fees outweigh the cost of settlement, and there's probably some algorithm DSI is using to calculate when the cost of fighting it outweighs the cost of settling it for some fraction of what's being sought. But, no, there's no rational justification for that $100 MM in supposed damages.

Dude stop hating because we are going to be rich and never have to work again. You seem to be the harasser type. Get over it!!!

Sorry, I am just very principled and believe in a hard days work equal a solid day's pay. I have very little tolerance for slackers who always try to take the quick way out to easy cash while leaving their morals on the side of the road. It saddens me that they seem to think what they are doing doesn't hurt anybody and they somehow deserve it. I pray for their children who will hopefully grow up and find positive role models elsewhere.

I believe you have fragile x syndrome. You should go get yourself diagnosed. You're welcome!

Do you even know what fragile X is? Because you're statement makes no sense. Here's an idea, instead of childish name calling, please pick any one of the above arguements and have a rational defense for a $100 million lawsuit. I truly want to see someone logically defend it.....but it's obvious that you can't.

Shame on you with your fragile x statement. You should go get yourself educated.

Do you even know what fragile X is? Because you're statement makes no sense. Here's an idea, instead of childish name calling, please pick any one of the above arguements and have a rational defense for a $100 million lawsuit. I truly want to see someone logically defend it.....but it's obvious that you can't.

Shame on you with your fragile x statement. You should go get yourself educated.

Since you are intellectually handicapped, I will help you translate the above comments. The post is stating that you have mental retardation and below-average intelligence. Spot on. Hilarious.

Deflect, deflect, deflect

Funny how no one can offer a rational defense of a bogus and blatant money grabbing lawsuit. It's great when the truth is on my side. It's really sad when others have to bully and resort to childish name calling. There are families out there suffering with loved ones dealing with fragile X, for you to be throwing it out like an insult is disgusting and revealing of your true character. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you'd be the same types to jump on board for a friviilous lawsuit. I will pray for you.

I am going to comment for once. In defense of the plaintiffs, have you ever been sexually harassed at your workplace? Workplace harassment and bullying is not right. So since you haven't, please go bury your face in a pile of cocaine and mind your business. Mental r*****.

Amen. Until it's happened to YOU (or a female you respect and admire), nobody needs your negative, uninformed opinion.

Uniformed opinion?? I've based very one of my opinions on the facts of the suit. I've given the "supposed"'claims of harassment and proven them bogus. My question to you is have YOU read the claims? Obviously not, so nobody needs your UNINFORMED opinion.

I don't need to know someone who was overpaid on maternity leave and then asked to pay it back to know that it's not harassment. It's common sense.

Please "inform" me how the maternity payment issue justifies a $100 million claim? or not saying Hi at a sales meeting? These are the actual "claims"!?!

Please get informed before you speak

I am going to comment for once. In defense of the plaintiffs, have you ever been sexually harassed at your workplace? Workplace harassment and bullying is not right. So since you haven't, please go bury your face in a pile of cocaine and mind your business. Mental r*****.

So let me be this right, you state that workplace harassment and bullying is not right.....and then end it with "mental r*****". Hmmmmm...that sounds like a bullying statement to me.

I love how you state " in defense of the plaintiffs" and talk about sexual harassment. Do you even know what the suit is about? Do you know the difference between harassment and discrimination? Do you even know what day it is? Take the time and get educated about a topic instead of being one of the following sheep.

I hope you meant to say "I am going comment just once" please!

What a full fledged r*****. You would think you would learn to STFU. Again, nobody needs or wants to hear your negative, uniformed opinions. You are super creepy.

You can't fight against the truth. Don't hate the messenger. I've proven to be informed by citing the complaints and showing where they are wrong. That's my INFORMED opinion. All you can offer is pointless, childish insults. That's a telltale sign of a person with nothing worthwhile to contribute. Please go get yourself educated before you embarrass yourself further.

You can't fight against the truth. Don't hate the messenger. I've proven to be informed by citing the complaints and showing where they are wrong. That's my INFORMED opinion. All you can offer is pointless, childish insults. That's a telltale sign of a person with nothing worthwhile to contribute. Please go get yourself educated before you embarrass yourself further.

RD here. Do you know how many times you have repeated yourself guy? It's getting a little redundant don't you think? I agree with the above poster. I think you need to get a life and perhaps move on to your next victim. Call the HR hotline if you need to talk to someone. It's 100% confidential. Good luck.

RD here. Do you know how many times you have repeated yourself guy? It's getting a little redundant don't you think? I agree with the above poster. I think you need to get a life and perhaps move on to your next victim. Call the HR hotline if you need to talk to someone. It's 100% confidential. Good luck.

I am just proving my point. This lawsuit is a complete farce. I have begged for someone to have a rational defense for their side and all I've received are childish insults and bullying tactics. It's a shame that the company has to spend its valuable time and costs to defend lazy opportunists.

Uniformed opinion?? I've based very one of my opinions on the facts of the suit. I've given the "supposed"'claims of harassment and proven them bogus. My question to you is have YOU read the claims? Obviously not, so nobody needs your UNINFORMED opinion.

I don't need to know someone who was overpaid on maternity leave and then asked to pay it back to know that it's not harassment. It's common sense.

Please "inform" me how the maternity payment issue justifies a $100 million claim? or not saying Hi at a sales meeting? These are the actual "claims"!?!

Please get informed before you speak

There are SEVERAL claims in this lawsuit (not just the one you listed). Duh. Google the lawsuit to read them. Oh..I'm sorry. Doing actual research might be too hard for you. Especially for something that doesn't affect you.

And...I'm uninformed? Again, showing your ignorance. I personally know a few of the ladies that filed the lawsuit. They are smart, driven AND ethical.

Oh...and they'll win. So, any boo-hoo-ing about injustice on this board is a waste of time.