$100 million class action suit

I just read through the court filing to see what the complaints were. Wow, what a jumbled mess of stretching the truth. It's no wonder there's been no real action done. It's a firm throwing all sorts of charges hoping for a quick and easy settlement. I couldn't find one justifiable claim. Here's my favorite:

A rep wants to transfer to a different territory. Instead of letting that happen, the spot is filled from an outside hire. Another DS employee who referred them gets a referral bonus.

THAT'S discrimination!?!

It sounds like a sound business choice to me. Here's the choice for the DM:

Move your existing rep into the new territory the want and put the new hire in the reps old territory. So now you have two new people having to learn all new geographies and develop contacts.


Keep the existing DS rep in the territory they're already in and out the new hire in the territory where they have an existing track record of success, familiarity with the geography, and established contacts.

Which would you choose?

Why does it matter if someone gets a referral bonus?

Why does so done want to leave a territory that's successful? What are they running from?

I beg and plead for someone to explain to me how this is a discriminatory practice? To me, it just sounds like a 6th grader hiss fit.

You should be ashamed and embarrassed by your actions.

Don't forget how these financial geniuses can sue because they are underpaid. How do they know they are underpaid? They claim to know everyone else's salary. Yet they are also suing because they were paid too much while on maternity leave and had to pay it back. WAH!!

Hey ladies, instead of worrying about other people's salaries, why not pay more attention to your own?

How is that discrimination? yeah, I thought so....no comeback to the truth.


I understand that this is a lawsuit to triumph the cause of women's issues, right? So I think the plaintiffs and the women lawyers defending them would be happy to donate all winnings directly to women's causes, right?

Because it's not about greed, right "ladies"?

I understand that this is a lawsuit to triumph the cause of women's issues, right? So I think the plaintiffs and the women lawyers defending them would be happy to donate all winnings directly to women's causes, right?

Because it's not about greed, right "ladies"?

$100,000,000 Lawsuit
Taxes(39%) = $39,000,000
After Taxes= $61,000,000
After Lawyer fees(33%)= $40,000,000
$40,000,000 divided by 200 plaintiffs. = $200,000

$200,000 divided by the seven years this suit has been in court= $28,571

For $28,571 per person you would have been better off driving around a car making $70k a year for doing nothing.

They will not "win"', read through all these posts and see how each point is easily dismissed as an opportunistic money grab by a group of sharks who make a living by extorting companies by running some bad PR and hope for a quick and easy payout. Daiichi has to wonder how much money is it willing to part with to make these slugs just go away. It's a disgusting way to make a buck...yet there's always someone with no morals willing to it

They are vomit, pure and simple

Win or lose, your company is full of slimy management and a pervasive boys club mentality. I left nearly 4 years ago and it was a shit show then.

$100,000,000 Lawsuit
Taxes(39%) = $39,000,000
After Taxes= $61,000,000
After Lawyer fees(33%)= $40,000,000
$40,000,000 divided by 200 plaintiffs. = $200,000

$200,000 divided by the seven years this suit has been in court= $28,571

For $28,571 per person you would have been better off driving around a car making $70k a year for doing nothing.

Or just stay home and raise your kids

Short sighted? As opposed to abandoning your child in pursuit of greed? Enjoy your spa day! You earned it! Love the MK purse!

You must realize there are female and frankly male reps who don't have children and those who aren't married. It's a shame that you are so threatened by women you have to attack your idea of what a rep is. No gold cups and beaten down by your incompetent manager, huh? Or maybe you're the incompetent manager who can't manage anyone.

You must realize there are female and frankly male reps who don't have children and those who aren't married. It's a shame that you are so threatened by women you have to attack your idea of what a rep is. No gold cups and beaten down by your incompetent manager, huh? Or maybe you're the incompetent manager who can't manage anyone.

Since you are so quick to defend women, please scroll back and see how all the "complaints" in this suit are easily dismissed as bogus money grabs and then offer your side to the "truth"

My bet is you'll have nothing to say


I'm a female and think this lawsuit is a joke but this is a shortsighted comment. Grow up.

Grow up? Are you kidding me? Read the lawsuit. One of the claims to the 100 MILLION DOLLAR suit is that an RD did not say hi to a rep at a regional meeting.

Are you kidding me? What are you, 12?

Whah, whah, he didn't say hi to me....give me 100 mil