WHC reorganization is here!

You idiots. Bayer will run a report on double dippers now. Then those will be out, no severance and preserve a spot for those that actually work.

They will only catch it if someone is working for Pharma or other big corporate jobs. The one I know that is double dipping is in real estate, the other works the family business. There is another that is a social media influencer making more than she does at Bayer. I lost so much money in Bayer stock because of the idiots decision to buy Monsanto that I don’t feel one ounce of pity for Bayer getting screwed by their own employees.

They will only catch it if someone is working for Pharma or other big corporate jobs. The one I know that is double dipping is in real estate, the other works the family business. There is another that is a social media influencer making more than she does at Bayer. I lost so much money in Bayer stock because of the idiots decision to buy Monsanto that I don’t feel one ounce of pity for Bayer getting screwed by their own employees.

this guy gets it. Unlike all the other idiots on this thread. Why do you all care who double dips or not? Sounds like you see someone taking advantage of Bayer to enhance a personal financial situation and you all jump on here and say how unethical and wrong it is, yet here is Bayer doing the EXACT F**KING things by telling us to “go make a difference and drive business while we secretly plot your demise”. Seems Bayer is also taking advantage of you to enhance its financial situation. No?

this guy gets it. Unlike all the other idiots on this thread. Why do you all care who double dips or not? Sounds like you see someone taking advantage of Bayer to enhance a personal financial situation and you all jump on here and say how unethical and wrong it is, yet here is Bayer doing the EXACT F**KING things by telling us to “go make a difference and drive business while we secretly plot your demise”. Seems Bayer is also taking advantage of you to enhance its financial situation. No?

I compliment this statement, I actually was going to write the same thing. This guy is ahead of the game. One rule to these cry babies, never ever stay loyal to a company. They will chew you up and spit you out. Take some notes kiddos! You might actually learn something,

I compliment this statement, I actually was going to write the same thing. This guy is ahead of the game. One rule to these cry babies, never ever stay loyal to a company. They will chew you up and spit you out. Take some notes kiddos! You might actually learn something,
Pharma reps are so negative, you obviously haven’t done anything else in your career. Yes, we can agree that we need to take care of yourself as few companies will do that for us but your greedy rep personality won’t get you what you think you deserve. Maybe try a Pharma start-up to make that fast cash you crave.

Pharma reps are so negative, you obviously haven’t done anything else in your career. Yes, we can agree that we need to take care of yourself as few companies will do that for us but your greedy rep personality won’t get you what you think you deserve. Maybe try a Pharma start-up to make that fast cash you crave.

greedy? Wow, you can’t agree with stupid people. And you fit that category perfectly

T’was the week of the big “calls”
When all thru Bayerland
Not a person was focused
With lay-offs at hand

Bill & his Cronies sold
A bill of goods to Bayer
While the rest of us are hoping
The severance is fair!

We hear management will be
Affected by the DSO
They are getting their resumes ready
Cuz the will be here no mo.

Leadership won’t give us a clue
About what’s on tap
So the employees have been taking
A 3-month long nap.

When out on Cafepharma there arose
So much chatter
I always checked my phone
To gather more matter

Now Bill and Stephan
And John and Old Sebby
Looking at org charts with
Knives and axes at the ready

On to Katie and Kenny
Craig and Molly
We’d like to think
They are not included in this folly!

To the top of the rankings
To the bottom of the pit
No one has any clue
Who is going to get hit!

Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas. Except for you Bill….you deserve coal.

T’was the week of the big “calls”
When all thru Bayerland
Not a person was focused
With lay-offs at hand

Bill & his Cronies sold
A bill of goods to Bayer
While the rest of us are hoping
The severance is fair!

We hear management will be
Affected by the DSO
They are getting their resumes ready
Cuz the will be here no mo.

Leadership won’t give us a clue
About what’s on tap
So the employees have been taking
A 3-month long nap.

When out on Cafepharma there arose
So much chatter
I always checked my phone
To gather more matter

Now Bill and Stephan
And John and Old Sebby
Looking at org charts with
Knives and axes at the ready

On to Katie and Kenny
Craig and Molly
We’d like to think
They are not included in this folly!

To the top of the rankings
To the bottom of the pit
No one has any clue
Who is going to get hit!

Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas. Except for you Bill….you deserve coal.

Amazing talent! I want you on my team!

hey dumbf*ck get off these thread you can’t even explain what a RAL is. You clearly don’t work. Hopefully you were displaced so we can truly make Bayer great again!

listen peasant, in oncology we don’t call them that. But you wouldn’t know, you’re in WHC. Again, you’re an angry miserable little man!

hey dumbf*ck get off these thread you can’t even explain what a RAL is. You clearly don’t work. Hopefully you were displaced so we can truly make Bayer great again!

you sound so pathetically angry, I feel bad for you. Why do you even come on here and spew such negative energy? You do understand each franchise has different titles for management, right????” Dumbf*ck!

Reality Check, it's just lipstick on a pig.
Willy has come in and slashed egos, struck the match to set it all on fire, and set the table for a mass exodus.

The two falling the most from high atop their pedestals, Katie VP of Sales and Kenny. VP of Business Development. They are now glorified RBMs.
The SAKs, Senior Ass Kissers Brian, Craig, Jessica, and Molly all went from Directors to glorified RBMs.
The JAKs, Junior Ass Kissers RALs and BDLs are now Reps.
And a shit ton of other JAKs, the old RBMs, were cut and stabbed in the back by the SAKs who should have been cut but all kept the jobs for themselves.
All of us in the field are taking a big cut in IC and the managers we appreciated are now gone and we're stuck with SAKs who are back stabbers and have no loyalty to their people, just look at what they just did to their people. Fucking back stabbers.

Katie and Kenny will and should be gone soon. VP to RBM on the resume isn't impressive but neither is 3 years of 85% to plan.
SAKs went from Director roles and sitting in meetings all day to being RBMs and have no chance at Bill McLean's spot, so they likely will go.
And JAKs who were trending up and finally got out of the field and knocking on doors are back again and likely to go soon.
CSSs everywhere are out looking for new opportunities and ask anyone who has hired in the last two years, no one wants back in WHC so SAKs will not make any money with open territories. Its a shit show!

You can dress the pig up and make it look pretty, but its still a pig.