Are you serious? You really don’t think whistleblowers make things up in this industry?!
spoken from experience?
Are you serious? You really don’t think whistleblowers make things up in this industry?!
You tell me? How did it feel to get someone wrongfully fired? everyone knows and it will follow you the rest of your career.spoken from experience?
You tell me? How did it feel to get someone wrongfully fired? everyone knows and it will follow you the rest of your career.
Unfortunately yes. She's awfulIs ST still the manager for New York City?
Gee, Isn't the majority of this division diversity personifiedI love ST. She is diversity personified!!
This division is a turning into a train wreck. Reps bailing out every day. Cancelled National meeting replaced by lame region meetings. Spravato is a flop and leadership sucks.
How would it be easier to fire a manager and director than two low level reps who haven’t been with the company very long?
spra..... what? why wouldn't u just use ketamine? welcome to low cost pharma world.
Um, for starters its not FDA Approved and is anything but "low cost".
The ppl writing about Chet Ahn are the liars. He is beloved by his reps. Not a micro. He’s won PT 4x in the last 5 years. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about
These 2 jerks still employed?First of all, if you work here get the fuck to work! Secondly,CA and SO are on their way out. They’re useless here. JD and MB are tired of this bullshit and many more will be fired. They know who they are!
I get this post is parody but still feel compelled to point out that the pretend poster still would have sold himself out and his entire life's work for a house in .... (wait for it) ...You're all so pathetic. I've haven't had to leave my beautiful house in NJ for the past 3 years and I'm a high value employee. Look at you peons.
These 2 jerks still employed?