Janssen CNS

This division is a turning into a train wreck. Reps bailing out every day. Cancelled National meeting replaced by lame region meetings. Spravato is a flop and leadership sucks.

You're all so pathetic. I've haven't had to leave my beautiful house in NJ for the past 3 years and I'm a high value employee. Look at you peons.
I get this post is parody but still feel compelled to point out that the pretend poster still would have sold himself out and his entire life's work for a house in .... (wait for it) ...

New Jersey.


So funny.

I must say the virtual town hall was pretty good. Company may want us to do virtual calls which is hastle depending on territory but Courtney and the other senior leaders seemed genuinely concerned about how employees are dealing with staying home and their anxieties about the future.

I think our organization is really trying to do the right thing. At a time like this lets keep it positive and I do believe that Spravato has some great potential if you are up to it as a sales professional. Let's not use CP for our complaints but for how we can contribute to the bottom line of Janssen and JNJ.