If you are trying to identify the center I managed you are all wrong. I don't even know who LR supposedly is. Happy holidays lincare troops miss you.
If you are trying to identify the center I managed you are all wrong. I don't even know who LR supposedly is. Happy holidays lincare troops miss you.
The center you completely f'd up. She is just pissed reps make more $$ than she did or for that matter ever will.
Dwell on that and go pop some more pills addict.
The center I f'd up? You do realize when I started there we had less than 200 02 patience, no inr. I left with over 500 active o2 and we had also gotten 100 plus inr orders in my time. I did the work while the sales rep made bank true. I still did pretty well but did leave for bigger and better things.
That is too funny!! Sure you did!!
Bigger & better huh? Then why do you keep slithering back on this board??? Lunatic!
Yeah I did and you know that I was responsible for our growth almost single handley at that. Yeah Bigger and better. I now deal with professionals not wanna be health care workers and slimey reps that work for 24k. I keep coming back to defend my honor. You keep coming back because you possess no honor.
Did you take too many pills today???
We all know what you were responsible for & that is why they ran you outta town!
Bye Bye!!! Glad to see your kind go for good!!!
My kind? You are dilusional. I successfully grew my center with probably one of the worse all time staffs of lincare. At least I decided where the bonus went. To menot the lazy drivers, know it all csr, stuck up HCS, or the 24k rep who thought he was the manager.
One word Cadu. No need to keep poking L "the bear" he is long gone and we as a company have moved on. Yes there was a mess to clean up but we created it so we will take care of it. Happy New Years folks and remember if you need assistance you can reach out to Clearwater at any time.
I pity anyone that still works for Linde. I pity your family's. especially the wanna be sales reps that think they are in pharma.
See this is exactly why we hammer away on this termed douche of a former CM. He gets hopped up on Xanax and lashes out at everyone. What a complete pathetic waste of life.
I guarantee L if things were so "good" for you post Lincare you wouldn't be on here still ranting like a complete lunatic. You really show your true colors every time you post & it only reinforces the fact that of why Lincare didn't want you.
You idiots act like you know me. Yet you think I'm a man? Maybe more man than you! I left lincare on my own. I was actually begged to stay but I left on my own will for greener pastures.
You are really nuts, YOU even admitted on another thread the AM was running you out of the company!!! All that questionable unethical acts & total disdain for any employee finally caught up with you.
You are a miserable POS. Glad you got run off lunatic!!! Go see if you can score some more pills!!
Yeah and I still make more in just commission than your entire paycheck. F'Off dum dum.
You act like you are so above me but I'm sorry to tell you it's the other way around. I'd like to know which one you are my former sales rep, driver, or hcs. I ran all three of you out because you are un employable. Yet you still despise me.
Uh huh keep lying to me that you don't know me. I know for a fact you complained to C about me on multiple occasions. Little did you realize the CM is the highest position on the center level and knows everything that goes on.
I feel sorry for you.