To add to this it makes my crotch burn reading the sales rep comments on here claiming the my get all these referrals like they are drug reps. You are not medical reps rather you train doctors how to chart and complete CNNs. Borderline fraudulent if not fraudulent. I employed a rep that even had the doctor write on the CNN that my rep filled it out and he got nothing but a slap on the wrist from compliance. I grew that center while the rep reaped the benefits with commission buying new cars and such. I let him go and big surprise sales increased. Some of you may not be capable of dong better than lincare but inassure you there is life after that hell. Get out while you can. If you can't I feel sorry for you.


Can't find someone to refill that Xanax script????

I suspect this to be my former sales rep and for the respect of your family I won't mention your name. Notwithstanding don't be surprised when the OIG comes knocking on your door slime ball.


You should check yourself in to the looney bin. Do you still have CMN's and patient files stashed in your trunk? Rumor is that center was missing at least a hundred of them. Or did orders and notes just not exist and you were padding the numbers?

You should check yourself in to the looney bin. Do you still have CMN's and patient files stashed in your trunk? Rumor is that center was missing at least a hundred of them. Or did orders and notes just not exist and you were padding the numbers?

That centers growth contributed to my doings. Not the lazy sales reps. Remember the day you tried to skip out on your drug testing? I do. Shocked you passed but then again you cheat at everything in life. Good thing I allowed you the time to get a wizzinator.


That centers growth contributed to my doings. Not the lazy sales reps. Remember the day you tried to skip out on your drug testing? I do. Shocked you passed but then again you cheat at everything in life. Good thing I allowed you the time to get a wizzinator.


Words of a dillusional addict!!! BYE BYE good riddance!!

This lady is so delusional she brought her minor son to a psychdoctor to get him a xanax script when she couldn't find a doctor to write her one any longer. When you are labeled by multiple doctors as a drug seeker you have an issue. Nut case!

If the person you speak of couldn't pass the test, how did he/she??? Oh yeah that's right you admitted that you assisted that person in cheating the test. Glad you got termed pill popper! Bye Bye!!

I did not assist. But I did need to follow the rep to make sure they went in to be tested as he tried to avoid the test. I found him delaying the test when I went to the clinic to find out he didn't go in. He probably passed by taking the cleanse pill or even by delaying the test an hour I don't know. I do know he tried avoiding the test and it led me to believe he has an addicitonZ with that said I have no respect for drug using low life's. and my alprazalam is a prescribed med so stop calling me a pill popper. If I was still with linde id have you fired.


I did not assist. But I did need to follow the rep to make sure they went in to be tested as he tried to avoid the test. I found him delaying the test when I went to the clinic to find out he didn't go in. He probably passed by taking the cleanse pill or even by delaying the test an hour I don't know. I do know he tried avoiding the test and it led me to believe he has an addicitonZ with that said I have no respect for drug using low life's. and my alprazalam is a prescribed med so stop calling me a pill popper. If I was still with linde id have you fired.


Talk about a drug addicted loser, you are the ultimate definition of!! Bye Bye addict!!

Former CM from a successful upper Midwest office here and some of you are an embarrassment to home respiratory. Scamming sales reps I hope you burn in hell. So glad I'm gone from this mess of a company

I heard that office was in real bad shape because of you!! And you were no less asked to resign which = being FIRED!! If your so glad to be gone from Lincare why are you still on this forum??

I heard that office was in real bad shape because of you!! And you were no less asked to resign which = being FIRED!! If your so glad to be gone from Lincare why are you still on this forum??

I don't care what you heard I moved on to bigger nd better things. You on the other hand are still hanging around here hearing I was asked to resign. I left on my own will buddy.

Come at me with all CAPS I know who you are. You are old and a liar and should have retired 10 years ago.

None of this surprises me. I ran one of the fastest growing centers In the country and was basicly single handedly responsible for its growth. Had a lazy sales rep, multiple csrs, fat and slow driver, an hcs that didn't want to go anywhere and another driver that made up his own schedule on his own time.all. While I never had the support from my AM who stabbed me in the back continues to do so after I left on MY terms. Wat h out the OIG will be knocking on your door.


Hey L you need to check yourself in to a loony bin. Lowly lincare is the best job you've ever had and you were nothing but an order taker. Let me guess you are back to cleaning used colonoscopy supplies. That's one crappy job!