There you go! I knew you had it in you!!!

So let .e get this straight you are going to take the high road, but then proceed to slam a former coworker. Irrational sociopath.

Again dum dum, not even in your region!

Let me explain it to you cause it's obvious you are too f'ing stupid to figure it out. You initially came on this forum bashing colleagues, and your employees. I saw the post & thought what an ahole. I literally have never met you, really have no idea where you are from, and could care less. In fact, you took it so over the top that your AM recognized who you were and ran you out of the company. People have just been jacking with you due to you acting like a complete lunatic. How f'ing stupid can you be that you cannot see this??? Seriously, a 5 year old could figure this out...

But, it certainly has been fun Crazy EX center manager!!!!!

Again, get off the pills & finish your degree!

There you go again saying you don't know me. I know who you are and I'm not letting this one go. I'm calling the OIG and you better hope they don't open an investigation on you for your cmn problems.


Let me put it out there that I'm pretty sure I'm a former employee from L's former center. I always thought she was insane and these posts just prove that she is.

Advice from a former employee. Stop stealing your kids meds and get some professional help!

Let me put it out there that I'm pretty sure I'm a former employee from L's former center. I always thought she was insane and these posts just prove that she is.

Advice from a former employee. Stop stealing your kids meds and get some professional help!

Get a life you have been gone from the company for a longer time I have you really need to move on. It's really unfortunate you held my center back from its growth potential. If it weren't for the laziness of a couple of you I would have been at achievement. FU


I just read an interesting study a top pediatrician is recommending help for mothers addicted to opioids rather than punishment. Those of you persecuting me need to keep this in mind before spouting off. And alprazolam is much lighter of a classification than that of opioids.


I just read an interesting study a top pediatrician is recommending help for mothers addicted to opioids rather than punishment. Those of you persecuting me need to keep this in mind before spouting off. And alprazolam is much lighter of a classification than that of opioids.


Classic justification from an addict

You heard wrong. I was a CM the cmn's were handled by my sales reps and CSR's I re fuse to speak on their behalf but what came through the CD-R can't lie.

I really feel for your families that you are all stuck working in a hell hole like lincare. I pity you.


You heard wrong. I was a CM the cmn's were handled by my sales reps and CSR's I re fuse to speak on their behalf but what came through the CD-R can't lie.

I really feel for your families that you are all stuck working in a hell hole like lincare. I pity you.


I just won $20 off my service rep that I could get you on another lunatic rant. Thanks I for one appreciate your addiction and sociopathic hostility!!

I just won $20 off my service rep that I could get you on another lunatic rant. Thanks I for one appreciate your addiction and sociopathic hostility!!

I appreciate you work for 24k and your service rep makes 12/hr and takes call for free. Thank you for your service every community needs bottom feeders to thrive.


You just had to keep poking the bare. I've been gone for a while and had moved on. But you Linde lunatics just can't get over me. Sorry people I've moved on nothing to see here carry on and sell your oxygen and trilogies just do it honestly please and leave me out of it. Finish your Cmn's and do it with dignity. Hit you numbers it's the end of the month.

What's a joke FU

Suck my frunt


What a complete lunatic. This may be your most absurd post yet, and that's saying alot!!! YOU are the one that keeps coming on here and furthering the conversation. Are you that f'ing stupid??? The pills melting your brain????

You really do need some help, the psychological symptoms you present are astonishing!!

You know what the best part is???!!!

I still make more than you!!! LOL!!

What a complete lunatic. This may be your most absurd post yet, and that's saying alot!!! YOU are the one that keeps coming on here and furthering the conversation. Are you that f'ing stupid??? The pills melting your brain????

You really do need some help, the psychological symptoms you present are astonishing!!

You know what the best part is???!!!

I still make more than you!!! LOL!!

Oh yeah I'm what position do you make more then me? Let me guess bent over! Hehe. I highly doubt you make more than me I left for bigger and better things myself on my own terms. I know firsthand how Linde treats their employees and anyone with any self respect would leave if presented a better opportunity. The losers are the ones that stay. Let me guess you are a slimey rep claiming to make 6 figures even though your salary is 24k. Do your friends and family know your salary is 24k? Do they know you get 16 cents a mile mileage? At least you have a company card I bet you show that off every chance you get hehe.

Suck my frunt dog.


Oh yeah I'm what position do you make more then me? Let me guess bent over! Hehe. I highly doubt you make more than me I left for bigger and better things myself on my own terms. I know firsthand how Linde treats their employees and anyone with any self respect would leave if presented a better opportunity. The losers are the ones that stay. Let me guess you are a slimey rep claiming to make 6 figures even though your salary is 24k. Do your friends and family know your salary is 24k? Do they know you get 16 cents a mile mileage? At least you have a company card I bet you show that off every chance you get hehe.

Suck my frunt dog.


I guess I would be frustrated too if I got run out of Lincare by the ASM.

When you finally get around to finishing your degree, make sure you take an elementary grammer class.

Uneducated junkie sociopath, I hope you do not have children...

This thread is hilarious. I'm a CM and have witnessed some of the most deplorable acts performed by a team of sales reps within the company. At a recent training event I walked into a local reps hotel room to find the male sales reps playing a game of snowball. Last to enaculate on the bun eats it. The female sales reps were cheering this on and all topless. Nasty nasty sales team we have representing linde's finestX