You may well be my former patience. I was like a Robin Hood when I was a CM and was loved by all patience. Too bad the lazy employees and slimey sales rep had to ruin it all. I sometimes do miss working as a medical professional. Now I simply work as a professional.


Giving away supplies made you a good person??? Ha!! Laughable!! Bad employee and huge compliance violation that puts us all at risk. Glad they ran you off!!

Medical Professional? Are you f'ing insane??? You don't even have a degree and now you are a self proclaimed medical professional?? You are crazier than I could have ever imagined.

Oh, and what was your location big shot?? Let's hear it so we can look up your actual numbers and have a good laugh. After all it was YOU that said money talks and bs walks! So let's have your former location!

L is for Lunatic!!

Giving away supplies made you a good person??? Ha!! Laughable!! Bad employee and huge compliance violation that puts us all at risk. Glad they ran you off!!

Medical Professional? Are you f'ing insane??? You don't even have a degree and now you are a self proclaimed medical professional?? You are crazier than I could have ever imagined.

Oh, and what was your location big shot?? Let's hear it so we can look up your actual numbers and have a good laugh. After all it was YOU that said money talks and bs walks! So let's have your former location!

L is for Lunatic!!

This place reminds me of the movie mean girls. Glad I'm gone from this mind think.


Because I am not in your area dumbass...

Come post up the name of your location that you are so proud of!!

I'm no longer proud of it because I haven't been apart of it for quite some time. If you were in the know like most others on here claim to be you would known my location. At one point in time we were the fasting growing o2 location in the country.

I'm no longer proud of it because I haven't been apart of it for quite some time. If you were in the know like most others on here claim to be you would known my location. At one point in time we were the fasting growing o2 location in the country.

Again your lunacy comes out. You are sooo full of it. You have only been gone for a month or two. Come on let's have your location rock star crazy EX cm!!

Been gone for more than two months Kim you are crazier than I initially thought. Let me guess your center is still struggling.


Not even in your FORMER area/region dum dum... Already said that a few times, guess the Xanax has drastically reduced your ability to process even the simplest of concepts.

Come on crazy EX (they ran me out of town) CM what was your location??? All talk no action. Easy to BS on a forum, embarrassing when you get called out for what you really are!! Nutjob, FORMER cm

Not even in your FORMER area/region dum dum... Already said that a few times, guess the Xanax has drastically reduced your ability to process even the simplest of concepts.

Come on crazy EX (they ran me out of town) CM what was your location??? All talk no action. Easy to BS on a forum, embarrassing when you get called out for what you really are!! Nutjob, FORMER cm

You know exactly where my center was in North Dakota Kim. You always wished you were the one running it. Why aren't you yet?


You know where it is kim. If you aren't Kim look at my previous post then look at a map. Or did you struggle in middle school geography?


Again you are showing everyone why they ran you out of town. Dum dum there are multiple locations in that state. Come on rock star why you so embarrassed to tell us your FORMER location???

Get off the pills addict they are melting your brain...

Yawn.... You're boring me.... Come on let's have another moronic rant!!

now I know who you are. You constantly yawn don't you get any sleep? Let me guess you are still slumming away as a wanna be clinician at Sanford? Even lower than lincare now that's low. Wish you the best still as I take the high road. Funny all this still gets under your skin with a former employer from 2 plus years ago.


now I know who you are. You constantly yawn don't you get any sleep? Let me guess you are still slumming away as a wanna be clinician at Sanford? Even lower than lincare now that's low. Wish you the best still as I take the high road. Funny all this still gets under your skin with a former employer from 2 plus years ago.


There you go! I knew you had it in you!!!

So let .e get this straight you are going to take the high road, but then proceed to slam a former coworker. Irrational sociopath.

Again dum dum, not even in your region!

Let me explain it to you cause it's obvious you are too f'ing stupid to figure it out. You initially came on this forum bashing colleagues, and your employees. I saw the post & thought what an ahole. I literally have never met you, really have no idea where you are from, and could care less. In fact, you took it so over the top that your AM recognized who you were and ran you out of the company. People have just been jacking with you due to you acting like a complete lunatic. How f'ing stupid can you be that you cannot see this??? Seriously, a 5 year old could figure this out...

But, it certainly has been fun Crazy EX center manager!!!!!

Again, get off the pills & finish your degree!