I pity your children, having an addict dropout as a parent has to be embarrassing.
You are confused son. I am no addict the only meds I use are legally prescribed. You on the other hand smoke illegal drugs. Don't pity my children they actually have grown up to be respected young adults and are very smart.


You are confused son. I am no addict the only meds I use are legally prescribed. You on the other hand smoke illegal drugs. Don't pity my children they actually have grown up to be respected young adults and are very smart.


Abusing prescription drugs is still addiction pill popper. Again I don't know you personally, but I'm sure you're children are not well adjusted adults you sociopath. BYE BYE!!

Abusing prescription drugs is still addiction pill popper. Again I don't know you personally, but I'm sure you're children are not well adjusted adults you sociopath. BYE BYE!!

Please leave my children out of this I raised them as a single parent and I would put money down my children are better adults than you. Shouldn't you be out making sales calls tryin to break that 24k salary? Hope your mdinr numbers are up or that salary might be taking a hit.


Please leave my children out of this I raised them as a single parent and I would put money down my children are better adults than you. Shouldn't you be out making sales calls tryin to break that 24k salary? Hope your mdinr numbers are up or that salary might be taking a hit.


You realize you are quite the lunatic don't you??? No ethics, addict, sociopath, narcissist. Why do you keep coming on here for more abuse?? Oh yeah because you are certifiably nuts!!! Glad they finally ran you!!! BYE BYE!!

You realize you are quite the lunatic don't you??? No ethics, addict, sociopath, narcissist. Why do you keep coming on here for more abuse?? Oh yeah because you are certifiably nuts!!! Glad they finally ran you!!! BYE BYE!!

I may not be employed there any longer but I still have contacts at compliance and have reported this forum for abuse and hipaa violations. For your sake I hope you haven't been posting from a company pc or your offices network. Because they will find you and your will be persecuted.


I may not be employed there any longer but I still have contacts at compliance and have reported this forum for abuse and hipaa violations. For your sake I hope you haven't been posting from a company pc or your offices network. Because they will find you and your will be persecuted.


That is laughable! They ran you due to the fact you are a severely disturbed individual. I can guarantee no one is taking your call. Get some professional psychiatric help immediately lunatic.

That is laughable! They ran you due to the fact you are a severely disturbed individual. I can guarantee no one is taking your call. Get some professional psychiatric help immediately lunatic.

How many times must I tell you I walked on my own will. Maybe you are one of my foremr employye's I ran out. I did have some bad apples and bad apples had to be run out. I was pretty good at that and saved the company a lot on in employment benefits. Since they quit and weren't laid off. I kind of miss the days where I had a top ten center in the country and kind of don't. It was good times and I do miss my patients.


How many times must I tell you I walked on my own will. Maybe you are one of my foremr employye's I ran out. I did have some bad apples and bad apples had to be run out. I was pretty good at that and saved the company a lot on in employment benefits. Since they quit and weren't laid off. I kind of miss the days where I had a top ten center in the country and kind of don't. It was good times and I do miss my patients.


NOT!!! You were run off cuckoo!!

And you're O2 growth was miserable last year...

Seek immediate mental health assistance!!