Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

Read screwed over Gilead, Sanofi, Celgene and Merck on Medivation deal. Gilead has NO pipeline and their HCV and stock is dropping like a rock. Medivation's Xtandi will generate $1.33 billion in annual sales for PFE by 2020. Read wanted late-stage assets to offset PFEs early-stage drugs that are pending. When Read walked on Allergan deal in April The $160 billion is just waiting to be spent . Plenty left to snatch Abbvie AKA "Abbott Lite" .............No Abbvie HCV replies Please Nobody cares and its making $$ no what the angry ones say on here

Let me educate and elaborate Do you Sheep know Gosebruch is running the show here at Abbvie ?? Do you know Gosebruch speciality ? He was involved with Ricky/Abbvie in the failed Shire deal He also was part of team that brokered Forest sale to Actavis He was responsible for Merck takeover of Cubist.....His hiring was not solely for brokering an acquisition I can't elaborate any more On the subject Follow the $$$Trail Keep in mind also ANY Pharma company is prone to an acquisition It's no Surprise and is a no brainer in this business Gosebruch was meeting with Ian Read over past 8 months Read knew about pending inversion law implemented by Obama but Pfizer lobbyists failed to pay enough $$$ to negate inversion law. There was Too much political / Public pressure because Trump threw out Pfizers name at least 30 times in regards to inversion . Abbvie is worth $110 Billion NOT $96 Billion. They will stand their ground and want at least $110 Billion. Read met with several potential targets including Gosebruch. I started the thread and told you Pfizer was eyeing Abbvie 12 months ago. I heard Glaxo and Astra were Reads choice over Abbvie We shall see what happens Follow the $$$$

how could you know this and what level does this info come from?

Do you Sheep know Gosebruch is running the show here at Abbvie ?? He was involved with Ricky/Abbvie in the failed Shire deal

-very impressive failure credentials... awesome $1.6B loss, including a multi-billion lawsuit from Elliott Management

Clue for the sheep on Insider Activity: Why is ABBV Corporate insiders looking pessimistic about the outlook of the company stock ? Why are they offloading shares while the stock jumped 11.39% so far this year. ?? VP Laura Schumacher offloaded 186,106 shares in the company at a per-share price of $60.03 and ended up generating $11,171,940 in proceeds. Schumacher retains 194,138 shares in the stock after this transaction. Gonzo collected $18,249,520 from the sale of 285,953 shares at a per-share price of $60.03. Insiders like Ricky have better knowledge about the health/prospects/future of ABBV. Take a long hard look at these options being exercised and dumped ..... It phase 1 of master plan.

Follow the $$$$ Trail Abbv IS getting Acquired Take it to the bank !

Last Wednesday Schumacher dumped another 50,000 shares at an average price of $65.00 total transaction value was $3,250,000.00.

Follow the $$ Trail

I'm not an EX Abbvie employee but I wanted to share an IT job offer I received from a recruiter.

Position: Level 2 Desktop Support
Salary: $16 / Hour
Location: Abbott Park - Waukegan, Illinois (Probably in the AP30s, south side of the park)

I laughed in the guys ear as it was insulting. Anyone that would accept 16 an hour for a desktop support position (A) Doesn't know what they are doing and (B) Doesn't know their own value and would suck at the job anyways. I'm sure Abbvie pays recruiting companies between 45 to 55 an hour for desktop support techs and those recruiting vultures only offer 16 an hour. How pathetic. Good luck getting anyone with real talent.

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