Superbowl party

When you're on an anonymous board and you don't like I understand a post....... You're Fired smuck! Take it to your mom's basement all day everyday as you spend your wasteful days on here....... You're Fired.... Ya damn looney bird!!!!

well, idiot, i believe the word is "schmuck". so Davey my boy, why not call Latoya?? afraid??
go on, take a deep breath and dial the phone. some of us hear your termination is in the works.

are you really as dumb as you seem to be? no wonder why you are being fired!
650-496-3777. try not to act so stupid. it may serve you well on your next job![/

Fred's Truck Stop will have the number posted in the men's shower room.

I hope you are getting your "good- byes" in order, David. Your last day at Jazz Pharmaceuticals is March 13.
I hope you are interviewing.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& board Member

OP here just checking in. This thread and this company has gone to the SH!tter. Sad to see this.

No, we're just getting rid of sub- standard employees. The hiring mistakes the company has made. Don't view this as being sad, but rather as positive growth for our company. An improvement for our company. Jazz Pharmaceuticals will be a better company for making these positive changes!
We have recently terminated some of the "dead wood" that have worked for us. More will follow as Jazz seeks to improve the quality of our overall being!

OP here just checking in. This thread and this company has gone to the SH!tter. Sad to see this.

No, we're just getting rid of sub- standard employees. The hiring mistakes the company has made. Don't view this as being sad, but rather as positive growth for our company. An improvement for our company. Jazz Pharmaceuticals will be a better company for making these positive changes!
We have recently terminated some of the "dead wood" that have worked for us. More will follow as Jazz seeks to improve the quality of our overall being!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Originally Posted by Anonymous
OP here just checking in. This thread and this company has gone to the SH!tter. Sad to see this.
No, we're just getting rid of sub- standard employees. The hiring mistakes the company has made. Don't view this as being sad, but rather as positive growth for our company. An improvement for our company. Jazz Pharmaceuticals will be a better company for making these positive changes!
We have recently terminated some of the "dead wood" that have worked for us. More will follow as Jazz seeks to improve the quality of our overall being!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Originally Posted by Anonymous
OP here just checking in. This thread and this company has gone to the SH!tter. Sad to see this.
No, we're just getting rid of sub- standard employees. The hiring mistakes the company has made. Don't view this as being sad, but rather as positive growth for our company. An improvement for our company. Jazz Pharmaceuticals will be a better company for making these positive changes!
We have recently terminated some of the "dead wood" that have worked for us. More will follow as Jazz seeks to improve the quality of our overall being!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Ahhh! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!! Re-posting is a good thing! David will still be gone in 2 days! I'm sure by now he has received his seperation papers from Heather.
Jazz pharmaceuticals becomes stronger every day!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board member

LaToya jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Ahhh! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!! Re-posting is a good thing! David will still be gone in 2 days! I'm sure by now he has received his seperation papers from Heather.
Jazz pharmaceuticals becomes stronger every day!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board member

LaToya jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member


This is the investor that commented many times on this board about how unprofessional it is for YOU to post on here. YOur father does not run the company anymore, it is not a PRIVATE corp. WHERE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT POPS INTO YOUR MIND. Are you insane for posting this firing online ? Then mentioning the HR mangers name and how they are involved.

Are you firing someone because they came on a site and wrote something ? DO you know somehow for a fact that it is this person ? Did you use a software person to track them down. You mam are going to get JAZZ into really hot water. Not only that, you look like a child by posting your reactions.

Do you think because you write : WE ARE A GREAT COMPANY HIRING GREAT PEOPLE AND MADE HIRING MISTAKES we need to fix. THat it is OK to do so ? Are you out of your mind... I kind of agree with the poster as you really do have a problem, yet find yourself above it all. "BECAUSE you say so" Once you and your brother are gone from there you will have to live on your shares, no one is ever going to hire you once they read this stuff you wrote.

YOu are so far out - of bounds and it is amazing that HR has not sat you down and punished you... Just flat out amazing...


This is the investor that commented many times on this board about how unprofessional it is for YOU to post on here. YOur father does not run the company anymore, it is not a PRIVATE corp. WHERE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT POPS INTO YOUR MIND. Are you insane for posting this firing online ? Then mentioning the HR mangers name and how they are involved.

Are you firing someone because they came on a site and wrote something ? DO you know somehow for a fact that it is this person ? Did you use a software person to track them down. You mam are going to get JAZZ into really hot water. Not only that, you look like a child by posting your reactions.

Do you think because you write : WE ARE A GREAT COMPANY HIRING GREAT PEOPLE AND MADE HIRING MISTAKES we need to fix. THat it is OK to do so ? Are you out of your mind... I kind of agree with the poster as you really do have a problem, yet find yourself above it all. "BECAUSE you say so" Once you and your brother are gone from there you will have to live on your shares, no one is ever going to hire you once they read this stuff you wrote.

YOu are so far out - of bounds and it is amazing that HR has not sat you down and punished you... Just flat out amazing...

I would certainly appreciate you spelling my first name correctly- LaToya. Understood?
As co- owner of this company, founded by my father, Jermaine Jazz Sr., I can assure you this company is NOT for sale! My brother, Jermaine Jr. and I will continue to have full and absolute control over Jazz Pharmaceuticals. We currently have NO plans to leave.
Yes, we made hiring mistakes over the years, at the representative level, but this is currently being rectified. We will no longer accept incompetence. You need to accept this, or move on!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

In speaking earlier today with Heather, V.P.H.R., David is now officially gone from Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
This should come as no real surprise to anyone, nor should the reasons for his termination.
We will try to hire a replacement within the next 6 weeks. An individual who will be more attuned to the aims and goals of Jazz Pharmaceuticals is most desirable.
We at Jazz Pharma wish David (and his family) well in his search for a new employment opportunity!
Hopefully, there will be no copy cat posting to this e- mail.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

In speaking earlier today with Heather, V.P.H.R., David is now officially gone from Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
This should come as no real surprise to anyone, nor should the reasons for his termination.
We will try to hire a replacement within the next 6 weeks. An individual who will be more attuned to the aims and goals of Jazz Pharmaceuticals is most desirable.
We at Jazz Pharma wish David (and his family) well in his search for a new employment opportunity!
Hopefully, there will be no copy cat posting to this e- mail.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Ok take a break from anonymously fire people all the time and try staying on topic of the threads that you attempt to hijack. Did you get laid at the Super Bowl party? If not maybe you should. Perhaps that will help normalize you. Now go get piped!

Ok take a break from anonymously fire people all the time and try staying on topic of the threads that you attempt to hijack. Did you get laid at the Super Bowl party? If not maybe you should. Perhaps that will help n ormalize you. Now go get piped!

We're NOT at all trying to fire people. But when a representative is not working, or knocking Jazz Pharma, or seemingly is very unhappy working here, it's time for them to leave. Several of these employees were just simply hiring mistakes. This needs to be corrected.
Therefore, we (ownership, and upper management) have made the decision to terminate these individuals from Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and make a more conscious effort to hire better employees.- Employees who will be a better fit for Jazz. And no one in The Jazz Family has ever tried to "hijack" any thread(s)!! Why would you say this??
The few employees who have thus far been terminated, needed to be terminated.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

We're NOT at all trying to fire people. But when a representative is not working, or knocking Jazz Pharma, or seemingly is very unhappy working here, it's time for them to leave. Several of these employees were just simply hiring mistakes. This needs to be corrected.
Therefore, we (ownership, and upper management) have made the decision to terminate these individuals from Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and make a more conscious effort to hire better employees.- Employees who will be a better fit for Jazz. And no one in The Jazz Family has ever tried to "hijack" any thread(s)!! Why would you say this??
The few employees who have thus far been terminated, needed to be terminated.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

Just answer the question and stay on thread to topic. Did you get balled at the Super Bowl party?