Superbowl party


did anyone have fun last night? would have rather been at a local bar or even home for the game. Anywhere but with the Jazz idiots.
Only plus were the ladies away from home and hubby. Some nice looking and eager ladies!

did anyone have fun last night? would have rather been at a local bar or even home for the game. Anywhere but with the Jazz idiots.
Only plus were the ladies away from home and hubby. Some nice looking and eager ladies!

Always the case bro at Jazz meetings. Most have a few extra lbs but gives you a little Cush for the push. Scoooooore

I have discussed some things with Jermaine about meetings. We shall be working on a new plan for promoting decorum at future meetings. We, at Jazz Pharma have been somewhat negligent in doing this over the last several years and it's past time. Exceptional social inter- action such has been described on postings over the years and most recently may become harmful to our desire to promote solid family values. Over the next several months, be advised of policy changes for meetings. Tameka Pickett in HR will follow- up.

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

I for one think it takes a lot of chutzpah for the big fella to make it "mandatory" that we all be away from family/friends for a party and then not show up. Showed an incredible lack of sensitivity to how one might be viewed.

Hah! Good point. Hadn't really thought of it that way but you're right.

I'm more concerned about being showered with praise about the performance and then not getting even a trickle of love vis a vie do-ray-me if ya knows what I'm sayin. Could ya give a little bit back? Stop patting yourselves on the back for having such a great "culture" (which is shut up and drink the Kool Aid, by the way) and give the masses what they really want which is the Benjamins y'all.

Haven't been here as long as some but in former lives when a company continued to buck up culture, the translation is "we love ya but we won't pay ya". Period. You like working here so you'll stay.

DGMW. It's a good living, but compared to true biotech where I've been, it's running at 70% or so. All I'm sayin.

Hah! Good point. Hadn't really thought of it that way but you're right.

I'm more concerned about being showered with praise about the performance and then not getting even a trickle of love vis a vie do-ray-me if ya knows what I'm sayin. Could ya give a little bit back? Stop patting yourselves on the back for having such a great "culture" (which is shut up and drink the Kool Aid, by the way) and give the masses what they really want which is the Benjamins y'all.

Haven't been here as long as some but in former lives when a company continued to buck up culture, the translation is "we love ya but we won't pay ya". Period. You like working here so you'll stay.

DGMW. It's a good living, but compared to true biotech where I've been, it's running at 70% or so. All I'm sayin.

Don't fight it. Get your pole polished off at the next meeting.

Don't fight it. Get your pole polished off at the next meeting.

Your "pole" needs to be put away at the next meeting. Jermaine wants all poles to be at military rest if you get my drift. Anyone caught trying to raise their pole at a meeting is subject to reprimand, or possible dismissal. Either way, you will have a very hard time from then on. It could affect future promotions.

Tameka Pickett, HR

One does not have to look very far at Jazz meetings to have his pole put at attention. Mgmt/home office women are on a prawl at meetings.

Women here may be on a "prawl" at meetings. However, my advice for job security is to keep your pole tucked away and under wraps during meetings.

Tameka Pickett, HR

Sh!t I am pole vaulting my way to the top here at Jazzland. I've already bagged a couple of mgmt level Jazz Broads.

Now guys, you wanna' pole vault your way to the top- be careful! You ain't goin' too far if your pole becomes damaged! I will make sure no vaulter gets promoted if your pole becomes "famous" at any of our future meetings. I want to maintain Jazz's reputation at the pinnacle of the pharmaceutical industry!

- Jermaine Jazz Jr.
- Dir. Sales/ Op.