Zoll Lifecor

The studies used area joke. They would not hold up as far as credible data for any other company to use. For those of you thinking about jumping on board, how do you feel using studies that didn't include your product at all and telling a physician that their patient is at risk of death because of these studies so that's why you should use LV? No direct randomized controlled studies including LV to show better outcomes with the LV compared to without the LV. The physicians that you are going to be calling on are going to want to see studies. Guess what? You don't have them!

If you work in an area where your hospitals are evidence based they will laugh at you as you don't have any studies or evidence showing patients do better with LV than without LV. Zoll stopped sharing the data of how many patients have worn the LV as doctors were very quickly figuring out, XXX amount of patients that have worn the LV and XXX amount of lives saved, you mean it's only 1% or even less than 1%?? I can do nothing at be right 99% of the time and save the hospital, my patient and most importantly "the system" the money? Case closed no LV And your quota continues to go up every two weeks. Now that's why 75% of the field force turns over every year.

Hey maybe Zoll is on to some hiring trend here. Welcome aboard, your copier tech training will serve you well as your chasing paper from the offices. You will know exactly how to copy and assist the office in unjamming. If you hang around long enough you might even be able to order pizza for lunch (a valuable pharma b2b skill) you learned for 1-3yrs as a top performer.

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Honestly, just fuck off! I can't be anymore direct then that when you lie like you did!

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Apparently there are only 25% "good territories" within the company because 75% turnover every year. As to the patience, Zoll will not give you time to develop business. While you are wanting "time", your goals will grow by 50-60% preputually and you will be so far underwater that you will be on a PIP and gone. Also, goals never get adjusted downward. Finally, the goals are so inflated and unrealistic it's unbelievable. Zoll's belief of available patients versus physician belief of need are MILES apart!

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Lifevest must only hire people who don't understand numbers. First they recruit people who believe a 1% risk in non lifevest studies equates to a need, and then those same people think 75% turnover is a "few clueless reps".

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Says the desperate manager trying to fill the same territory again. Please do not believe the lies that the recruiters and the Regional Managers and/or Regional Directors tell you. They just want a warm body to fill a spot and will repeat the same lies again once you leave to another poor soul. I wish there was more information like this available when I came on board as I would not have made the mistake to join this place. BIG MISTAKE.

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Zoll= 70% Jokers? clueless reps? lot of patience?...LOL Zoll rewards patience with a PIP! Since every job has its pros and cons why dont you provide us all with a list of pros and then well write back with the list of cons!! Whos clueless now????

Apparently there are only 25% "good territories" within the company because 75% turnover every year. As to the patience, Zoll will not give you time to develop business. While you are wanting "time", your goals will grow by 50-60% preputually and you will be so far underwater that you will be on a PIP and gone. Also, goals never get adjusted downward. Finally, the goals are so inflated and unrealistic it's unbelievable. Zoll's belief of available patients versus physician belief of need are MILES apart!

This is unfortunately but true. There isn't much time one you go under water in quota before you are placed on PIP. FYI PIPs here are 30-60 days so good luck getting your numbers up to the ever increasing goals every two weeks to meet the PIP requirements. This adds to the 75% turnover rate. Please don't think because you are a rep that is covering 3 or even 4 vacant territories in addition to your own will help you out. As soon as your RM fills those vacant territories you will be placed on a 30 day PIP and then you are out the door. Your RM will not care that you were covering 3 or 4 territories and not getting paid on any of the work you were doing in these vacant territories just will use that your territory is not meeting goal in your PIP. Take it from my experience tell your RM that you can't cover all of the vacant territories and focus on getting your own territory back on track. Don't fall in to the trap of covering all of the vacancies it will bite you in the butt. Have your RM cover all of the vacant territories and maybe just maybe they will push back to their RD and JP and start getting some things changed here.

The job is not as bad as some of these jokers are making it out to be. If you get into a good territory, you'll be glad you came here. Some territories just need a lot of patience. Every job has pros and cons. Don't make your decision based on a few clueless reps.

Lies, lies, lies. That's all this company has. Between their "evidence", what they tell themselves, and what they tell customers and the field, it's all lies. Talk with any one who has ever worked at Zoll.

Good news/bad news scenario for you.

The good news: I did get a new job. Months ago actually.

The bad news: I hate(ed) this place SO much that I feel the need to warn anyone and everyone that might consider coming here.

Having said all that, I am by no means the only one that shares this opinion and certainly am not the only one posting here!

Thanks for posting this.
People like you that have the courage to tell the truth is important in our messed up job market. Websites like cafepharma.com are among the best around because of infomation like this.

Keep up the good work and good luck in whatever you do.

One suggestion I have is try to find a company under 500 employees. The smaller the better. Trust me. In over 15 years of selling, I have found that is EASILY the way to go in life, and the money is there if you do your research and understand what YOU want in life.

Says the desperate manager trying to fill the same territory again. Please do not believe the lies that the recruiters and the Regional Managers and/or Regional Directors tell you. They just want a warm body to fill a spot and will repeat the same lies again once you leave to another poor soul. I wish there was more information like this available when I came on board as I would not have made the mistake to join this place. BIG MISTAKE.

Everyone who is here should do what I did when I left...BURN THE TERRITORY TO THE GROUND! The next unfortunate TM is screwed!

I told all the physicians who write or have written in my former territory:

- all the lies Zoll tells to TM's and HCP's
- how billing works
- that JW writes many of the articles TM's use
- that ML wants TM's to target HF to increase wear time and thus $
- The inflated goals
- how TM's are treated (PIP's, etc)
- "preying" on NP/PA's because they're easy targets
- how tech support works and how "qualified" they are
- that in 1 year I had 4 patients die from SCA while the lifevest was sitting on a chair
- that my RM has no previous cardiology experience
- that Zoll encourages us to spend money to feed them and their staff to buy them
- that Medicare is trying everything they can to not pay for lifevest (NPI number requirements, etc)

and most important

- how much lifevest costs and how little most insurance companies reimburse

Everyone who is here should do what I did when I left...BURN THE TERRITORY TO THE GROUND! The next unfortunate TM is screwed!

I told all the physicians who write or have written in my former territory:

- all the lies Zoll tells to TM's and HCP's
- how billing works
- that JW writes many of the articles TM's use
- that ML wants TM's to target HF to increase wear time and thus $
- The inflated goals
- how TM's are treated (PIP's, etc)
- "preying" on NP/PA's because they're easy targets
- how tech support works and how "qualified" they are
- that in 1 year I had 4 patients die from SCA while the lifevest was sitting on a chair
- that my RM has no previous cardiology experience
- that Zoll encourages us to spend money to feed them and their staff to buy them
- that Medicare is trying everything they can to not pay for lifevest (NPI number requirements, etc)

and most important

- how much lifevest costs and how little most insurance companies reimburse

Yeah. Real mature, you sucked as a TM, and just like a baby, you took your ball and went home.
It's pathetic hat you're trying to screw other people who actually can make a difference in the territory unlike an idiot like you.

If someone is considering taking a job selling the life vest do what I did. I was offered the job in writing and I turned it down so I am not a disgruntled employee. Rather, I'm one who did their homework and got the facts. I spoke with several reps within the district and I also spoke to members within Zoll via Linked In. The common theme from everyone was the escalating quotas, very small and limited opportunity territories, no holidays, and vested in the 401k is beyond 5 years which is unheard of. I also reached out to HR and asked what the turnover rate was for 2013 and how many reps were at plan or better in 2013. JE's (HR manager) response was 20-25% turnover rate and 60% or reps were at plan or better. These 2 numbers along with the escalating quotas and decreased territories is why I didn't take the job. The turnover rate is very high and almost half of the field isn't at plan which means the quotas are out of line. Everything I have said is factual and from someone who turned down the job. If you are thinking of taking the job and don't believe me, then ask JE(HR manager) those questions to get your answer. And by the way, I would have been the 4th rep in less than 2 years in the position. That was eye opening to me. Hope this helps someone.

Yeah. Real mature, you sucked as a TM, and just like a baby, you took your ball and went home.
It's pathetic hat you're trying to screw other people who actually can make a difference in the territory unlike an idiot like you.

Keeping with my immaturity, you can kiss my ass! Trust me, you will get to the same point I did after repeated lies, corporate ineptitude, and foolish goal setting. After you reach that point you'll contemplate doing what I did.

With the ridiculous goals in my former territory Jesus couldn't make a difference! One final point, I hope by difference you don't mean "saving lives" like the rest of the Kool Aid drinkers because 1% doesn't qualify!!!

"The roof the roof the roof is on fire..." Being transparent with physicians may help prevent ruining another persons life. If someone asks a physician their thoughts on the company they can give an honest assessment based on facts and not their own personal opinion.

"The roof the roof the roof is on fire..." Being transparent with physicians may help prevent ruining another persons life. If someone asks a physician their thoughts on the company they can give an honest assessment based on facts and not their own personal opinion.

Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!

Bravo to all of the truth tellers!

I am a former employee. Things were good until what's his face took over. He forced out all of the women who held important positions. It is sad to see what greed can make men do.

Zoll was toxic ten or so years ago and I see that things have only gotten worse over the years. I am sure that what's his face is the one monitoring these postings. Heard he is also filling out reviews on glassdoor to boost the employee rating.

Does anyone know the status of the Philips lawsuit against Zoll for patent infringement?

Zoll has a great product, the issue is the compensation plan. Your quota will grow out of reach and no matter what you do or try you most likely will never catch back up. A shame since they could simply tweak a few things and the alarming turnover rate would drop. Pay on MO's and let the company worry about collecting payment. If you get an MO, then you have done your job of getting your customer to buy into the risk of SCD 2%. How does it or should it become your burden to ensure payment when you do not have control over it? Insurance companies do, and Zoll has people that work to get coverage... Tie their comp to coverage, not the rep. Regardless of your number, revenue gets backed in and out continuously. All based on payment from insurance. Rep still does all the convincing and selling coupled with the "fit", but for potentially nothing... That is why everyone leaves.

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