Zoll Lifecor

Recruiter just contacted me about TM position. made it sound so good it is worth looking into.
Going to ask good questions during interview and make an educated decision not based on the idiots on here. Wish me luck, and hopefully we will be working together in the future. Thanks.

Welcome aboard DUMBASS...

Recruiter just contacted me about TM position. made it sound so good it is worth looking into.
Going to ask good questions during interview and make an educated decision not based on the idiots on here. Wish me luck, and hopefully we will be working together in the future. Thanks.

Let's look at the facts here:

1. Your recruiter is SELLING something, so there is absolutely no chance he/or she is making the position sound better then it is.

2. Do you think this recruiter is going to call and tell you the truth (i.e. what's on the board) and then ask if you would like to interview?

3. RM's and AD's make ridiculous amounts of money by keeping "expansion territories" filled with new people who will go out with new hire enthusiasm and sell their snake oil (that's the LifeVest in case you didn't know), so there is NO chance they will mislead you!

4. I'm sure without being on the inside you will be able to understand all the challenges and issues facing the LifeVest!

5. It is kind of you to A. call all the posters here, who are trying to help others avoid their mistakes, idiots and B. the want to work with them.

6. Finally, I will wish you luck, but that luck isn't what you would think/like. I hope you either don't get the position or somehow come to your senses!!!

A recruiter called me a while back about this position but I honestly didn't like their approach (too aggressive) and decided not to pursue the opportunity. About a month later I found out about this board, And I can't say enough how entertaining it has been to me. Even though I don't work for this company or Ever plan too, i still check because of you guys-thanks for the entertainment and laughs.

A recruiter called me a while back about this position but I honestly didn't like their approach (too aggressive) and decided not to pursue the opportunity. About a month later I found out about this board, And I can't say enough how entertaining it has been to me. Even though I don't work for this company or Ever plan too, i still check because of you guys-thanks for the entertainment and laughs.

The thing about that is; while it may be entertaining to you, it is our sad reality....

ZOLL is a joke. If you are in a geography with little to no managed care, you can survive and even do well. If you are not, your $800 per two week growth rate will catch up and surpass your quota in 6-18 months. You will then be at your base of 75K, and then you will be on a PIP in about 4-6 moths. If this sounds good, join them. DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB AND GO TO ZOLL. Even if your current situation sucks, ZOLL will be worse. If you are out of a job and need the money, that is a different story. The nice thing is that a short run at ZOLL is standard and future hiring managers will not hold it against you.

Had a call from a recruiter last week asking me if I was interested in a few roles because as they could see from my resume it was about the time when people at Zoll are looking to get out (about 1 year in the role). Every recruiter knows that any employee here is looking to get out about 1 year in the gig.

Had a call from a recruiter last week asking me if I was interested in a few roles because as they could see from my resume it was about the time when people at Zoll are looking to get out (about 1 year in the role). Every recruiter knows that any employee here is looking to get out about 1 year in the gig.

I'm seriously happy that recruiters are calling you with this black eye/shit stain on your resume...congrats!!!

Just contacted about East Coast position. Been out of work for a few months, so am really excited about interview and looking forward to meeting upper management. This place can't be as bad as unemployment. Can't wait to join the team!!!

Just contacted about East Coast position. Been out of work for a few months, so am really excited about interview and looking forward to meeting upper management. This place can't be as bad as unemployment. Can't wait to join the team!!!

Really? Are you that naive to write such a thing on this board right before you interview? Ah, this smells like the same poster bitching and complaining again. Quit trying to be 5 different people and find another job already.

Really? Are you that naive to write such a thing on this board right before you interview? Ah, this smells like the same poster bitching and complaining again. Quit trying to be 5 different people and find another job already.

Don't worry, since you are obviously new, your day will come! You will realize that ZOLL is an awful place to work.

Let's try a comparison that may hit home:

The chief complaint about the LifeVest is lack of data/need. Let's throw out the fact that no RCT (I should probably be clear as you seem slow - that means randomized controlled trial) exists, and just focus on the "save" rate (1.3%). So, doing back of the envelope math, that means 98.7% of the time physicians will be right using the established standard of care...NOTHING AT ALL! It would seem to me that the data can't be wrong.

On the other side of our comparison, you have ZOLL employee longevity (or lack thereof). Historically, ZOLL has only hired 25% of TM's that stay longer then 1 year. So again, using back of the envelope math, that means that 75% of the time TM's will leave in less then 1 year. Again, it would seem to me that the data can't be wrong.

Really? Are you that naive to write such a thing on this board right before you interview? Ah, this smells like the same poster bitching and complaining again. Quit trying to be 5 different people and find another job already.

Good news/bad news scenario for you.

The good news: I did get a new job. Months ago actually.

The bad news: I hate(ed) this place SO much that I feel the need to warn anyone and everyone that might consider coming here.

Having said all that, I am by no means the only one that shares this opinion and certainly am not the only one posting here!

wised up around 4 months in. Picked up a second gig. Now here is the funny part. My second gig does involve OR time ~3days/week @~2hrs/case and has less hassle than this shithole. Very black and white, once you are done your done and the sales cycle is much more manageable than this circus. Boss doesn't care if I milk zoll for salary (kid going to college in 2yrs) as long as I don't miss a case or number. When you cut a territory down to just 3 hospitals and your a commodity sales rep, hey you do what you have to do to make ends meet.

Just contacted about East Coast position. Been out of work for a few months, so am really excited about interview and looking forward to meeting upper management. This place can't be as bad as unemployment. Can't wait to join the team!!!

You may want to think twice about coming on board here. This place is especially dangerous if you DO NOT have a job right now and here. The fact is you will be offered the job as nobody else wants it. All the information on this board is true about what to expect and even if you think it will be different for you it will not be. You will be looking for another job in a year or even earlier depending not he territory. Now that you were out of work then came to Zoll and now are looking for another job in a year, other companies will start to question if it is you that's the problem or think that you may too high risk to join their company being that you were very recently out of work and now your tenure at Zoll was very very short. Get the picture? The whole theory of well it's a job as I don't have one right now seems reasonable. However, you will find yourself in a much more difficult spot to get another new job in a year from now. Don't jump to come here because you don't have a job. It will be the biggest mistake of your life. Zoll hopes and prays for candidates like you out of work as you are desperate enough to take the job. Short term gain for you with a very big long term loss for you.

I understand what you guys saying, but I believe a job is better than no job. There are plenty of examples of people succeeding with this company, and I was very impressed with clinical FDA study showing lifevest saved 6 patient lives out of 200 some patients. Definitely a product I could sell. Thanks for all of the input though.

I understand what you guys saying, but I believe a job is better than no job. There are plenty of examples of people succeeding with this company, and I was very impressed with clinical FDA study showing lifevest saved 6 patient lives out of 200 some patients. Definitely a product I could sell. Thanks for all of the input though.

As long as you are prepared to be out of a job again in a year or so!

I don't even know what the hell this means: "clinical FDA study showing lifevest saved 6 patient lives out of 200 some patients", but I can assure you the save rate is nowhere near 3%!!! Additionally, you CANNOT sell the LV (you'll see)!

I understand what you guys saying, but I believe a job is better than no job. There are plenty of examples of people succeeding with this company, and I was very impressed with clinical FDA study showing lifevest saved 6 patient lives out of 200 some patients. Definitely a product I could sell. Thanks for all of the input though.

The first thing you need to understand is that you do not sell the Lv you are selling risk. I know it's a hard concept to grasp but you're not selling a product you are selling risk to physicians. I'm not sure what data you're referring to regarding 6 patients saved out of 200 but the studies you will use in the field show 1.3% of patients saved meaning the doctor can do nothing meaning do not use a LV and they are correct 99% of thine. I know you think that this job is better than no job but please understand that when you are looking for another job in 9-15 months (and you will be) employers will wonder why you are wanting to leave so quickly and it will be more difficult for you to find a job at that time than it is right now.

I understand what you guys saying, but I believe a job is better than no job. There are plenty of examples of people succeeding with this company, and I was very impressed with clinical FDA study showing lifevest saved 6 patient lives out of 200 some patients. Definitely a product I could sell. Thanks for all of the input though.

This is what Zoll is getting for Sales Reps! Im glad he is impressed with the study. Probably a study crafted by JW. If a recruiter contacts you about a job with Zoll, dont brag, dont feel important, you should realize that recruiters put their best people in front of companies that pay the recruiters the highest fees. Zoll pays the recruiter shit so how do you feel now?

The first thing you need to understand is that you do not sell the Lv you are selling risk. I know it's a hard concept to grasp but you're not selling a product you are selling risk to physicians. I'm not sure what data you're referring to regarding 6 patients saved out of 200 but the studies you will use in the field show 1.3% of patients saved meaning the doctor can do nothing meaning do not use a LV and they are correct 99% of thine. I know you think that this job is better than no job but please understand that when you are looking for another job in 9-15 months (and you will be) employers will wonder why you are wanting to leave so quickly and it will be more difficult for you to find a job at that time than it is right now.

Not only what is above, but in addition, these are not randomized controlled trials! The data is simply ZOLL's manufacturer controlled data base combed through different way by different people. Also, all these different investigators have disclosures that they have received honorariums from ZOLL.

So you have to sell risk based on a very small number that was arrived at retrospectively by physicians paid by ZOLL and using ZOLL's controlled database...

This is what Zoll is getting for Sales Reps! Im glad he is impressed with the study. Probably a study crafted by JW. If a recruiter contacts you about a job with Zoll, dont brag, dont feel important, you should realize that recruiters put their best people in front of companies that pay the recruiters the highest fees. Zoll pays the recruiter shit so how do you feel now?

Agreed, but with 75% turnover year-to-year how can Zoll afford to pay more?