Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

America was the victor

America is in decline. Everyone knows it.

And it doesn't matter who is president. The greatest generation is the last generation to see the zenith of this country.

There is no plan to bring this country back to fiscal discipline and cut dependency.

it was a good 230 years while it lasted.

America is in decline. Everyone knows it.

And it doesn't matter who is president. The greatest generation is the last generation to see the zenith of this country.

There is no plan to bring this country back to fiscal discipline and cut dependency.

it was a good 230 years while it lasted.

There are plenty of plans. The problem is there are far too many who depend on government handouts and would never allow anyone to get elected who might actually wean them off the government teat. They will elect the candidate who promises the most handouts until this nation collapses.

There are plenty of plans. The problem is there are far too many who depend on government handouts and would never allow anyone to get elected who might actually wean them off the government teat. They will elect the candidate who promises the most handouts until this nation collapses.

Don't be silly.

You guys are just, well.......un American

Don't be silly.

You guys are just, well.......un American

America was founded on hardwork, not handouts. America was founded on people having the freedom to keep what they earn. I believe in those principles. You believe in handouts and redistribution of wealth. It is you and parasites like you who are Un-American. Pathetic.

America was founded on hardwork, not handouts. America was founded on people having the freedom to keep what they earn. I believe in those principles. You believe in handouts and redistribution of wealth. It is you and parasites like you who are Un-American. Pathetic.

Honestly, don't feed this animal anymore.

I have stopped responding to them. They are just trying to rile you up with sophomoric commentary.

I would move on.

America was founded on hardwork, not handouts. America was founded on people having the freedom to keep what they earn. I believe in those principles. You believe in handouts and redistribution of wealth. It is you and parasites like you who are Un-American. Pathetic.

Still cross are we? You need to work harder to pay all that extra tax!

Awwwww red state white twash is weally cwoss

Awww silly pseudo-intellectual, liberal, no-logic comeback still has nothing of value to contribute to society.

Seriously,nothing to see here.... everything is fine, the country is doing fine. We have everything under control. We totally expected and hoped unemployment would be at 8%. Our debt is totally sustainable. Plenty of room for more welfare recipients. Food stamps, Really???? No problem. These last 4 and half to 5 years couldn't be any better. Isn't this great?

Awww silly pseudo-intellectual, liberal, no-logic comeback still has nothing of value to contribute to society.

Seriously,nothing to see here.... everything is fine, the country is doing fine. We have everything under control. We totally expected and hoped unemployment would be at 8%. Our debt is totally sustainable. Plenty of room for more welfare recipients. Food stamps, Really???? No problem. These last 4 and half to 5 years couldn't be any better. Isn't this great?

yes its great

HealthCare Reform is UnAMERICAN, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and it reflects the record of Socialisms FAILURE which is so blatant that ONLY liberal drones could ignore it.

First of all, can you please tell me exactly where in the constitution it states Healthcare reform is unconstitutional? No? My case proven.

Secondly, actually most people don't realize it but America is more socialist then they believe. It doesn't mean we are a socialist state (not even close) but, we do have many social programs which many people don't have a problem with such as SOCIAL Security, and Medicare. The truth is we need at least some things that are social. Why can't healthcare be one of them? It works for many nations. Not just those "dreaded" socialist nations, but also many democratic/republic nations (Ex. UK, France, Germany, Canada). And all of these nations are doing fairly well with that system. If it works just fine for them, why not America?

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