Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

First of all, can you please tell me exactly where in the constitution it states Healthcare reform is unconstitutional? No? My case proven.

Secondly, actually most people don't realize it but America is more socialist then they believe. It doesn't mean we are a socialist state (not even close) but, we do have many social programs which many people don't have a problem with such as SOCIAL Security, and Medicare. The truth is we need at least some things that are social. Why can't healthcare be one of them? It works for many nations. Not just those "dreaded" socialist nations, but also many democratic/republic nations (Ex. UK, France, Germany, Canada). And all of these nations are doing fairly well with that system. If it works just fine for them, why not America?

Social Security, you mean government's legalized ponzi sheme? Are you kidding? Social security is a failure. Medicare.... Really? These 2 programs have been successful at achieving 1 result... Unsustainable Debt.

Healthcare reform is unconstitutional mostly because of the individual mandate. Government can NOT force its citizens to buy something as a condition of being alive. This is a dangerous precedent.

For someone to believe what U say would have to B stupid. U blame ACA for your rising insurance cost. U blame ACA for your company dropping their H/C ins. and ACA has not taken effect yet. Hey man, I have some swamp land to sell U in Georgia.

Where is Doc Who now??? I told this moron back in 2012 what would happen... Wonder what this moron thinks now. He must be so disillusioned.

Shhhhhhh..... Fellow liberals, if we are real quiet and don't talk about Obamacare, maybe all the voting public will forget to throw our sorry asses out of office.
Rule one... you do not talk about Obamacare.

Re: Zzzzzzz.....

Here is something you Obama Drones can get behind... I know how much you morons like to chant. Can we repeal Obamacare? YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!

Deal with that reality.

The only reality you need to deal with is trying to sober up before you post anymore foolishness.

Re: Zzzzzzz.....

The only reality you need to deal with is trying to sober up before you post anymore foolishness.

So let's talk about the highly successful attributes of Obamacare and how much America has embraced it. You should have no problem defending Obamacare to an apparent drunken, mental case. You should really be able to destroy me with facts and figures. Please... Let's discuss.

Re: Zzzzzzz.....

So let's talk about the highly successful attributes of Obamacare and how much America has embraced it. You should have no problem defending Obamacare to an apparent drunken, mental case. You should really be able to destroy me with facts and figures. Please... Let's discuss.

Most of the opposition to Obamacare comes from people who are against anything that is associated with the President. However, a good portion is because many Americans really don't understand what the law does or health insurance in general.

Yes, some parts need to be fixed, but the biggest thing that needs fixing is those who still doubt the success of the law. Like the fact that between the exchanges, Medicaid, and kids being able to stay on their parents plan until 26, 14 million Americans have gotten coverage through the ACA.

On top of that, it has helped slow down the rise in healthcare costs. From 2010 to 2012, health spending grew at an annual rate of just 1.1% in real per capita terms—the lowest rate in the 50 years we have been collecting these data, and a small fraction of the 6% rate that inaugurated the past decade.

The slowdown in healthcare costs, along with the cost-control reforms made to Medicare has led to premiums staying the same for the third straight year. These reforms have also extended the solvency of Medicare from 2017, without the ACA, to 2027 with the ACA. Furthermore, the ACA provision which closes the prescription drug "donuthole" in Medicare Part D has led to more than 7.3 million seniors and people with disabilities saving $8.9 billion on their prescription drugs, an average of $1,209 per person since 2010

Re: Zzzzzzz.....

Most of the opposition to Obamacare comes from people who are against anything that is associated with the President. However, a good portion is because many Americans really don't understand what the law does or health insurance in general.

Yes, some parts need to be fixed, but the biggest thing that needs fixing is those who still doubt the success of the law. Like the fact that between the exchanges, Medicaid, and kids being able to stay on their parents plan until 26, 14 million Americans have gotten coverage through the ACA.

On top of that, it has helped slow down the rise in healthcare costs. From 2010 to 2012, health spending grew at an annual rate of just 1.1% in real per capita terms—the lowest rate in the 50 years we have been collecting these data, and a small fraction of the 6% rate that inaugurated the past decade.

The slowdown in healthcare costs, along with the cost-control reforms made to Medicare has led to premiums staying the same for the third straight year. These reforms have also extended the solvency of Medicare from 2017, without the ACA, to 2027 with the ACA. Furthermore, the ACA provision which closes the prescription drug "donuthole" in Medicare Part D has led to more than 7.3 million seniors and people with disabilities saving $8.9 billion on their prescription drugs, an average of $1,209 per person since 2010

Before Obamacare, libs made the claim that 45 million Americans were uninsured. Now Obamacare forces every American to buy insurance and you think 14 million, previously uninsured and now insured Americans is a success? Health insurance premiums are skyrocketing and you think the only thing wrong with Obamacare is that Americans "don't understand what the law does." Are you serious? This law sucks and the problem for Obama is that most Americans DO UNDERSTAND ALL TOO WELL.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released its annual Budget and Economic Outlook. Here are some of the most important health care numbers to know from today’s report:
Millions more projected to lose their coverage. As the CBO writes, “CBO and JCT project that, as a result of the ACA, between 6 million and 7 million fewer people will have employment-based insurance coverage each year from 2016 through 2024 than would be the case in the absence of the ACA. That change is the net result of projected increases and decreases in offers of health insurance from employers and changes in enrollment by workers and their families.”
1.5 million enrolled in non-compliant plans in 2014. As a result of the Administration’s unilateral and last minute decision to allow plans that are not compliant with Obamacare’s many new rules to continue into 2014, a “fix” to offset the nearly 5 million reported plan cancellations, the CBO estimates that 1.5 million non-compliant plans will exist in the individual and small group markets in 2014, with .5 million continuing on into 2015.
Mandate penalties total $203 billion from 2015-2024. Penalties paid by employers of 50 or more full-time workers who do not offer their employees health coverage are projected to total $151 billion from 2015-2024. The individual mandate tax that will be levied on individuals who do not purchase health coverage is expected to cost Americans $51 billion over this period.
31 million uninsured. After spending nearly $2 trillion to expand insurance coverage, Obamacare is still projected to leave 31 million people uninsured in 2024.
Exchange enrollment adjusted for 2014. “In light of technical problems that impeded many people’s enrollment in exchanges,” the CBO has downwardly adjusted its exchange enrollment projections for 2014 by 1 million people, now projecting only 6 million people will gain exchange coverage this year.
Gross cost of Obamacare’s major coverage provisions from 2015-2024 is nearly $2 trillion. Spending of $899 billion and a reduction in revenues of $137 billion for premium assistance tax credits, in addition to spending $167 billion for cost-sharing subsidies (page 107) for a total exchange subsidy cost of $1.203 trillion. Medicaid expansion and CHIP spending from Obamacare is projected to cost $792 billion from 2015-2024. A gross total cost of these provisions amounting to $1.995 trillion over this period.

I guess you have been overwhelmed by FOX News propaganda and listening to the comedian Rush Limbaugh . . . Perhaps, you should try to 'understand' this:


I gave you a link to CNBC and quoted The CBO and all you can do is talk about Fox and Limbaugh... WTF are you talking about? Can you even read? Then, to put the icing on the cake, you send a link to The Huffington Post.

Being a liberal must completely rob people of any ability for logical, rational thought.