Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

I gave you a link to CNBC and quoted The CBO and all you can do is talk about Fox and Limbaugh... WTF are you talking about? Can you even read? Then, to put the icing on the cake, you send a link to The Huffington Post.

Being a liberal must completely rob people of any ability for logical, rational thought.

More sour grapes from another delusional conservative.

Face the facts - The Affordable Health Care Act is working.

Being a conservative robs people of thinking for themselves - You are entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.

The CBO only cites projections, NOT FACTS. Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, which is very doubtful.

Until then, keep eating your sour grapes.

Their projections are the best case scenarios. The CBO was loaded with the most conservative known figures and most optimistic models. It will be much worse than that.

The original Medicare hospital insurance program was estimated to cost $9 billion by 1990... Actual spending that year was $67 billion.

The same committee predicted the total medicare program would cost $12 billion in 1990... Actual spending was $110 billion

In 1987, The CBO estimated that medicaid payments would amount to less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost was $17 billion.

Wakeup and learn history. The world did not start on the day you were born. There is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that The CBO report on Obamacare isn't the best case scenario and in reality, it will be much worse than their already dire predictions.

Their projections are the best case scenarios. The CBO was loaded with the most conservative known figures and most optimistic models. It will be much worse than that.

The original Medicare hospital insurance program was estimated to cost $9 billion by 1990... Actual spending that year was $67 billion.

The same committee predicted the total medicare program would cost $12 billion in 1990... Actual spending was $110 billion

In 1987, The CBO estimated that medicaid payments would amount to less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost was $17 billion.

Wakeup and learn history. The world did not start on the day you were born. There is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that The CBO report on Obamacare isn't the best case scenario and in reality, it will be much worse than their already dire predictions.

You continue to hang your hat on the CBO report - Perhaps you need to wake up and do some further reading . . .

This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare


Please try to come better prepared next time.

You continue to hang your hat on the CBO report - Perhaps you need to wake up and do some further reading . . .

This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare


Please try to come better prepared next time.

I never tried to hang my hat on The CBO Report. I present facts combined with the use of logic and reason. I mean, let's be honest, most liberal drones have never even heard of The CBO. All they know is that they want free shit. It was you who said The CBO was just a "projection" and it shouldn't be trusted.

I believe The CBO does indeed try to get it right, but they have to use the data provided to them or what is known at that time. The reality is, they never get it right, and they almost always underestimate the costs... ESPECIALLY WITH HEALTHCARE.

Here is a link that might help you understand...

The problem is, lib-drones crave victory for Democrats over Republicans and lose sight of THE BIG PICTURE and what is good for America.

I never tried to hang my hat on The CBO Report. I present facts combined with the use of logic and reason. I mean, let's be honest, most liberal drones have never even heard of The CBO. All they know is that they want free shit. It was you who said The CBO was just a "projection" and it shouldn't be trusted.

I believe The CBO does indeed try to get it right, but they have to use the data provided to them or what is known at that time. The reality is, they never get it right, and they almost always underestimate the costs... ESPECIALLY WITH HEALTHCARE.

Here is a link that might help you understand...

The problem is, lib-drones crave victory for Democrats over Republicans and lose sight of THE BIG PICTURE and what is good for America.

So now, with your above link, you are trying to tell us that the CBO gets it all wrong with Obamacare? You exhibit a classical conservative aliment - Cherry pick what you think are points to support your opinion and then try to run them out there as factual.

You are clearly confused and stuck in the mud - Your endless talking points have become mute and you and your fellow republicans have no clue of what is good for America. Your 'leaders' have lulled you into thinking they have our country's best interests in mind, when it is the Koch Brothers and other wealthy individuals attempting to run the show for their own benefit. You and many others have been duped by the far right and aren't smart enough to realize it.

Better try next time.

Here is my post.... I ALWAYS said The CBO was wrong, just as you said it was wrong.
You just think it was wrong because it will somehow be better than their projections. I pointed out that historically, when The CBO is wrong, it is almost always wrong because it UNDERESTIMATES the cost.
It is you who have "Cherry-Picked".... First, you discredit The CBO and say that it is only a "projection" when it conflicts with your liberal worldview. Now that you agree with its "projections", you uphold The CBO as The Holy Trinity.
Now,with Koch Brothers rhetoric.... you are a bigger joke than I originally thought. Last time I checked, libs have more rich and powerful contributors than Republicans.

Their projections are the best case scenarios. The CBO was loaded with the most conservative known figures and most optimistic models. It will be much worse than that.

The original Medicare hospital insurance program was estimated to cost $9 billion by 1990... Actual spending that year was $67 billion.

The same committee predicted the total medicare program would cost $12 billion in 1990... Actual spending was $110 billion

In 1987, The CBO estimated that medicaid payments would amount to less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost was $17 billion.

Wakeup and learn history. The world did not start on the day you were born. There is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that The CBO report on Obamacare isn't the best case scenario and in reality, it will be much worse than their already dire predictions.

I am just thankful that there is at least one lib-drone who is willing to stand behind Obamacare, the most destructive, UnAmerican legislation in my lifetime. Almost all your leaders are running from it... fake ass bitches.

I am just thankful that there is at least one lib-drone who is willing to stand behind Obamacare, the most destructive, UnAmerican legislation in my lifetime. Almost all your leaders are running from it... fake ass bitches.

Yet another con punk who doesn't know that denial is not only a river in Egypt.

Here is my post.... I ALWAYS said The CBO was wrong, just as you said it was wrong.
You just think it was wrong because it will somehow be better than their projections. I pointed out that historically, when The CBO is wrong, it is almost always wrong because it UNDERESTIMATES the cost.
It is you who have "Cherry-Picked".... First, you discredit The CBO and say that it is only a "projection" when it conflicts with your liberal worldview. Now that you agree with its "projections", you uphold The CBO as The Holy Trinity.
Now,with Koch Brothers rhetoric.... you are a bigger joke than I originally thought. Last time I checked, libs have more rich and powerful contributors than Republicans.

Their projections are the best case scenarios. The CBO was loaded with the most conservative known figures and most optimistic models. It will be much worse than that.

The original Medicare hospital insurance program was estimated to cost $9 billion by 1990... Actual spending that year was $67 billion.

The same committee predicted the total medicare program would cost $12 billion in 1990... Actual spending was $110 billion

In 1987, The CBO estimated that medicaid payments would amount to less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost was $17 billion.

Wakeup and learn history. The world did not start on the day you were born. There is nothing that would lead anyone to believe that The CBO report on Obamacare isn't the best case scenario and in reality, it will be much worse than their already dire predictions.

As with the case with most conservatives, you tie yourself up in knots and try to confuse the readers, only to end up holding an empty bag. Your rhetoric is nothing more than your opinion that has been weakly disguised as fact.

The only fact you need to know is that the Affordable Health Care Act is here to stay and it will improve as time goes on. Republicans opposed Medicare in the 60's and once again they are on the wrong side of yet another program that helps Americans.

Instead of trying to prove your 'case' with the CBO, you should try to answer why republicans hate Americans.

As with the case with most conservatives, you tie yourself up in knots and try to confuse the readers, only to end up holding an empty bag. Your rhetoric is nothing more than your opinion that has been weakly disguised as fact.

The only fact you need to know is that the Affordable Health Care Act is here to stay and it will improve as time goes on. Republicans opposed Medicare in the 60's and once again they are on the wrong side of yet another program that helps Americans.

Instead of trying to prove your 'case' with the CBO, you should try to answer why republicans hate Americans.

The only confused one is you. First, you discredit The CBO, then you love it.

Medicare? You mean the very same Medicare in which Obamacare stole billions from to fund his signature disaster? Now really.... who is that hates Americans?

The only confused one is you. First, you discredit The CBO, then you love it.

Medicare? You mean the very same Medicare in which Obamacare stole billions from to fund his signature disaster? Now really.... who is that hates Americans?

You took the bait - hook, line and sinker.

I never loved the CBO, but used YOUR own source to discredit your misguided position. See how that works? I wish you where a competitor in my territory selling against me - I would eat your lunch and win Presidents Club every year.

Thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Who wrote this?
The CBO only cites projections, NOT FACTS. Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, which is very doubtful.

Then wrote...
This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare.

Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, "which is very doubtful".

See how your own words come back to haunt you? Doubtful.

Who wrote this?
The CBO only cites projections, NOT FACTS. Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, which is very doubtful.

Then wrote...
This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare.

Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, "which is very doubtful".

See how your own words come back to haunt you? Doubtful.

Once again, you took the bait and got burned by your own source - What part of that do you not understand?

It was YOUR words that came back to bite you.

You aren't very good at this.

Yeah... you're right, you didn't write this:

I hate The CBO...
The CBO only cites projections, NOT FACTS. Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, which is very doubtful.

I love The CBO...
This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare.

Understanding liberals... I'm not very good at this.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.

Yeah... you're right, you didn't write this:

I hate The CBO...
The CBO only cites projections, NOT FACTS. Get back to us if and when they come to fruition, which is very doubtful.

I love The CBO...
This CBO Report Is Another Big Win For Obamacare.

Understanding liberals... I'm not very good at this.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.

You got played by your own source and now you are throwing haymakers in the dark.

You cons really crack me up.

Now, run along before you dig your hole any deeper.

Are you seriously that dumb or are you just playing?

I pointed out that historically, The CBO has always gotten it wrong. They almost always underestimate costs.

You, on the other hand, hate The CBO when you disagree and love it when you agree.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."